Wickham, Kevin

Kevin Wickham image Systems Analyst II [ENTS]
Staff | Engineering Technology Support | Linux Open source WordPress

Trivedi, Rohit

Rohit Trivedi image Distinguished Professor Emeritus [M S E]

Materials Science and Engineering

Emeritus External Faculty | Materials Science and Engineering MSE Emeritus and Retired Faculty

Ancar, Lequetia

Lequetia Ancar image

Assistant Director, Student Services
Student Success, Engagement, and Leadership Development

Staff | Engineering Student Services

Martin, Brenda

Brenda Martin image Industry Extension Specialist IV [CIRAS]
Staff | Center For Industrial Research and Service

Brown, Barbara

Barbara Brown image Grants Specialist II [LAS]

Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering

Staff | Division Of Finance Finance Delivery Liberal Arts & Sciences Administration

Sayer, Sandy

Sandy Sayer image

Manager of Program Facilities
Mechanical Engineering

Staff | ME Staff Mechanical Engineering

Buehler, Joel

Joel Buehler image

Systems Support Specialist
Mechanical Engineering

Staff | ME Staff Mechanical Engineering

Renfro, Stacy

Stacy Renfro image Associate Director Research Administration [CSAFE]
Staff | Center For Biorenewable Chemicals Center for Statistics and Applications in Forensic Evidence

Nelson, Christine

Christine Nelson image

Make to Innovate Program Coordinator

Staff | AERE Staff Aerospace Engineering

Fagle, Julie

Julie Fagle image Industry Extension Specialist III [CIRAS]
Staff | Center For Industrial Research and Service