Halil Ceylan
Pitt-Des Moines, Inc. Endowed Professor in Civil Engineering (CCEE)
Director, Program for Sustainable Pavement Engineering and Research (PROSPER)
ISU Site Director, Partnership to Enhance General Aviation Safety, Accessibility and Sustainability (PEGASAS),
FAA Center of Excellence on General Aviation
Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECpE) (Courtesy)
410 Town Engr
813 Bissell Rd
Ames, IA 50011-1066
- Chair, Pavements Committee, Geo-Institute (GI), ASCE
- Chair, Uncrewed Aircraft Systems Committee, Transportation and Development Institute (T&DI), ASCE
- Associate Editor, ASCE Journal of Transportation Engineering Part B: Pavements
- ICE Proceedings Journal ‘Construction Materials’
- Editorial Board Member/Editor, Journal of Data Analysis and Information Processing
- Editorial Board Member/Editor/Assessor, ICE Journal Infrastructure Asset Management
- Editorial Board Member/Editor, International Journal of Mechanics and Solids
- Editorial Board Member/Editor, Baltic Journal of Road and Bridge Engineering
- 2025 American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Francis C. Turner Award (“for significantly advancing transportation engineering, focusing on smart, sustainable, durable, and resilient infrastructure systems. He is nationally and internationally recognized as a leader, innovator, educator, mentor, role model, prolific author, and presenter, impacting both research and practice”). PROSPER’s Ceylan receives highest honor in transportation engineering. Halil Ceylan announced as 2025 recipient of the Francis C Turner Award.
- University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign (UIUC) Chi Epsilon Chapter Honor Member, “A chapter honor member is an outstanding individual that has made an impact in the field of Civil Engineering and the lives of students.” To be featured in XE 101, Volume 3, which will be published in late Spring 2025.
- 2024 Transportation Research Board (TRB) Roy W. Crum Award “He is recognized for his distinguished career in civil, transportation, and pavement engineering marked by exemplary leadership, numerous outstanding achievements, and significant contributions to the performance and production of fundamental and developmental transportation-related research.”
- 2023 American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Robert Horonjeff Award, “Recognizes outstanding achievements in and contributions to the advancement of the field of air transportation engineering.”
- 2022 University of Illinois Alumni Achievement Award, “the highest honor conferred by the University of Illinois Alumni Association (UIAA) on behalf of the University. This award is presented to alumni who have attained outstanding success and national or international distinction in their chosen profession or life’s work.”
- 2022 Class of Distinguished Member, American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), “Distinguished Membership is the highest honor ASCE can bestow. A Distinguished Member is a person who has attained eminence in some branch of engineering or in the arts and sciences related thereto, including the fields of engineering education and construction. The total number of Distinguished Members elected in any year should not exceed 12”, to be inducted at the ASCE 2022 Annual Convention on October 23-26, 2022, in Anaheim, CA. Dr. Ceylan is only one of the 10 people elected to ASCE Distinguished Membership from 150,000 plus ASCE members worldwide in 2022. Founded in 1852, ASCE is the nation’s oldest engineering society. (News story about Dr. Ceylan being elected to ASCE Distinguished Member).
- Fellow, Engineering Entrepreneurship Initiative
- Innovation Initiative Focus Technology, American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO), Electrically Conductive Concrete Heated Pavement System, “AASHTO selects highly valuable technologies, processes, software, or other innovations that have been adopted by at least one agency, are proven in use, and will be of significant benefit to other agencies”, January 2022.
- AASHTO’s 2022 High Value Research Award. Self-Heating Electrically Conductive Concrete Demonstration Project.
- Endowed Professorship, Pitt-Des Moines, Inc. Professor in Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering at ISU, “This is truly a well-deserved recognition of your outstanding contributions and commitment to the Department of Civil, Construction, and Environmental Engineering, the College of Engineering, and Iowa State,” July 2021.
- Fellow, American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), “ASCE Fellows have made celebrated contributions and developed creative solutions that change lives around the world. It is a prestigious honor held by 3% of ASCE members”, April 2021. Ceylan now honored as Fellow (ASCE’s Announcement) Ceylan elected to ASCE Fellow (Institute for Transportation News Story at ISU)
- 2021 American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) James Laurie Prize, for “Significantly advancing transportation engineering with his career contributions in smart, sustainable and resilient transportation infrastructure systems” to be hosted at the joint event of the ASCE International Conference on Transportation and Development (ICTD) and the ASCE International Airfield and Highway Pavements Virtual Conference on June 8-10, 2021. The James Laurie Prize was established by the ASCE on October 1, 1912, and is named in honor of the first president of the ASCE. The prize is now awarded on the basis of making definite contributions to the advancement of transportation engineering in research, planning, design or construction. Dr. Ceylan is the first recipient of this award from the state of Iowa. Halil Ceylan Receives the James Laurie Prize (ASCE’s Announcement) Ceylan receives 2021 Laurie Prize (College of Engineering News Story at ISU) PROSPER’s Ceylan receives 2021 Laurie Prize from ASCE (Institute for Transportation News Story at ISU)
- 2021 University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC) Civil and Environmental Engineering Alumni Association (CEEAA) Distinguished Alumnus Award, “Recognizing only the best and most outstanding alumni from the CEE department at UIUC”. PROSPER’s Ceylan recognized as University of Illinois Distinguished Alumni (Institute for Transportation News Story at ISU)
- TechConnect 2019 Innovation Award, “Electrically conductive construction materials for resistive heating applications” TechConnect World Innovation Conference & Expo, Boston, June 17-19, 2019. (The TechConnect Innovation Awards identify the top 15% of submitted technologies as ranked by the TechConnect Corporate & Investment Partner Committee. Innovation rankings are based on the potential positive impact the submitted technology will have on a specific industry sector. Innovations are submitted from global academic technology transfer offices, early-stage companies, small business innovative research (SBIR) awardees, and government and corporate research laboratories).
- 2019 FAA Partnership to Enhance General Aviation Safety, Accessibility and Sustainability (PEGASAS) Center of Excellence Jimenez Faculty/Researcher Award, “This award recognizes individuals who lead PEGASAS projects in a PI or co-PI role in an exemplary manner”, FAA PEGASAS Annual Meeting, the Ohio State University, Ohio, June 4-6, 2019.
- 2018 Award for Mid-Career Achievement in Research, “The award recognizes a tenured or tenure-track faculty member who has demonstrated exemplary research performance or scholarship accomplishments as documented by peers or experts in the field.” Iowa State University.
- 2018 Margaret Ellen White Graduate Faculty Award, “Established by a long-time staff member of the Graduate College, the award recognizes superior performance by a member of the graduate faculty in enriching the student-professor relationship and enabling students to finish their work in a timely and scholarly manner” Graduate College, Iowa State University.
- 2014 Charles W. Schafer Award for Excellence in Teaching, Research, and Service in the CCEE at ISU.
- Outstanding Student Organization Advisor Award – “in recognition of outstanding contributions by a student organization advisor,” The Student Activities Center and VEISHEA, ISU, April 2010.
- Best Paper Award (2nd place) for Novel Smart Engineering System Design, International Conference on ANNs in Engineering, ANNIE 2005, St. Louis, Missouri, November 5-8, 2005.
- 2005 Wakonse Fellow – In recognition of dedication and outstanding contributions for improving teaching and learning at ISU.
