Ian Dobson
Email: dobson@iastate.edu
Phone: 515-294-0922
Sandbulte Professor of Engineering
1117 Coover2520 Osborn Dr.
Ames, IA 500111046
Ph.D., Electrical Engineering, Cornell University (1989)
B.A., Mathematics, Cambridge University (1978)
Research Areas
Core Area(s): Electric power and energy systems, Systems and controls
Department’s Strategic Area(s): Energy infrastructure; data, decisions, networks & autonomy
Google Scholar Profile: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=icJvDNsAAAAJ&hl=en
To View and Download Publications: http://iandobson.ece.iastate.edu
- M.R. Kelly-Gorham, P.D.H. Hines, I. Dobson, Ranking the impact of interdependencies on power system resilience using stratified sampling of utility data, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 2024.
- K. Zhou, I. Dobson, Z. Wang, The most frequent N-k line outages occur in motifs that can improve contingency selection, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 2024
- Y. Dai, M. Noebels, R. Preece, M. Panteli, I. Dobson, Risk assessment and mitigation of cascading failures using critical line sensitivities, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 2024.
- B. Cheng, L. Nozick, I. Dobson, Investment planning for earthquake resilient electric power systems considering cascading outages, Earthquake Spectra, 2022.
- I. Dobson, Models, metrics, and their formulas for typical electric power system resilience events, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 2023.
- I. Dobson, S. Ekisheva, How long is a resilience event in a transmission system?: Metrics and models driven by utility data, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 2024
- K. Zhou, J.R. Cruise, C.J. Dent, I. Dobson, L. Wehenkel, Z. Wang, A.L. Wilson, Bayesian estimates of transmission line outage rates that consider line dependencies, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol.36, no.2, March 2021
- N.K. Carrington I. Dobson, Z. Wang, Extracting resilience metrics from distribution utility data using outage and restore process statistics, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol. 36, no. 2, November 2021, pp. 5814-5823.
- K. Zhou, I. Dobson, Z. Wang, A. Roitershtein, A. P. Ghosh, A Markovian influence graph formed from utility line outage data to mitigate large cascades, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol. 35, no. 4, July 2020, pp. 3224-3235.
- A. Ahmad, I. Dobson, Towards using utility data to quantify how investments would have increased the wind resilience of distribution systems, early access 2023, to appear in IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, preprint at https://arxiv.org/abs/2306.06526
Primary Strategic Research Area
Resilient Infrastructures
Applied probability and statisticsblackoutsComplex systemsData AnalysisElectric power systemsNonlinear systemsResilience