Lawrence Genalo
Materials Science and Engineering
Associate Chair
2220 Hoover528 Bissell Rd.
Ames, IA 500111096
Lawrence J. Genalo is a University Professor of Materials Science and Engineering, Associate Chair of the department, and an award-winning teacher who obtained his Ph.D. degree from Iowa State University in 1977 in applied mathematics with an emphasis in systems engineering. He has received numerous teaching awards including the ISU Foundation Career Achievement in Teaching Award in 1995, the Regents Faculty Excellence Award in 1996, several college and department awards over the years, and most recently was named a Fellow of the American Society for Engineering Education in 2012. He ran a summer research internship program for high school girls, originally funded by NSF and then institutionalized at ISU. Since he began it in 1996 he has directed an engineering literacy program, called Toying With TechnologySM, aimed at current and future K-12 teachers and their students. Dr. Genalo also serves on the advisory boards for the minority program in engineering, the Program for Women in Science and Engineering at Iowa State, the Science Center of Iowa, and serves the ISU Honors Program as a Faculty Affiliate. In the early 1980s Dr. Genalo helped create and has since taught the course that is now known as ENGR 160.
- Ph.D. Applied Math/Systems Engineering, Iowa State University, 1977
- M.S. Applied Math, Iowa State University, 1974
- B.A. Math, Hofstra University, 1971
Interest Areas
- Engineering education
- K-12 teacher education in engineering
- K-12 student outreach
- Engineering research integrated with K-12 engineering education
- Tan, K.K., Genalo, L.J., Verner, I., The International Journal of Engineering Education, Special Issue on Outreach in Engineering Education, Vol 25-3, 2009.
- Genalo, L.J., Christensen, H.P., Watkins, S.E., The International Journal of Engineering Education, Vol 23, Numbers 1 and 5, Second Special Issues on K12 Engineering Education, 2007.
- L.S. Chumbley, J. Kreiser, C. Fisher*, J. Craft*, M. Morris, L. Genalo, S. Davis*, D. Faden*, J. Kidd*, “Validation of Toolmark Comparisons Obtained Using a Quantitative, Comparative, Statistical Algorithm,” Journal of Forensic Science, Vol 55, issue, p 953-961, July, 2010.
- D. Faden*, J. Kidd*, J. Craft*, L.S. Chumbley, M. Morris, L. Genalo, J. Kreiser, S. Davis*, “Statistical Confirmation of Empirical Observations Concerning Toolmark Striae,” AFTE Journal, 39, 3, 205-214, Summer 2007.
- Genalo, L.J., “Toying With Technology: Engineering as Integrative Context for Science and Mathematics Education,” Proceedings of the SITE Annual Conference, March, 2005.
- Genalo, L.J., Schmidt, D., Schiltz, M., “Piaget and Engineering Education,” Proceedings of the ASEE Annual Conference, June, 2004.
- Genalo, L.J., “Engineering as Context for K-12 Science, Mathematics, and Technology Education,” Proceedings of the ASEE Annual Conference, June, 2003.
- Genalo, L. J., Wright C. T., Wright K. B., “Toying with Technology in Elementary Education,” Proceedings of the Frontiers in Education Annual Conference, on CD – Session # S4H, November, 1998.
- Genalo, L.J., Athreya, K.A., Dieterich, A.K., “Internet Explorers: An NSF Sponsored Internship,” Proceedings of the ASEE Annual Conference, on CD – Session # 1692, June 1998.
- Genalo, L.J. and Wilson, D.G., “Multimedia Engineering Courseware,” International Journal of Engineering Education, Vol. 12, No. 6, pp. 428-432, 1996.
- Genalo, L. J. and Dewey, B. R., “What if: Spreadsheets for engineering freshmen,” COED Journal, Spring 1989.
- Genalo, L. J., “Financing the enhancement of the computer environment,” The International Journal of Applied Engineering Education, Vol. 4, No. 4, 1988.
- Genalo, L. J., “Design analysis in the freshman engineering problems course,” The Engineering Design Graphics Journal, Vol. 50, No. 3, pp. 19-22, Autumn issue 1986.
- Pierson, B. L. and Genalo, L. J., “Minimum weight design of an aircraft panel subject to a flutter speed constraint,” Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, Vol. 10, No. 1, pp. 45-62, 1977.