- 2005 Charles W. Schafer Award for Excellence in Teaching, Research, and Service in the CCEE at ISU.
- Best Paper Award for Novel Smart Engineering System Design, International Conference on ANNs in Engineering, ANNIE 2004, St. Louis, Missouri, November 7-10, 2004.
- ExCEEd Fellow, Excellence in Civil Engineering Education, ASCE, July 2004.
- Paul F. Kent Research Fellowship, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1997-2002.
- Scholarship for graduate study abroad, Izmir Institute of Technology, 1993-1997.
- College of Engineering Top Ranked High Honor Graduate and Valedictorian, Dean’s Special Award, BS, Dokuz Eylul University, 1989.
- Civil Engineering Department Top Ranked High Honor Graduate and Valedictorian, Departmental of Civil Engineering Special Award, BS, Dokuz Eylul University, 1989.
- Ph.D. Civil Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2002
- M.S. Civil Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1995
- B.S. Civil Engineering, Dokuz Eylul University, Izmir, Turkey, 1989
Major Research Experience and Areas of Expertise and Interest
- Analysis and design of transportation infrastructure systems
- Performance modeling of paved and unpaved roads
- Advanced testing and characterization of pavement/geomaterials (including concrete, asphalt, soils, aggregates, recycled materials, etc.)
- Sustainable construction materials and technologies
- Sustainable and resilient transportation infrastructure systems
- Geotechnical aspects of pavement systems
- Use of unmanned aircraft vehicles and systems (UAVs/UAS/Drones) in transportation infrastructure systems
- Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) applications in engineering
- Intelligent Infrastructure Systems
- Heated pavements using conductive concrete and asphalt
- Use of recycled materials in transportation infrastructure systems
- Bituminous surface treatment techniques, including Otta seal, Cape seal, etc.
- Geomaterials stabilization (including the use of nontraditional stabilizers (e.g., lignin-rich co-products))
- Roller-compacted concrete (RCC) pavement technology
- Non-destructive testing and evaluation of transportation infrastructure systems
- Advanced tools for analyzing Falling/Heavy Weight Deflectometer (FWD/HWD) data
- Characterization of unbound materials (soils/aggregates) for mechanistic-empirical pavement analysis and design
- Impact of curling and warping on concrete pavement performance
- Impacts of overweight implements of husbandry/superloads on pavement systems
- Local calibration of Mechanistic-Empirical Pavement Design Guide (MEPDG)/DARWin-ME/AASHTOWare Pavement ME
- Superhydrophobic and icephobic coatings
- Impact of climate on pavement performance
- Life cycle cost analysis of transportation infrastructure systems
- Life cycle assessment of transportation infrastructure systems
Research Projects
Dr. Ceylan has been involved with 145 research studies worth more than $27.2 million in project funds since 2002, sponsored by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP), National Science Foundation (NSF), Strategic Highway Research Program 2 (SHRP 2), Portland Cement Association (PCA), Roller Compacted Concrete Pavement Council, various state departments of transportation and research boards, among others.
14. Field Performance of Fiber-Reinforced Concrete Overlays. IHRB
13. Effect of Vibration on Concrete Mixtures. IHRB
11. Use of Roller Compacted Concrete for Paved Shoulders. Iowa DOT and IHRB
10. Base Stabilization Additives Effect on Granular Equivalency (GE), Phase II. MnDOT
8. Base Stabilization of Iowa Granular Roads Using Recycled Plastics. Iowa DOT and IHRB
6. Iowa Granular Road Structural Design Tool. Iowa DOT and IHRB
4. Use of Carbon Dioxide for Sustainable and Resilient Concrete Pavements. MnDOT and NRRA
3. Best Practices for Joint Sawing. Iowa DOT and IHRB
1. Use of Plastics in Road Materials. LRRB
Completed Research
- Concrete Grinding Residue: Its Effect on Roadside Vegetation and Soil Properties, MnDOT
- Pilot Performance Considerations for Sensor Technologies, FAA
- Concrete Overlay Performance on Iowa’s Roadways TR-698 Phase 2B: Optimized Joint Spacing for Concrete Overlays With and Without Structural Fiber Reinforcement: Field Demonstration and Verification, IHRB
- Concrete Overlay Performance on Iowa’s Roadways, Phase 2A: Optimized Joint Spacing for Concrete Overlays With and Without Structural Fiber Reinforcement: Field and Analytical Investigations, IHRB
- Biofuel Co-Product Stabilized Unpaved Roads, Midwest Transportation Center (MTC)
- Airport Safety Database & Analysis, FAA
- Prevention of Longitudinal Cracking in Iowa Widened Concrete Pavement, IHRB
- Concrete Overlay Performance on Iowa’s Roadways, Phase 1: Development of a Performance Data-based Report, IHRB
- Machine Vision Based Roadway Health Monitoring and Assessment, MTC
- LED Lighting: Hot/Cold Performance Testing – LED Lighting Related Pavement Temperature Performance, FAA
- Implementing a Multiple-Slab Response Model for Top-Down Cracking Mode in Rigid Airport Pavements, FAA
- Standard Definitions for Comparable Pavement Cracking Data, NCHRP
- Investigation of AASHTOWare Pavement ME Design/Darwin-ME Performance Prediction Models for Iowa Pavement Analysis and Design, Iowa DOT
- Development and Evaluation of a Portable Device for Measuring Curling and Warping in Concrete Pavements, MTC
- Impacts of Internally Cured Concrete Paving on Contraction Joint Spacing, IHRB
- Evaluation of Otta Seal Surfacing for Low-volume Roads in Iowa, IHRB
- Use of Ground Penetrating Radar Technology for Critical Civil Infrastructure Assessment and Management, Institute for Physical Research and Technology (IPRT)
- Use of Ground Penetrating Radar for Highway Investigations, IPRT
- Energy and Financial Viability of Heated Airport Pavements, FAA
- Evaluating Roadway Subsurface Drainage Practices – Phase II, IHRB
- Development of Asphalt Dynamic Modulus Master Curve Using Falling Weight Deflectometer (FWD) Measurements, IHRB
- Biofuel Co-Product Use for Pavement Geo-Materials Stabilization: Phase II – Extensive Lab Characterization and Field Demonstration, IHRB and Iowa DOT
- International Collaboration for Development of Bio-Inspired Sensing Solutions: A Sensory Membrane for Energy Harvesting, ISU Council on International Programs
- Development of a Wireless MEMS Multifunction Sensor System and Field Demonstration of Embedded Sensors for Monitoring Concrete Pavements, IHRB
- Evaluating Roadway Subsurface Drainage Practices, IHRB
- Optimizing Pavement Base, Subbase, and Subgrade Layers for Cost and Performance on Local Roads, IHRB
- Improving the Accuracy and Usability of Iowa Falling Weight Deflectometer Data, Iowa DOT
- Calibration of Pavement Performance Models for the Mechanistic-Empirical Pavement Design Guide, Iowa DOT
- Mechanistic Design Guide Calibration for Pavement Rehabilitation, Oregon DOT
