Frank Peters
C. G. “Turk” and Joyce A. Therkildsen Professor, Associate Professor
Industrial & Manufacturing Systems Engineering
Director, Study Abroad Center
3024 Black Engineering and 281 Parks Library
Interest Areas
Schimpf, D.# and F. Peters, “Variogram Roughness Method for Casting Surface Characterization,” accepted by International Journal of Metalcasting Khorasani A.,# F. Peters, and I. Rivero, “Effect of direct metal deposition (DMD) parameters and laser remelting on surface quality of 316L stainless steel,” SME Journal of Manufacturing Processes Voelker, C. Mackenzie and F. Peters, “A probabilistic model to estimate visual inspection error for metalcastings given different training and judgment types, environmental and human factors, and percent of defects,” SME Journal of Manufacturing Systems, vol. 48, Part A, July 2018. Wang, D.,# F. Peters, and M. Frank, “A Semiautomatic, Cleaning Room Grinding Method for the Metalcasting Industry,” ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, vol. 139, December 2017. Barnawal, P.,# M.C. Dorneich, M. Frank, and F. Peters, “Technical Brief: Evaluation of Design Feedback Modalities in Design for Manufacturability,” Journal of Mechanical Design, vol. 139, no. 9, July 2017. Voelker, M.# and F. Peters, “Development of a Digital Standard to Specify Surface Requirements of Cast Metal Surfaces,” ASTM Materials Performance and Characterization, vol. 6, no. 2, May 2017. Zhu, S.,# C.J. Magnussen,# E.L. Judd, +C. Frank and F. E. Peters, “Automated Composite Fabric Layup for Wind Turbine Blades,” ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, Vol. 139, No. 6, pp. 061001-061001-10, January 2017. Peters, F., R. Stone, K. Watts, P. Zhong, and A. Clemons, “Visual Inspection of Casting Surfaces,” AFS Transactions, 2013. Daricilar, G., and F. Peters, “Assessment of Measurement Error for Visual Surface Inspections,” International Journal of Metalcasting, 5, No. 3, pp. 7-15, Summer 2011. Rajashekhar, S., F. Peters, and P. Molian, “Geometric Variability and Surface Finish of Weld Zones in Yb:YAG Laser Welded Advanced High Strength Steels,” SME Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 12, No. 2, pp.73-84, August 2010. Peters, F., R. Voigt, S. Ou, and C. Beckermann, [2007] “Effect of Mold Expansion on Pattern Allowances in Sand Casting of Steel”, International Journal of Cast Metals Research, 20, pp. 275-287. Ryan, S.M., J. Jackman, F. Peters, S. Olafsson, M. Huba, [2004] “The Engineering Learning Portal for Problem Solving: Experience in a Large Engineering Economy Class,” The Engineering Economist, 49, pp. 1-20. VanVoorhis, T., F. Peters, and D. Johnson, [2001] “Developing Software for Generating Pouring Schedules for Steel Foundries,” Computers & Industrial Engineering, 39, pp. 219-234. Sangnui, S. and F. Peters, “The Impact of Surface Errors on the Location and Orientation of a Cylindrical Workpiece in a Fixture,” [2001] ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 123, pp. 325-330.