Derrick Keith Rollins
Email: drollins@iastate.edu
Phone: 515-294-5516
University Professor Emeritus
1033 Sweeney
618 Bissell Rd.
Ames, IA 50011-1098
Honors and Awards
- 2014 Outstanding Faculty Member, by Interfraternity Council, “Selected as one of ISU’s most outstanding faculty members” (Spring 2014).
- NOBCChE – Joseph N. Cannon Award in Chemical Engineering recognizing honors and achievements in the Chemical Engineering Field (2013)
- Tau Beta Pi MacDonald Mentor Award (2012)
- “Citizen of the Year Award” on behalf of the Men of Omega Psi Phi, Fraternity, Inc., Mu Omicron Graduate Chapter, Des Moines, Iowa (2012)
- AIChE MAC Eminent Engineer Award (2010)
- ISU AIChE Student Chapter, “Come on in, it’s not my office hours,” Award (2008)
- ISU AIChE Student Chapter, “Favorite Faculty Member” Award (2008)
- ISU Tau Beta Pi Eminent Engineer for Membership into the Iowa Alpha Award (2008)
- ISU Engineering Student Council Leadership Award, for significant and lasting contributions to the success of Iowa State engineering students (2007)
- VEISHEA Nomination as Faculty of the Year for the College of Engineering (2007)
- ISU Louis Thompson Distinguished Undergraduate Teaching Award (2007)
- ISU AIChE Student Chapter, “Come on in, it’s not my office hours” Award (2007)
- ISU AIChE Student Chapter, “Favorite Faculty Member” Award (2007)
- ISU Engineering Student Council Leadership Award, for significant and lasting contributions to the success of Iowa State engineering students, 2006, 2007
- ISU AIChE Student Chapter, “Come on in, it’s not my office hours” award, 2006
- American Academy for the Advancement of Science Mentoring Award, 1996
- Iowa State University Presidential Service Award, 2000
- National Science Foundation (NSF) Presidential Faculty Fellows (PFF) Award, 1994
- ISU Foundation Award for Early Achievement in Teaching, 1994
Ph.D. Chemical Engineering, The Ohio State University, 1990 M.S. Statistics, The Ohio State University, 1989 M.S. Chemical Engineering, The Ohio State University, 1987 B.S. Chemical Engineering, University of Kansas, 1979
Interest Areas
Our research interests are in the area of modeling of Types 1 and 2 Diabetes (TTD), developing and aiding Venticular Assist Device (VAD) research, Bin Drying, several areas Informatics, Big Data, Data Mining, and Data Science, Aging Dynamics, Predictive Modeling and Control, and Chemical Vapor Infiltration (CVI), and human thermoregulation (HTR).
- The main thrust of our TTD research is to develop a model that is able to determine behavior profiles that optimize glucose control for particular classes.
- Second, our bioinformatics work is on microarray data mining using Principle Component Analysis (PCA).
- Third, our work in predictive modeling and control is focus mainly on development of sandwich block-oriented-modeling (BOM) such as Wiener model and Hammerstein model. Besides, our work on CVI is mainly on developing lightweight carbon/carbon with high temperature, high strength and low wear properties. Finally, we also work on HTR research that deals with modeling of human core temperature.
- Ghasemi, P., M. Aslani, D. K. Rollins, R. C. Williams, “Principal Component Neural Networks for Modeling, Prediction, and Optimization of Hot Mix Asphalt Dynamics Modulus,” Infrastructures 2019, 4, 53-74.
- Ghasemi, P., M. Aslani, D. K. Rollins, R. C. Williams, “Principal component analysis-based predictive modeling and optimization of permanent deformation in asphalt pavement: elimination of correlated inputs and extrapolation in modeling. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 2019 59(4):1335–1353.
- Yong, M., T. Huynh, R. Khor and D. K. Rollins, “Simulation Studies Comparing Feedback Predictive Control to Model Predictive Control For Unmeasured Disturbances in the Artificial Pancreas Application,” Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement and Control, 2019, 141(9): 091009 (8 pages).
- Rollins, D. K. and Y. Mei, “A new feedback predictive control approach for processes with time delay in the manipulated variable,” Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 2018, 136 806-815.
