David Lee
Assistant Professor
2333 Howe
517 Bissell Rd.
Ames, IA 50011-1096
Dr. David D. Lee received B.S. and M.S. degrees in mechanical engineering from Pusan National University, Pusan, South Korea. In 2016, he acquired M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in aerospace engineering from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, USA. Before his Ph.D., he worked as a Research Engineer at Hyundai Heavy Industry and LS Industrial Systems from 2000 to 2009. He was also a Postdoctoral Researcher at the Center of Space Research of the University of Texas at Austin, TX, USA, from 2016 to 2018, then currently working as an Assistant Professor of aerospace engineering at Iowa State University, Ames, IA, USA. He is also the Director of Cardinal Space Laboratory and researching space missions based on a CubeSat platform, attitude determination and control (ADCS), and entry, descent, and landing (EDL) of a spacecraft. His research interests include nonlinear model predictive control of the car, drone, and spacecraft feet with various constraints and extended tracking of 3D targets using their point clouds. Links
Ph.D. Aerospace Engineering, University of Michigan, 2016
M.S. Aerospace Engineering, University of Michigan, 2016
M.S. Mechanical Engineering, Pusan National University (South Korea), 2001
B.S. Mechanical Engineering, Pusan National University (South Korea), 1997
Undergraduate: Aer E 433 Spacecraft Dynamics and Control, Aer E 464 Spacecraft Systems.
Graduate: Aer E 574 Optimal Control
Interest Areas:
- Design, development, and operation of a CubeSat Fleet.
- Spacecraft dynamics and control
- Formation flight of CubeSat fleet
- Entry, descending, and landing (EDL) : Mars, ISS sample return
- Nonlinear model predictive control
- Computational solver development
- Attitude control based on geometric mechanics
- Attitude determination filter for spacecraft
- 3D Extended Target Tracking
- Lee, D.Y., Park, H., Romano, M., Cutler, J.W. (2018). “Development and Experimental Validation of a Multi-Algorithmic Hybrid Attitude Determination and Control System for a Small Satellite,” Aerospace Science and Technology, Vol. 78, pp. 494-509.
- Lee, D.Y., Gupta, R., Kalabic, U.V., Di Cairano, S., Bloch, A.M., Cutler, J.W., Kolmanovsky, I.V. (2017). “Geometric Mechanics Based Nonlinear Model Predictive Spacecraft Attitude Control with Reaction Wheels,” Journal of Guidance Control and Dynamics, Vol. 40 Special Issue on Computational Guidance and Control, pp. 309-319.
- Lee, D., Cutler, J.W., Mancewicz, J., Ridley, A.J. (2015). “Maximizing Photovoltaic Power Generation of a Space-dart Configure Satellite,” Acta Astronautica, Vol. 111, pp. 283-299.
- Hwang, J.T., Lee, D.Y., Cutler, J.W., Martins, J.R.R.A. (2014). “Large-Scale Multidisciplinary Optimization of a Small Satellite’s Design and Operation,” Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, Vol. 51, No. 5, pp. 1648-1663.
- Mammarella, M., Lee, D.Y., Park, H., Capello, E., Dentis, M., Guglieri, G. (2019). “Attitude Control of a Small Spacecraft via Tube-Based Model Predictive Control,” Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, pp. 1-18.
- Choi, J.W., Lee, D.Y. (1998). “A Fault Isolation Filter Design Using a Left Eigenstructure Assignment Scheme,” ICASE Journal, Vol. 4, No. 6, pp. 695-702.
- Mammarella, M., Lee, D.Y., Park, H., Capello, E., Dentis, M., Guglieri, G., Romano, M. (2018). “Attitude Control of a Small Spacecraft for Earth Observation via Tube-based Robust Model Predictive Control,” AIAA SPACE and Astronautics Forum and Exposition in Orlando, FL, Sept. 2018.
- Cervettini, G., Park, H., Lee, D.Y., Pastorelli, S., Romano, M. (2018). “Development and Laboratory Experimentation of a Magnetorquer Control System for CubeSat Using a Three-axis Simulator,” AAS/AIAA Astrodynamics Specialist Conference in Snowboard, UT, Aug. 2018.
- Lee, D.Y., Sharma, S., Park, H., Cutler, J.W. “Design and Optimization of a Small Satellite Communication System,” AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting in Kissimmee, FL, Jan. 2018.
- Lee, D., Park, H., Romano, M., Cutler, J.W. (2017). “Design and Validation of Hybrid Attitude Determination and Control System for CubeSat through Hardware-in-the-loop Simulation,” 27th AASAIAA Space Flight Mechanics Meeting in San Antonio, TX, Feb. 2017.
- Lee, D., Gupta, R., Kalabí, U.V., Di Cairano, S., Bloch, A.M., Cutler, J.W., Kolmanovsky, I.V. (2016). “Constrained Attitude Maneuvering of a Spacecraft with Reaction Wheel Assembly by Nonlinear Model Predictive Control,” American Control Conference in Boston, MA, July, 2016.
- Lee, D.Y., Park, H., Cutler, J.W. (2016). “Development of CubeSat Attitude Determination and Control System with Hybrid Control Strategy and its Simulator on SO(3),” 26th AASAIAA Space Flight Mechanics Meeting in Napa, CA, Feb. 2016.
- Hwang, J.T., Lee, D.Y., Cutler, J.W., Martins, J.R.R.A. (2014). “Large-Scale MDO of a Small Satellite using a Novel Framework for the Solution of Coupled Systems and their Derivatives,” 54th AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials Conference in Boston, MA, April, 2014.
- Lee, D.Y., Springmann, J.C., Spangelo, S.C., Cutler, J.W. (2011). “Satellite Dynamics Simulator Development Using Lie Group Variational Integrator,” AIAA Modeling and Simulation Technologies Conference in Portland, OR, Aug. 2011.