- Concrete Pavement Mixture Design and Analysis, FHWA/Transportation Pooled Fund Study
- Sensitivity Evaluation of MEPDG (Mechanistic-Empirical Pavement Design Guide) Performance Prediction, NCHRP
- Embedded Micro-Electromechanical Sensors and Systems (MEMS) for Monitoring Highway Structures and for Infrastructure Management, IHRB
- Nondestructive Testing to Identify Delaminations between Pavement Layers, Strategic Highway Research Program (SHRP II)
- Impact of Low Shrinkage Mixes on Late-age Random Cracking in Pavements with Use of Early Entry Sawing, IHRB
- Effects of Implements of Husbandry “Farm Equipment” on Pavement Performance, FHWA/Transportation Pooled Fund Study
- Ethanol Plant By-Product Uses for Pavement Geo-Materials Stabilization, IHRB
- Effect of Admixtures on Roller-Compacted Concrete Mixes, Portland Cement Association (PCA)
- Development of a Device for Analysis of Portland Cement Concrete and Composite Pavement, FHWA, and Iowa DOT
- Identification of Practices, Design, Construction, and Repair Using Trenchless Technology, IHRB
- Nondestructive Evaluation of Iowa Pavements – Phase II, Iowa DOT
- Utility Cut Repair Techniques to Reduce Settlement in Repaired Areas, Phase II, IHRB
- IMR-MIP (Instrumentation for Materials Research – Major Instrumentation Projects): DANSE – Distributed Data Analysis for Neutron Scattering Experiments CNST, National Science Foundation (NSF)
- Characterizing Voids and Sorptivity of Roller Compacted Concrete to Access the Frost Durability, PCA
- Validation of Pavement Performance Models for the Mechanistic-Empirical Pavement Design Guide, Iowa DOT
- Existing Pavement Input Information for the Mechanistic-Empirical Pavement Design Guide, Iowa DOT
- Characterization of Unbound Materials (Soils/Aggregates) for Mechanistic-Empirical Pavement Design Guide, Iowa DOT
- Performance Evaluation of Concrete Pavement Granular Subbase, Iowa DOT
- Performance Evaluation of Rubblized Pavements in Iowa, IHRB
- Investigation of Electro-Magnetic Gauges for Determination of In-Place Density of HMA Pavements, IHRB
- Study Assessing the Impact to Concrete Pavement Smoothness from Curling, Warping and Other Early-Age Behavior – Early, Frequent, and Detailed (EFD) – Phase II Research, FHWA
- Determination of the Effect of Ordinary Portland Cement Fineness on ASTM C1260 Expansion, PCA
- Design Guide for Improved Quality of Roadway Subgrade and Subbases, IHRB
- Independent Review of the Recommended Mechanistic-Empirical Pavement Design Guide and Software – New PCC Pavements, NCHRP
- Study Assessing the Impact to Concrete Pavement Smoothness from Curling, Warping and other Early-Age Behavior – Early, Frequent, and Detailed (EFD) – Phase I Research, FHWA
- Impacts of Overweight Implements of Husbandry on Minnesota Roads and Bridges, MnDOT
- AASHTO 2002 Pavement Design Guide Implementation Plan, IHRB
- Long Term Performance Evaluation of Concrete Pavements, FHWA
- Design and Construction Procedures for Concrete Overlay and Widening of Existing Pavements, IHRB
- Material and Construction Optimization for Prevention of Premature Pavement Distress in PCC Pavements, Phases I and II, FHWA/Transportation Pooled Fund
- Rehabilitation of Concrete Pavements Utilizing Rubblization and Crack and Seat Methods, IHRB
Graduate & Undergraduate Student/Postdoc/Research Scientist/Visiting Scholar Supervision and Mentoring
- Supervised/supervising 17 professional staff/ post-doctoral research associates/visiting scholars, 44 Ph.D., 28 MS, 2 ME, and 72 undergraduate/graduate students (in research supported) at ISU; 32 Ph.D. students, 27 MS, and 1 ME students graduated; 76 honors and awards received by students (advised/mentored) and professional & scientific staff.
Six edited books, four invited book chapters, 172 refereed journal articles, 174 invited lectures and presentations (38 at universities and 136 at technical conferences and meetings), 187 fully refereed conference papers published/in-print or accepted, three peer reviewed Geotechnical Special Publications (GSPs), 81 fully refereed technical reports, 58 non-refereed conference papers and report, 122 contributed technical presentations for international, national, and regional conferences, and 4 journal articles are currently under review. The peer-reviewed papers in journals and conference proceedings and the books edited or co-edited are listed below. For a full list of publications by Dr. Ceylan and his research team, please visit Dr. Ceylan’s Google Scholar page at: https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=RbA-GOgAAAAJ&view_op=list_works&sortby=pubdate
Peer-Reviewed Papers in Journals (In Print or Accepted)
172. Hasheminezhad, A. (§), Ceylan, H., Kim, S., and Tutumluer, E. (2025). “Evaluation of 3D-Printed Model Geogrids and Composite Geosynthetics Made from Recycled Plastics: Bridging Laboratory Insights with Field Performance” the Construction and Building Materials (Accepted)
171. Alsheyab, M. A. (§), Yang, B., Ceylan, H., and Kim, S. (2025). “Comparative Analysis of Performance and Cost of Chemical Stabilizers for Iowa Granular Roads: Field and Lab Evaluation,” the Transportation Research Record (TRR): Journal of the Transportation Research Board (Accepted).
170. Koh, Y. (§), Ceylan, H., Kim, S. and Cho, I. H. (2025). “Enhancing Jointed Plain Concrete Pavement Performance Analysis Through Remote Data Collection On Oversize/ Overweight Vehicles: Evaluating Damage Costs And Reduced Service Life” the International Journal of Pavement Engineering, Vol. 26, No. 1, 2457040.
169. Hasheminezhad, A. (§), Ceylan, H., and Kim, S. (2024). “Sustainability Promotion through Asphalt Pavements: A Review of Existing Tools and Innovations,” Sustainable Materials and Technologies 42, e01162.
168. Rahman, M. L. (§), Malakooti, A., Ceylan, H., Kim, S., and Taylor, P. C. (2024). “Evaluating Full-Scale Electrically-Conductive Concrete Heated-Pavement Systems to Identify Key Design Parameters,” the ASCE Journal of Transportation Engineering, Part B: Pavements (Accepted).
167. Hasheminezhad, A. (§), Ceylan, H., and Kim, S. (2024). “Advances in Innovative Sustainable Transportation Geotechnics,” the Transportation Geotechnics, 101397.
166. Hasheminezhad, A. (§), King, D. (§), Ceylan, H., and Kim, S. (2024). “Comparative Life Cycle Assessment of Natural and Recycled Aggregate Concrete: A Review,” the Science of The Total Environment, Vol. 950, 175310.
165. Koh, Y. (§), Ceylan, H., Kim, S. and Cho, I. H. (2024). “Multivariate Life Cycle Cost Analysis Related to Fatigue Cracking in Jointed Plain Concrete Pavements Subjected to Superloads,” ASCE Journal of Transportation Engineering, Part B: Pavements, 151 (1), 04024053.
164. Sourav, A. (§), Ceylan, H., Brooks, C., Dobson, R., Kim, S., Peshkin, D., and Brynick, M. (2024). “Use of small Unmanned Aircraft Systems in Airfield Pavement Inspection: Implementation and Potential,” International Journal of Pavement Engineering, 25 (1), 2401630.
