Faculty | CCEE FacultyCivil Construction and Environmental EngineeringCollege of Engineering | Causal InferenceConnected and Autonomous Vehicle SystemsData Analytics and Machine LearningEthicsGeometric Design of HighwaysHuman factorsPractical implementation of advanced statistical approachesStatistical methodsTransportation Safety
Cerwick Faculty Fellow Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering Materials Science and Engineering (Courtesy)
Faculty | CCEE FacultyCivil Construction and Environmental EngineeringInstitute For TransportationMaterials Science and EngineeringMSE Adjunct, Affiliate, Courtesy Appointments | Evaluation of uncertainties involved in aging mechanismsMitigation of disasters in civil infrastructure componentsMulti-hazard condition assessment of deteriorating structural componentsNano-scale investigation of construction and building materialsPractical implementation of advanced statistical approachesReliability of structures under mechanical and environmental stressors