Nelson, Sara

Sara Nelson image

Director, Iowa Space Grant Consortium
Director, NASA ESPCoR

Faculty | AERE Faculty Aerospace Engineering College of Engineering Engineering Administration | K12 engineering education K12 teacher engineering education

Perez (she/her), Yamille

Yamille Pérez (she/her) image

Engineering Outreach and Talent Development Manager
Program Delivery Partner for Iowa FIRST LEGO League
State Director for Iowa Science Olympiad

External Staff | Engineering Recruitment and Student Services | Engineering education K12 teacher engineering education

Ajmera, Beena

Beena Ajmera image

Assistant Professor
Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering

Faculty | CCEE Faculty Chemical and Biological Engineering Civil Construction and Environmental Engineering College of Engineering | Engineering education Fundamental behavior of geomaterials from mineralogical and chemical analyses Geotechnical earthquake engineering Ground improvement techniques K12 engineering education K12 teacher engineering education Lightweight cellular concrete Static and dynamic behavior of soils and rocks Static and dynamic laboratory soil testing Use of recycled materials in soil modification

Genalo, Lawrence

Lawrence Genalo image University Professor Emeritus [M S E]

Materials Science and Engineering
Associate Chair

Emeritus Faculty | Materials Science and Engineering MSE Emeritus and Retired Faculty | Engineering education K12 engineering education K12 teacher engineering education