163. Sengun, E. (§), Kim, S., and Ceylan, H. (2024). “Design of Roller-Compacted Pavement for Stacked Containers: Analyzing Critical Load Arrangement, Establishing Transfer-Functions, and Developing a Preliminary Design Chart,” Steel and Composite Structures (Accepted)
162. Hasheminezhad, A. (§), Nazari, Z., Yang, B., Ceylan, H., and Kim, S. (2024). “A Comprehensive Review of Sustainable Solutions for Reusing Wind Turbine Blade Waste Materials,” Journal of Environmental Management, Volume 366, 121735.
161. Jibon, M. (§), Sourav, A., Mahedi, M., Kim, S., Ceylan, H., and Velasquez, R. (2024). “Heavy Rainfall and Moisture Susceptibility of Pavement Foundation: A Case Study Coupling Finite Element Method and MnROAD Moisture Monitoring Data,” the Transportation Geotechnics, Volume 48, 101312.
160. Mahedi, M., Rajewski, D., Ceylan, H., Kim, S., Takle, E. S., and Cho, I-H. (2024). “Have Climate Change and Warmer Winters Altered Freeze-thaw Events?” Transportation Geotechnics, Vol. 46, 101250.
159. Rahman, M. L. (§), Ceylan, H., Kim, S., and Taylor, P.C. (2024). “Influence of Electrode Placement Depth on Thermal Performance of Electrically Conductive Concrete: Significance of Threshold Voltage for Long-Term Stability,” the Construction and Building Materials 412, 134883.
158. Hasheminezhad, A. (§), Farina, A., Yang, B. (§), Ceylan, H., Kim, S., Tutumluer, E., Cetin, B. (2024). “The Utilization of Recycled Plastics in the Transportation Infrastructure Systems: A Comprehensive Review,” the Construction and Building Materials, 411, 134448.
157. Koh, Y. (§), Ceylan, H., Kim, S. and Cho, I. H. (2024). “An Artificial Intelligence Based Approach for Predicting Structural Damages of Paved Road Systems under Superloads,” the Construction and Building Materials, 411, 134257.
156. Sengun, E. (§), Kim, S., and Ceylan, H. (2024). “A Comparative Study on Structural Design of Plain and Roller-Compacted Concrete for Heavy-Duty Pavements,” the Road Materials and Pavement Design, 25 (2), 392-422.
155. Citir, N. (§), Kaya, O., Ceylan, H., Kim, S. and Waid, D. (2023). “Estimating Local Pavement Performance and Remaining Service Interval using the Neural Networks-based Models and Automation Tool,” the Road Materials and Pavement Design, 25 (9), 2001-2035.
154. Jibon, M. (§), Mahedi, M., Yang, B., Ceylan, H., and Kim, S. (2023). “Evaluating and Modeling Aggregate Loss of Otta Seal for Low-volume Roads,” Construction and Building Materials, Vol. 398, 132467.
153. Rahman, M. L. (§), Malakooti, A. (§), Ceylan, H., Kim, S., and Taylor, P.C. (2023). “Identifying the Best Mixing Procedure Practice for Ready-mix Concrete Plant Production of Carbon Fiber Reinforced Electrically Conductive Concrete,” International Journal of Pavement Engineering, Vol. 24, Issue 1, 2225119
152. Citir, N. (§), Gopisetti, P. (§), Ceylan, H., and Kim, S. (2023). “Evaluating the Impact of Overweight Trucks on Rigid Pavement Performance Using AASHTOWare Pavement ME Design,” the Road Materials and Pavement Design, https://doi.org/10.1080/14680629.2023.2199879.
151. Gopisetti, L. S. P. (§), Ceylan, H., Kim, S., and Cetin, B. (2023). “Sensitivity Evaluation of Short Jointed Bonded Concrete Overlay of Asphalt Pavement in AASHTOWare Pavement ME Design,” International Journal of Pavement Research and Technology, https://doi.org/10.1007/s42947-023-00299-7.
150. Koh, Y. (§), Ceylan, H., Kim, S., and Cho, I. H. (2023). “Mechanistic Basis for Permit Fee Decision of Superloads Traveling on Low-Volume Roads Using Structural Damage Evaluation,” Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, https://doi.org/10.1177/03611981231156.
149. Yang, B. (§), Zhang, Y., Ceylan, H., and Kim, S. (2023). “Assessment of Life-Cycle Benefits of Bio-Based Fog Sealant for Low-Volume Asphalt Pavement Preservation,” Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, https://doi.org/10.1177/03611981231158333.
148. Alsheyab, M. A. (§), Yang, B. (§), Ceylan, H., and Kim, S. (2023). “Modeling Dust Generation on Low-Volume Roads Based on Vehicle Speed and Surface Fines Content,” Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, https://doi.org/10.1177/03611981231158339.
147. Aydin, C., Hatipoglu, M., Cetin, B., and Ceylan, H. (2023). “A Cyclic True Triaxial with Rigid-Rigid-Flexible Boundary for Determination of Cross-Anisotropic Nature of Geomaterials,” Geotechnical Testing Journal 46, no. 1 (January/February 2023), 1–19, https://doi.org/10.1520/GTJ20220049.
146. Kaya, O. (§), Citir, N. (§), Ceylan, H., Kim, S., and Waid, D. (2022). “Development of Pavement Performance and Remaining Service Life Prediction Tools for Iowa Jointed Plain Concrete Pavement Systems,” ASCE Journal of Transportation Engineering, Part B: Pavements, 149 (1), 04022070.
145. Yang, S. (§), Alhasan, A., Ceylan, H., Kim, S., and Yang, B. (§) (2022). “Accuracy Assessment of Light Detection and Ranging System Measurements for Jointed Concrete Pavement Surface Geometry,” the Journal of Road Materials and Pavement Design, https://doi.org/10.1080/14680629.2022.2093262
144. Coban, H. S. (§), Cetin, B., Ceylan, H., Edil, T. B., and Likos, W. J. (2022). “Evaluation of Long-term Performance of Recycled Aggregate Base (RAB) Layers and Optimization of Their Design Thicknesses,” the Journal of Road Materials and Pavement Design, https://doi.org/10.1080/14680629.2022.2072373.
143. Genc, D., Ashlock, J. C., Cetin, B., Ceylan, H., Cetin, K., and Horton, R. (2022). “Comprehensive In-situ Freeze-thaw Monitoring under a Granular-Surfaced Road System,” Transportation Geotechnics, Vol. 34, Article Number: 100758.
142.Rahman, M. L. (§), Malakooti, A. (§), Ceylan, H., Kim, S., and Taylor, P.C. (2022). “A Review of Electrically Conductive Concrete Heated Pavement System Technologies: From the Laboratory to the Full-scale Implementation,” the Construction and Building Materials, Vol. 329, Article Number: 127139.
141. Sourav, A. (§), Mahedi, M., Ceylan, H., Kim, S., Brooks, C., Peshkin, D., Dobson, R., and Brynick, M. (2022). “Evaluation of Small Uncrewed Aircraft Systems Data in Airfield Pavement Crack Detection and Rating,” Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, https://doi.org/10.1177/03611981221101030
140. Koh, Y. (§), Ceylan, H., Kim, S., and Cho. I. H. (2022). “Structural and Fatigue Analysis of Jointed Plain Concrete Pavement Top-Down and Bottom-Up Transverse Cracking Subjected to Superloads in Iowa,” Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, https://doi.org/10.1177/03611981221085522
139. Coban, H. S. (§), Cetin, B., Ceylan, H., Edil, T. B., and Likos, W. J. (2022). “Evaluation of Engineering Properties of Recycled Aggregates and Preliminary Performance of Recycled Aggregate Base Layers,” ASCE Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, Vol. 34, Issue 5, Article Number: 04022053.
