Wood, Jonathan

Jonathan Wood image Assistant Professor [CCE E]
Faculty | CCEE Faculty Civil Construction and Environmental Engineering College of Engineering | Causal Inference Connected and Autonomous Vehicle Systems Data Analytics and Machine Learning Ethics Geometric Design of Highways Human factors Practical implementation of advanced statistical approaches Statistical methods Transportation Safety

Shafei, Behrouz

Behrouz Shafei image Associate Professor [CCE E]

Cerwick Faculty Fellow
Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering
Materials Science and Engineering (Courtesy)

Faculty | CCEE Faculty Civil Construction and Environmental Engineering Institute For Transportation Materials Science and Engineering MSE Adjunct, Affiliate, Courtesy Appointments | Evaluation of uncertainties involved in aging mechanisms Mitigation of disasters in civil infrastructure components Multi-hazard condition assessment of deteriorating structural components Nano-scale investigation of construction and building materials Practical implementation of advanced statistical approaches Reliability of structures under mechanical and environmental stressors