Bongi Msekeli Hlabano-Moyo
Email: bhlabano@iastate.edu
Phone: 515-294-5639
Environmental/Water Resources Lab Manager
Research Scientist
137 Town Eng813 Bissell Rd
Ames, IA 50011
137 Town Engr.
813 Bissel Rd.
Ames, IA 50011-1066
- Master of Engineering in Chemical Engineering, 2010-2012.
- Bachelor of Engineering (Honors) in Chemical Engineering, 2003-2008
- Postgraduate Diploma in Business Administration (Cum laude & Best overall graduate), 2016-2017.
- Best overall graduate_PDBA 2017
- NYONI B, FOUDA-MBANGA B.G, HLABANO-MOYO B.M, NTHWANE Y.B, YALALA B, TYWABI-NGEVA Z and HLANGOTHI S.P. The Potential of Agricultural Waste Chars as Low-Cost Adsorbents for Heavy Metal Removal From Water. In: Saini, P. (Ed). (2024). Biosorption Processes for Heavy Metal Removal. IGI Global. https://doi.org/10.4018/979-8-3693-1618-4. [Major contribution: Writing, Review & Editing]
- NYONI B, HLANGOTHI S.P and HLABANO-MOYO B.M (2022) Analysis of pyrolysis process for Spirulina and Scenedesmus microalga in a rotary kiln and the composition of their resultant bio-oils. International Journal of Renewable Energy Research. [Major contribution: Validation, Review & Editing]
- BOTHA E, SMITH N, HLABANO-MOYO B, and BLADERGROEN B.J. (2021) The effect of slurry wet mixing time, thermal treatment, and method of electrode preparation on membrane capacitive deionization performance. Processes (MDPI). [Major contribution: Funding acquisition, Methodology, Validation, Review & Editing]
- HLABANO-MOYO B.M, NKUNA S, SMITH N, CHITIYO L.T. and BLADERGROEN B.J. (2019) CDI Electrode Processing methods and their impact on electrode characteristics. In: 16th IWA leading Edge Conference on Water and Waste water Technologies, Edinburgh, United Kingdom, 10-14 June 2019. [Major contribution: Funding acquisition, Writing & Methodology ]
- MATTHEE F, BIHANNIC M, HLABANO-MOYO B.M and BLADERGROEN B.J. (2018) Membrane Module Development for water recovery from flue gas. In: The 2nd African Membrane Society International Congress (AMSIC-2), Johannesburg, South Africa, 29 July – 1 August 2018. [Major contribution: Methodology & Validation]
- NYONI B, HLABANO-MOYO BM, and CHIMWE C (2016). Using a simulation software to perform energy and exergy analyses of the sulfur-iodine thermochemical process. International Journal of Modelling, Simulation, and Scientific Computing [Validation, Review & Editing].
- HLABANO-MOYO BM and BLADERGROEN BJ (2015) Electro sorption Performance of Sprayed Vs Painted Electrodes. In: CDI&E Conference, Saarbrucken, Germany, 26-29 Oct 2015. [Major contribution: Writing, Methodology]