138. Koh, Y. (§), Ceylan, H., Kim, S., and Cho. I. H. (2021). “Critical Responses of Flexible Pavements Under Superheavy Loads and Data-Driven Surrogate Model,” the International Journal of Pavement Research and Technology, 16 (3), 513-543.
137. Gopisetti, L. S. P. (§), Ceylan, H., Cetin, B., and Kim, S. (2021). “Assessment of Satellite-based MERRA Climate Data in AASHTOWare Pavement Mechanistic-Empirical Design,” the Journal of Road Materials and Pavement Design, https://doi.org/10.1080/14680629.2021.2009010.
136. Kaya, O. (§), Ceylan, H., Kim, S., and Rezaei-Tarahomi, A. (§) (2021). “Evaluation of the Federa1 Aviation Administration’s Rigid Airfield Pavement Cracking Failure Models,” ASCE Journal of Transportation Engineering, Part B: Pavements, Vol. 148, Issue 1, Article Number: 04021071.
135. Chen, Y.A. (§), Taylor, P., Ceylan, H., Wang, X. (2021). “Evaluation of Joint Activation and Joint Spacing in Concrete Overlays,” the Journal of Road Materials and Pavement Design, DOI: 10.1080/14680629.2021.2005669.
134. Coban, H. S. (§), Cetin, B., Edil, T. B., White, D., Ceylan, H., and Likos, W. J. (2021). “Construction and Performance Evaluation of Large Stone Subbase (LSSB) Layers,” Transportation Geotechnics, Vol. 32, Article Number: 100694.
133. Malakooti, A. (§), Abdualla, H., Sadati, S. M. S. (§), Ceylan, H., Kim, S., and Cetin, K. (2021). “Experimental and Theoretical Characterization of Electrodes on Electrical and Thermal Performance of Electrically Conductive Concrete,” the Composites Part B, Vol. 222, Article Number:109003.
132. Sengun, E., Alam, B., Yaman, I.O., and Ceylan, H. (2021). “A New Evaluation of the Fatigue Design Criteria of Roller Compacted Concrete (RCC) Pavements,” Construction & Building Materials, Vol. 289, Article Number: 123195.
131. Sivakumar, G., Jackson, J., Ceylan, H., and Sundararajan, S. (2021). “An Investigation on Ice Adhesion and Wear of Surfaces with Differential Stiffness” the Wear, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.wear.2021.203662.
130. Satvati, S. (§), Nahvi, A. (§), Cetin, B., Ashlock, J., Jahren, C. T., and Ceylan, H. (2020). “Performance-based Economic Analysis to Find the Sustainable Aggregate Option for a Granular Roadway,” Transportation Geotechnics, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.trgeo.2020.100410.
129. Omar, H. A. (§), Yusoff, N. I. M., Mubaraki, M., and Ceylan, H. (2020). “Effects of Moisture Damage on Asphalt Mixtures,” Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jtte.2020.07.001, (Silver Award for Top Paper)
128. Hamim, A. (§), Yusoff, N. I. M., Ceylan, H. et al. (2020). “Integrated Finite Element and Artificial Neural Network Methods for Constructing Asphalt Concrete Dynamic Modulus Master Curve Using Deflection Time-History Data,” Construction & Building Materials, Vol. 257, Article Number:119549.
127. Sadati, S. S. M. (§), Cetin, K. S., Ceylan, H., and Kim. S. (2020). “Energy Efficient Design of a Carbon Fiber based Self-heating Concrete Pavement System through Finite Element Analysis,” Journal of Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10098-020-01857-4.
126. Chen, Y. (§), Ceylan, H., Nlenanya, I., Kaya, O. (§), Smadi, O. G., Taylor, P. C., Kim, S., Gopalakrishnan, K., and King, D. E. (2020). “Long-term Performance Evaluation of Iowa Concrete Overlays,” International Journal of Pavement Engineering, DOI:10.1080/10298436.2020.1766687.
125. Malakooti, A. (§), Theh, W. S. (§), Sadati, S. M. S. (§), Ceylan, H., Kim, S., Mina, M., Cetin, K., and Taylor, P. C. (2020). “Design and Full-Scale Implementation of the Largest Operational Electrically Conductive Concrete Heated Pavement System,” Construction & Building Materials, Vol. 255, Article Number: 119229.
124. Rezaei-Tarahomi, A. (§), Kaya, O. (§), Ceylan, H., Gopalakrishnan, K., Kim, S., and Brill, D. R. (2020). “ANNFAA: Artificial Neural Network-based Tool for the Analysis of Federal Aviation Administration’s Rigid Pavement Systems,” International Journal of Pavement Engineering, DOI: 10.1080/10298436.2020.1748627.
123. Luo, C. (§), Wang, Z., Kordbacheh, F., Li, S., Cetin, B., Ceylan, H., and Horton, R. (2020). “A Greenhouse Study of Concrete Grinding Residue Influences on Seedling Emergence and Early Growth of Selected Prairie Species,” the Water, Air and Soil Pollution, Vol. 231, Article number: 253.
122. Gopisetti, L. S. P. (§), Ceylan, H., Kim, S., Cetin, B., and Kaya, O. (2020). “Sensitivity Index Comparison of Pavement Mechanistic-Empirical Design Input Variables to Reflective Cracking Model for Different Climatic Zones,” the Road Materials and Pavement Design, DOI: 10.1080/14680629.2020.1747523.
121. Yang, B. (§), Zhang, Y., Ceylan, H., and Kim, S. (2020). “Evaluation of Bio-Based Fog Seal for Low-Volume Road Preservation,” the International Journal of Pavement Research and Technology, Vol. 13, pp. 303 -312.
120. Yang, S. (§), Alhasan, A., Zhang, Y. (§), Ceylan, H., and Kim, S. (2020). “Pavement Curling and Warping Analysis Using Wavelet Techniques,” International Journal of Pavement Engineering, DOI:10.1080/10298436.2020.1726346
119. Kaya, O. (§), Ceylan, H., Kim, S., Waid, D., and Moore, B (2020). “Statistics and Artificial Intelligence Based Pavement Performance and Remaining Service Life Prediction Models for Iowa Flexible and Composite Pavement Systems,” Presented at the 99th TRB Annual Meeting, NRC, Washington, D.C., January 12–16, 2019, and Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, Vol. 2674, Issue 10, pp. 448-460.
118. Amini, K. (§), Cetin, K., Ceylan, H., and Taylor, P. C. (2020) “A Summary of Factors Affecting Concrete Salt-Scaling Performance,” the ACI Materials Journal, Vol. 117, Issue 3, pp. 53-62.
117. Yang, S. (§), Zhang, Y., Kaya, O. (§), Ceylan, H., and Kim, S. (2020). “Investigation of Longitudinal Cracking in Widened Concrete Pavements,” the Baltic Journal of Road and Bridge Engineering, Vol. 15, No. 1, pp. 211-231.
