Leonard Bond
Email: bondlj@iastate.edu
Phone: 515-294-1055
Professor Emeritus, Aerospace Engineering
Courtesy Professor, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering
2245 Howe
537 Bissell Rd.
Ames, IA 50021-1096
- Bond Research Page
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- Bond CV-Short
- Bond CV
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Ph.D. Physics, The City University, London, 1978
B.Sc. Applied Physics (1st Class Honours), The University, London, 1974
Awards and Honors
- Fellow, American Association Advancement Science (AAAS).
- Fellow, Institute of Physics (UK).
- Senior Member, Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE).
- Honorary Professor, Beijing University of Technology (BJUT), 2019.
- Honorary visiting professor, Jiangsu University, 2019.
Undergrad: EM 362 Principles of Nondestructive Testing, EM 362L Nondestructive Evaluation (Laboratory), EM 425 Introduction to Finite Elements.
Graduate: EM 518 Waves in Elastic Solids with Applications to Ultrasonic NDE.
Interest Areas:
- Sensing and material characterization
- High power (nonlinear)
- Sensors harsh environments
Nondestructive Evaluation/Prognostics
- Process monitoring (additive manufacturing
- Aging and degradation characterization
- Novel NDE applications
Selected Publications: (of 450+ pubs. including 81 journals, 19 book chapters, 18 books, 10 patents, 219 conf. proceedings; h-index (Google): 31)
- Koester, L.W., Bond, L.J., Taheri, H., and Collins, P.C. (2019). Non-Destructive Evaluation of additively manufactured metallic parts: in-situ and post deposition, Chapter 18. Additive Manufacturing for the Aerospace Industry, Eds, Francis Froes & Rodney Boyer, Elsevier, pp. 401-418.
- Taheri, H., Kilpatrick, M., Norvallis, M., Harper, W.J., Koester, L.W., Bigelow, T. and Bond, L.J. (2019) Investigation of nondestructive testing methods for friction stir welding, Metals Handbook, Vol. 9, Paper 624, pp. 22.
- Ahmed, A. and Bond L.J. (Volume Editors). (2018). Nondestructive Evaluation of Materials, ASM International Metals Handbook, Vol. 17, 682 pages.
- Ensminger, D. and Bond, L.J. (2011). Ultrasonics: fundamentals, technology, applications, 3rd Revised Edition, CRC Press, Taylor and Francis Group (Boca Raton).
- Koester, L.W., Hossein Taheri, H., Bigelow, T., Collins, P.C., and Bond, L.J. (2018). “Nondestructive Testing for Parts Fabricated Using Additive Manufacturing”, Materials Evaluation, 76 (4), pp. 514-524.
- Bilgunde, P.N. and Bond, L.J. (2018). “Model Assisted approach for Probability of Detection (POD) in High Temperature Ultrasonic NDE using Low Temperature Signals,” Nuclear Technology, 202, pp. 161-172.
- Rubio, F., Bond, L.J., and Blandford E. (2017). “Scaled experiment investigating sonomechanically enhanced inert gas sparging mass transfer,” Nuclear Engineering and Design, Vol. 324, pp. 171-180.
- Taheri, H., Shoaib, M.R.M., Koester, L., Bigelow, T.A., Collins, P.C. and Bond, L.J. (2017). “Powder based additive manufacturing – a review of types of defects, generation mechanisms, detection property evaluation and metrology,” J. Additive and Subtractive Materials Manufacturing, 1 (2) pp. 172-209.
- Pei, N. and Bond, L. (2017). “Comparison of acoustoelastic Lamb wave propagation in stressed plates for different measurement orientations,” The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 142 (10), EL327.
- Liu, Y., Bond, L.J., and Hu, Hui. (2017). “Ultrasonic-attenuation-based technique for ice characterization pertinent to aircraft icing phenomena,” AIAA, Journal, 55 (5) 1602-1609.
- Liu, Y., Chen, W-L., Bond, L.J., and Hu, H. (2017). “An Experimental study of the characteristics of wind-driven surface water flows by using a multi-transducer ultrasonic pulse-echo technique,” Fluids, 29 (1) 012102.
- Pei, N. and Bond L.J. (2016). “Higher order acoustoelastic Lamb wave propagation in stressed plates,” Acoust. Soc. Am. 140 (5) 3824-3843.
- Rubio, F., Blandford, E.D. and Bond, L.J. (2016). “Opportunities for sonoprocessing in advanced nuclear technologies,” Ultrasonics Sonochemistry, 71, pp. 211–222.
- Coble, J., Ramuhalli, P., Bond, L.J., Hines, W., and Upadhyaya, B, (2015). “A review of prognostics and health management applications in nuclear power plants,” J. Prognostics and Health Management, 6 (3) 1-22.
- Chakrapani, S.K., Edwards, R. and Bond, L.J. (2018). “Rayleigh Wave Nondestructive Evaluation (NDE) for Defect Detection and Material Characterization,” Metals Handbook, 17, Nondestructive Evaluation of Materials, eds. A. Ahmed, L. J. Bond (ASM International) pp. 266- 282.