- Ghasemi, P., M. Aslani, D. K. Rollins, R. C. Williams and V. R. Schaefer, “Modeling Rutting Susceptibility of Asphalt Pavement Using Principal Component Pseudo Inputs in Regression and Neural Networks,” International Journal of Pavement Research and Technology, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijprt.2018.01.003.
- Ghasemi, P., M. Aslani, D. K. Rollins and R. C. Williams, “Principal component analysis-based predictive modeling and optimization of permanent deformation in asphalt pavement: elimination of correlated inputs and extrapolation in modeling,” Journal Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 2018, 1-19.
- Rollins, D. K., “The Importance of Statistical Modeling in Data Analysis Inference,” Chemical Engineering Education, vol. 51, No. 3, Summer 2017.
- Rollins, D. K., Y. Mei, S. D. Loveland, and N. Bhardari, “Block-Oriented Feedforward Control with Demonstration to Nonlinear Parametrized Wiener Modeling,” Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 2016, 109, pp 3978-404.
- Rollins, D. K., A. K. Roggendorf, Y. Khor, Y. Mei, P. Lee and S. Loveland, “Dynamic Modeling With Correlated Inputs: Theory, Method and Experimental Demonstration,” Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2015, 54(7), pp 2136-2144.
- Rollins, D. K., Y. Mei, K. Kotz, E. Littlejohn, L. Quinn, A. K. Roggendorf and A. Cinar, “An Extended Static and Dynamic Feedback/Feedforward Control Algorithm for Insulin Delivery in the Control of Blood Glucose Level,” Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 2015, 54 (26), pp 6734–6748.
- Rollins, D. K. and V. Pankayatselvan “A One-Dimensional PCA Approach for Classifying Imbalanced Data,” J Comput Sci Syst Biol 8: 245-251 (2015).
- Kotz, K., A. Cinar, Y. Mei, A. Roggendorf, E. Littlejohn, L. Quinn and D. K. Rollins, “Multiple-Input Subject-Specific Modeling Of Plasma Glucose Concentration For Feedforward Control,” Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 2014, 53 (47), pp 18216–18225.
- Hald, E. S., R. J. Stoner and D. K Rollins, “Determining Juvenile Cancer Types From Gene Expression Using Gene Contribution and Differential Analysis,” Journal of Medical Statistics and Informatics 2014 2: 2 (2 April 2014).
- Rollins, D. K., L. Beverlin, Y. Mei, K. Kotz, D. Andre, N. Vyas, G. Welk and W. E. Franke, “Development of a Model-Based Noninvasive Glucose Monitoring Device for Non-Insulin Dependent People,” Journal of Bioinformatics and Diabetes, May 10, 2014.
- Teh, A., D. Layton, D. R. Hyduke, L. R. Jarboe and D. K. Rollins, “Data Mining Based on Principal Component Analysis: Application to the Nitric Oxide Response in Escherichia coli (No. JSSA-E20131006-01),” Journal of Statistical Science and Application, 2(1), 1-18 (2014).
- Turksoy, K., E. S. Bayrak, L. Quinn, E. Littlejohn, D. K. Rollins and A. Cinar, “Hypoglycemia Early Alarm Systems Based On Multivariable Models” Industrial &
Engineering Chemistry Research, 52(35) (2013). - Bayrak, E. S., K. Turksoy, A. Cinar, L. Quinn, E. Littlejohn, and D. K. Rollins, “Hypoglycemia Early Alarm Systems Based On Recursive Autoregressive Partial Least Squares Models,” Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology, 7(1) 206-214 (2013).
- Eren-Oruklu, A. Cinar, D. K. Rollins and L. Quinn.”Adaptive System Identification for Estimating Glucose Concentrations and Hypoglycemia Alarms,”Automatica 48(8) 18921897 (2012).
- Rollins, D. K., D. Zhai, N. Bhandari, A. Roggendorf, R. Dua and H. Wu, “Dynamic Predictive Modeling Under Measured and Unmeasured Continuous-Time Stochastic Input Behavior,” Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 51(15) 5469-5479 (2012).
- Rollins, D. K., C. K. Stiehl, K. Kotz, L. C. Beverlin and L. Brasche, “A Performance Measure Based on Principal Component Analysis for Ceramic Armor Integrity,”Review of Progress in Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation, Volume 31B, D. O. Thompson and D, Chimenti, Editors, published by American Institute of Physics, Melville, New York, 19841989 (2012)