116. Gushgari, S. Y. (§), Zhang, Y., Nahvi, A. (§), Ceylan, H., Kim, S., Arabzadeh, A. (§), Jahren, C. T., and Øverby, C. (2019). “Design, Construction, and Preliminary Investigation of Otta Seal in Iowa,” Presented at the 12th Transportation Research Board International Conference on Low-Volume Roads and Accepted for publication in Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, https://doi.org/10.1177/0361198119853567.
115. Gopisetti, L. S. P. (§), Cetin, B., Forman, B. A., Durham, S., Schwartz, C.W., and Ceylan, H. (2019). “Evaluation of Four Different Climate Sources on Pavement Mechanistic-Empirical Design and Impact of Surface Shortwave Radiation,” International Journal of Pavement Engineering, doi: 10.1080/10298436.2019.1665180.
114. Luo, C. (§), Wang, Z., Kordbacheh, F., Zhang, Y. (§), Yang, B. (§), Kim, S., Cetin, B., Ceylan, H., and Horton, R. (2019). “The Influence of Concrete Grinding Residue on Soil Physical Properties and Plant Growth,” the Journal of Environmental Quality, doi:10.2134/jeq2019.06.0229.
113. Sassani, A. (§), Arabzadeh, A. (§), Ceylan, H., Kim, S., Gopalakrishnan, K., Taylor P. C., and Nahvi, A. (§) (2019). “Polyurethane-Carbon Microfiber Composite Coating for Electrical Heating of Concrete Pavement Surfaces,” the Journal of Heliyon, Volume 5, Issue 8, e02359.
112. Yang, B. (§), Cetin, B., Zhang, Y. (§), Luo, C. (§), Ceylan, H., Horton, R., Kim, S., and Mahedi, M. (2019). “Effects of Concrete Grinding Residue (CGR) on Selected Sandy Loam Properties,” the Journal of Cleaner Production, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2019.118057.
111. Amini, K. (§), Ceylan, H., and Taylor, P. C. (2019) “Effect of Finishing Practices on Surface Structure and Salt Scaling Resistance of Concrete,” Cement and Concrete Composites, Vol. 104, 103345.
110. Amini, K. (§), Vosoughi, P., Ceylan, H., and Taylor, P. C. (2019) “Linking Air-Void System and Mechanical Properties to Salt-scaling Resistance of Concrete,” Cement and Concrete Composites, Vol. 104, 103364.
109. Arabzadeh, A. (§), Notani, M. (§), Zadeh, A. K. (§), Nahvi, A. (§), Sassani, A. (§), and Ceylan, H. (2019). “Electrically Conductive Asphalt Concrete: An Alternative for Automating the Winter Maintenance Operations of Transportation Infrastructure,” Journal of Composites Part B: Engineering, Vol. 173, 106985.
108. Nahvi, A. (§), Pyrialakou, D. V. (§), Anand, P., Sadati, S. (§), Gkritza, K., Ceylan, H., Cetin, K., Kim, S., Gopalakrishnan, K., and Taylor, P. C. (2019). “Integrated Stochastic Life Cycle Benefit Cost Analysis of Hydronic Heated Apron Pavement System,” the Journal of Cleaner Production, Vol. 224, pp. 994-1003.
107. Khairuddin, F. H., Alamawi, M. Y., Yusoff, N. I. M., Badri, K. H., Ceylan, H., and Tawil, S. N. M. (2019). “Physicochemical and Thermal Analyses of Polyurethane Modified Bitumen Incorporated with Cecabase and Rediset: Optimization Using Response Surface Methodology,” Fuel, Vol. 254, 115662.
106. Song, I. (§), Yang, Y., Im, J., Tong, T., Ceylan, H., and Cho, I-H. (2019). “Impacts of Fractional Hot-Deck Imputation on Learning and Prediction of Engineering Data,” IEEE Transactions on Knowledge & Data Engineering, DOI Bookmark: 10.1109/TKDE.2019.2922638.
105. Notani, M. A. (§), Arabzadeh, A. (§), Ceylan, H., Kim, S., and Gopalakrishnan, K. (2019). “Effect of Carbon Fiber Properties on Volumetrics and Ohmic Heating of Electrically Conductive Asphalt Concrete,” ASCE Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, Vol. 31, Issue 9, 04019200.
104. Kaya, O. (§), Zhang, Y., Ceylan, H., Kim, S., Yang, S. (§), Taylor, P.C., and Gopalakrishnan, K. (2019). “Numerical Analysis of Longitudinal Cracking in Widened Jointed Plain Concrete Pavement Systems,” the International Journal of Pavement Research and Technology, Vol. 12, Issue 3, pp.277-287.
103. Arabzadeh, A. (§), Sassani, A. (§), Ceylan, H., Kim, S., Gopalakrishnan, K., and Taylor, P.C. (2019). “Comparison between Cement Paste and Asphalt Mastic Modified by Carbonaceous Materials: Electrical and Thermal Properties,” Construction and Building Materials, Vol. 213, pp. 121-130.
102. Amini, K. (§), Vosoughi, P., Ceylan, H., and Taylor, P. C. (2019) “Effect of Mixture Proportions on Concrete Performance,” Construction and Building Materials, Vol. 212, pp. 77-84.
101. Amini, K. (§), Ceylan, H., and Taylor, P. C. (2019) “Effect of Curing Regimes on Mechanical and Salt-Scaling Performance of Concrete Containing Slag Cement,” Construction and Building Materials, Vol. 211, pp. 771-778.
100. Sivakumar, G. (§), Jackson, J., Ceylan, H., and Sundararajan, S. (2019). “Effect of Plasticizer on the Wear Behavior and Ice Adhesion of Elastomeric Coatings,” the Wear, Vol. 426, pp. 212-218.
99. Nahvi, A. (§), Zhang, Y. (§), Arabzadeh, A. (§), Satvati, S., Gushgari, S. Y. (§), Ceylan, H., Jahren, C. T., Gransberg, D. D., and Kim, S. (2019). “Economics of Upgrading Gravel Roads to Otta Seal Surface,” Applied Economics, pp. 1-13.
98. Yang, B. (§), Zhang, Y. (§), Cetin, B., and Ceylan, H. (2019). “Review Concrete Grinding Residue Management Practices and Reuse in Soil Stabilization,” Presented at the 98th TRB Annual Meeting and Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, Vol. 2673(11), pp. 748–763.
97. Alamawi, M. Y. (§), Khairuddin, F. H., Yusoff, N. I. M., Badri, K., and Ceylan, H. (2019). “Investigation on Physical, Thermal and Chemical Properties of Palm Kernel Oil Polyol Bio-Based Binder as a Replacement for Bituminous Binder,” the Construction & Building Materials, Vol. 204, pp. 122-131.
96. Nahvi, A. (§), Zhang, Y. (§), Arabzadeh, A. (§), Ceylan, H., Kim, S., Gransberg, D. D., Jahren, C. T., and Gushgari, S. Y. (2019). “Deterministic and Stochastic Life-cycle Cost Analysis for Otta seal Surface Treatment on Low Volume Roads,” the International Journal of Pavement Research and Technology, Vol. 12, Issue 1, pp. 101-109.
95. Chen, Y. (§), Taylor, P. C., Ceylan, H., Kim, S., and Wang, X. (2019). “Effect of Joint Spacing and Pavement Thickness on Concrete Overlay Performance,” the International Journal of Pavement Research and Technology, Vol. 12, Issue 1, pp. 64-69.
