Steven (Steve) Kent Mickelson


Charles R. & Jane F. Olsen Professor


605 Bissell Rd
Ames, IA 500111098


Honors and Awards

2023 ASABE Massey-Ferguson Educational Gold Medal Award; 2019 ATMAE Faculty Excellence Award; ASABE Fellow, 2018; 2017 ISU Award for Department Leadership; 2017 ASABE James Gilley Academic Leadership Award; 2015 ISU College of Agriculture and Life Sciences Dean’s Citation Award; Georgian Technical University, Honorary Degree, 2015; ISU Corly Brooke Learning Community Advocate Award, 2015; ISU Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering Chair’s Faculty Citation Award, 2009 ISU Scholarship Award for Exemplary Contributions to ISU Learning Communities, 2008 College of Agriculture Learning Community Coordinator Recognition, 2007 ISU Scholarship Award for Exemplary Contributions to ISU Learning Communities, 2007 Sesquicentennial Hubbard Award Finalist for teaching excellence, 2007 Jack Everly Journal Award, North American Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture, Best Published Paper Award, 2005 Superior Engineering Advisor Award, College of Engineering, 2004; ISU Outstanding Innovation Award in Learning Communities, 2004

Interest Areas

Dr. Mickelson’s research focuses on the evaluation of agricultural best management practices for determining their effectiveness in reducing chemical and soil losses to surface water bodies. More recent projects have focused on the effectiveness of vegetative buffer strips in improving the water quality in surface runoff from rowcrop fields, cattle grazed paddocks, and composting pads. He also conducts research related to the scholarship of teaching and learning, focusing on effective classroom techniques for engaging students in learning.
Learn more about Dr. Mickelson’s programs:


Administration, Research, & Teaching


Digital Repository Page

Primary Strategic Research Area

Engineering Education