94. Amini, K. (§), Sadati, S. H. (§), Ceylan, H., and Taylor, P. C. (2019) “Effects of Mixture Proportioning, Curing, and Finishing on Concrete Surface Hardness” the ACI Materials Journal, Vol.116, Issue 2, pp. 119-126.
93. Nahvi, A. (§), Sadoughi, M. A. (§), Arabzadeh, A. (§), Sassani, A. (§), Ceylan, H., Hu, C., and Kim, S. (2018). “Multi-objective Bayesian Optimization of Super hydrophobic Coatings on Asphalt Concrete Surfaces,” the Journal of Computational Design and Engineering, Vol. 6, Issue 4, pp. 693-704.
92. Yang, B. (§), Zhang, Y. (§), Ceylan, H., Kim, S., and Gopalakrishnan, K. (2018). “Assessment of Soils Stabilized with Lignin-Based Byproducts,” the Journal of Transportation Geotechnics, Vol 17, Part A, pp. 122-132.
91. Sassani, A. (§), Arabzadeh, A. (§), Ceylan, H., Kim, S., Sadati, S. (§), Gopalakrishnan, K., Taylor, P. C., and Abdualla, H. (§) (2018). “Carbon fiber-based Electrically Conductive Concrete for Salt-free Deicing of Pavements,” the Journal of Cleaner Production, Vol. 203, pp. 799-809.
90. Sadati, S. M. (§), Cetin, K., Ceylan, H., Sassani, A. (§), and Kim, S. (2018). “Energy and Thermal Performance Evaluation of an Electrified Snow Removal System at Airports Using Numerical Modeling and Field Measurements,” the Journal of Sustainable Cities and Society, Vol. 43, pp. 238-250.
89. Arabzadeh, A. (§), Ceylan, H., Kim, S., Sassani, A. (§), Gopalakrishnan, K., and Mani Mina. (2018). “Electrically-conductive Asphalt Mastic: Temperature Dependence and Heating efficiency,” Materials & Design, Vol. 157, pp. 303-313
88. Amini, K. (§), Cetin, K., Ceylan, H., and Taylor, P. C. (2018). “Development of Prediction Models for Mechanical Properties and Durability of Concrete using Combined Non-destructive Tests,” ASCE Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, Vol. 31, Issue 2, 04018378.
87. Nahvi, A. (§), Sadati, S. M. (§), Cetin, K., Ceylan, H., Sassani, A. (§), and Kim, S. (2018). “Towards Resilient Infrastructure Systems for Winter Weather Events: Integrated Stochastic Economic Evaluation of Electrically Conductive Heated Airfield Pavements,” the Journal of Sustainable Cities and Society, Vol. 41, pp. 195-204.
86. Hamim, A. (§), Yusoff, N. I. M., Ceylan, H., Rosyidic, S. A. P., and El-Shafied, A. (2018). “Comparative Study on Using Static and Dynamic Finite Element Models to Develop FWD Measurement on Flexible Pavement Structures,” Construction & Building Materials, Vol.176, pp. 583-592.
85. Omar, H. A. (§), Yusoff, N. I. M., Ceylan, H., Rahman. I. A., Sajuri, Z., Jakarni, F. M., and Ismail, A. (2018). “Determining the Water Damage Resistance of Nano-clay Modified Bitumens using the Indirect Tensile Strength and Surface Free Energy Methods,” Construction & Building Materials, Vol.167, pp. 391-402.
84. Abdualla, H. (§), Ceylan, H., Kim, S., Mina, M., Cetin, K. S., Taylor, P. C., Gopalakrishnan, K., Cetin, B., Yang, S. (§), Sassani, A. (§), and Vidyadharan, A. (§). (2018). “Design and Construction of The World’s Full-Scale Electrically Conductive Concrete Heated Airport Pavement System at A US Airport,” Presented at the 97th TRB Annual Meeting and Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, Vol. 2672, Issue. 23, pp. 82-94, https://doi.org/10.1177/0361198118791624.
83. Sassani, A. (§), Ceylan, H., Kim, S., Arabzadeh, A. (§), Taylor, P. C., and Nahvi, A. (§) (2018). “Development of Carbon Fiber-modified Electrically Conductive Concrete for Implementation in Des Moines International Airport,” Case Studies in Construction Materials, Vol. 8, pp. 277-291.
82. Kaya, O. (§), Rezaei-Tarahomi, A. (§), Ceylan, H., Gopalakrishnan, K., Kim, S., and Brill, D. R. (2018). “Neural-Network Based Multiple-slab Response Models for Top-Down Cracking Mode in Airfield Pavement Design,” ASCE Journal of Transportation Engineering, Part B: Pavements, 144(2), 04018009.
81. Song, I. (§), Cho, I., Tessitore, T., Gurcsik, T., and Ceylan, H. (2018). “Data-Driven Prediction of Runway Incursions with Uncertainty Quantification,” ASCE Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, 32(2), 0401804.
80. Yang, S. (§), Ceylan, H., Gopalakrishnan, K., Kim, S., Taylor, P. C., and Alhasan, A. (2017). “Characterization of Environmental Loads Related Concrete Pavement Deflection Behavior Using Light Detection and Ranging Technology,” the International Journal of Pavement Research and Technology, Vol. 11, Issue 5, pp. 470-480.
79. Oren, S. (§), Ceylan, H., and Dong, L. (2017). “Helical-Shaped Graphene Tubular Spring Formed Within Microchannel for Wearable Strain Sensor with Dynamic Range,” the IEEE Sensor Letters Journal, Vo1. 1, Issue 6, Article Sequence Number: 2501204.
78. Oren, S., (§), Ceylan, H., Schnable, P. S., and Dong, L. (2017). “High-resolution Patterning and Transferring of Graphene-based Nanomaterials towards Roll-to-Roll Production of Flexible and Conformal Electronic Sensors on Tape,” Advanced Materials Technologies, 1700223, DOI: 10.1002/admt.201700223 (Highlighted on the December 2017 cover page of the journal).
77. Rezaei-Tarahomi, A. (§), Kaya, O. (§), Ceylan, H., Kim, S., Gopalakrishnan, K., and Brill, D. R. (2017). “Development of Rapid Three-dimensional Finite-Element Based Rigid Airfield Pavement Foundation Response and Moduli Prediction Models,” the Transportation Geotechnics, Vol.13, pp. 81-91.
76. Rezaei-Tarahomi, A. (§), Kaya, O. (§), Ceylan, H., Gopalakrishnan, K., Kim, S., and Brill, D. R. (2017). “Sensitivity Quantification of Airport Concrete Pavement Stress Responses Associated with Top-Down and Bottom-Up Cracking,” the International Journal of Pavement Research and Technology, Vol. 10, Issue 5, pp. 410-420.
75. Sassani, A. (§), Ceylan, H., Kim, S., Gopalakrishnan, K., Arabzadeh, A. (§), and Taylor, P. C. (2017). “Influence of Mix Design Variables on Engineering Properties of Electrically Conductive Concrete,” Construction & Building Materials, 152, pp. 168-181.
74. Arabzadeh, A. (§), Ceylan, H., Kim, S., Gopalakrishnan, K., Sassani, A. (§), Sundararajan, S., and Taylor, P. C. (2017). “Superhydrophobic Coatings on Portland Cement Concrete Surfaces,” Construction & Building Materials, 141, pp. 393-401.
73. Young, T. J. (§), Jackson, J. L., Sougata, R., Ceylan, H., and Sundararajan, S. (2017). “Tribological Behavior and Wettability of Spray-coated Superhydrophobic Coatings on Aluminum,” Presented at the 21st International Conference on Wear of Materials, Hilton Long Beach, California, March 26-30, 2017, and published in Wear: An International Journal on the Science and Technology of Friction, Lubrication and Wear, Vol. 376-377, Part B. pp. 1713-1719.
72. Jiao, Y. (§), Young, C., Yang, S. (§), Oren, S. (§), Ceylan, H., Kim, S., Gopalakrishnan, K., Taylor, P. C., and Dong, L. (2016). “Wearable Graphene Sensors with Microfluidic Liquid Metal Wiring for Structural Health Monitoring and Human Body Motion Sensing,” the IEEE Sensors Journal, Volume: PP, Issue: 99, pp. 1-1.
71. Omar, H. A. (§), Yusoff, N. I. M., Sajuri, Z., Ceylan, H., Jakarni, F. M., and Ismail, A. (2016). “Determining the Effects of Aging on Halloysite Nano-tube Modified Binders through the Pull-off Test Method,” Construction and Building Materials, 126, pp. 245-252.
70. Omar, H. A. (§), Yusoff, N. I. M., Ceylan, H., Sajuri, Z., Jakarni, F. M., and Ismail, A. (2016). “Investigation of the Relationship between Fluidity and Adhesion Strength of Unmodified and Modified Bitumens using the Pull-off Test Method,” Construction and Building Materials, 122, pp. 140-148.
69. Babashamsi, P. (§), Yusoff, N. I. M., Ceylan, H., Nor, N. G. M., and Jenatabadi, H. S. (2016). “Evaluation of Pavement Life Cycle Cost Analysis: Review and Analysis,” the International Journal of Pavement Research and Technology, 9(4), pp. 241-254.
68. Babashamsi, P. (§), Yusoff, N. I. M., Ceylan, H., and Nor, N. G. M. (2016). “Recycling Toward Sustainable Pavement Development: End-of-life Considerations in Asphalt Pavement,” Jurnal Teknologi, 78(7-2), pp. 25-32.
67. Shen, W. (§), Ceylan, H., Gopalakrishnan, K., Kim, S., Taylor, P. C., and Rehmann, C. (2016). “Life Cycle Assessment of Heated Apron Pavement System Operations,” Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, Vol.48, pp. 316 – 331.
66. Babashamsi, P. (§), Golzadfar, A., Yusoff, N. I. M., Ceylan, H., and Nor, N. G. M. (2016). “Integrated Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process and VIKOR Method in the Prioritization of Pavement Maintenance Activities,” the International Journal of Pavement Research and Technology, 9(2), pp. 112-120.
65. Babashamsi, P. (§), Yusoff, N. I. M., Ceylan, H., Nor, N. G. M., and Jenatabadi, H. S. (2016). “Sustainable Development Factors in Pavement Life-Cycle: Highway/Airport Review,” Sustainability, 8(3), 248, doi:10.3390/su8030248.
64. Abdualla, H. (§), Ceylan, H., Kim, S., Gopalakrishnan, K., Taylor, P. C., Turkan, Y. (2016). “System Requirements for Electrically Conductive Concrete Heated Pavements,” Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 2569, pp. 70-79.
63. Li, M. (§), van Keulen, W., Ceylan, H., Cao, D., van de Ven, M., and Molenaar, A. A. A. (2016). “Pavement Stiffness Measurements in Relation to Mechanical Impedance” Construction and Building Materials, Vol. 102, pp. 455-461.
62. Arabzadeh, A. (§), Ceylan, H., Kim, S., Gopalakrishnan, K., and Sassani, A. (§) (2016). “Superhydrophobic Coatings on Asphalt Concrete Surfaces: Towards Smart Solutions for Winter Pavement Maintenance,” Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 2551, pp. 10-17.
61. Gopalakrishnan, K., Ceylan, H., Kim, S., Yang, S. (§), and Abdualla, H. (§) (2015). “Electrically Conductive Mortar Characterization for Self-Heating Airfield Concrete Pavement Mix Design” the International Journal of Pavement Research and Technology, Vol. 8, Issue 5, pp. 315-324.
60. Li, M. (§), van Keulen, W., Ceylan, H., Tang, G., van de Ven, M., and Molenaar, A. A. A. (2015). “Influence of Road Surface Characteristics on Tyre-Road Noise for Thin Layer Surfacings,” ASCE Journal of Transportation Engineering, 10.1061/(ASCE)TE.1943-5436.0000790, 04015024.
59. Wymore, M. L. (§), Van Dam, J. E., Ceylan, H., and Qiao, D. (2015). “A Survey of Health Monitoring Systems for Wind Turbines,” Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, Vol. 52, pp. 976-990.
58. Shen, W. (§), Gopalakrishnan, K., Kim, S., and Ceylan, H. (2015). “Assessment of the Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Geothermal Heated Airport Pavement System,” International Journal of Pavement Research and Technology, Vol. 8, Issue 4, pp. 233-242.
57. Laflamme, S., Ubertini, F., Saleem, H., D’Alessandro, A., Downey, A., Ceylan, H., and Materazzi, A. L. (2015). “Dynamic Characterization of a Soft Elastomeric Capacitor for Structural Health Monitoring,” ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering, Vol. 14, Issue 8, pp. 04014186-1 – 04014186-8.
56. Yang, S. (§), Shen, K. (§), Ceylan, H., Kim, S., Qiao, D., and Gopalakrishnan, K. (2015). “Integration of A Prototype Wireless Communication System with Micro-Electromechanical Temperature and Humidity Sensor for Concrete Pavement Health Monitoring,” the Cogent Engineering, Vol. 2, Issue. 1: 1014278.
55. Ceylan, H., Kim, S., Gopalakrishnan, K., Schwartz, C. W., and Li, R. (2015). “Sensitivity Analysis Frameworks for Mechanistic-Empirical Pavement Design of Continuously Reinforced Concrete Pavements.” Construction and Building Materials. DOI: 10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2014.09.091. Vol. 73, 30 December 2014, pp. 498-508.
54. Ceylan, H., Bayrak, M. B., and Gopalakrishnan, K. (§). (2014) “Neural Networks Applications in Pavement Engineering: A Recent Survey,” the International Journal of Pavement Research and Technology, Vol. 7, Issue 6, pp. 434-444
53. Kim, S., Ceylan, H., and Gopalakrishnan, K. (2014). “Finite Element Modelling of Environmental Effects on Rigid Pavement Deformation,” Frontiers of Structural and Civil Engineering Journal, Volume 8, Issue 2, pp. 101-114.
52. Ceylan, H., Wang. S. (§), Kim, S., Gopalakrishnan, K., Khazanovich, L., and Dai, S. (2014). “Impact of Agricultural Farm Equipment Loading on Low-Volume Concrete Road Pavement Structural Response and Performance,” the Baltic Journal of Road and Bridge Engineering, Vol. 10, No.4, pp. 325-332, accepted as of April 17, 2014, and published in December 2015.
51. Kim, S., Ceylan, H., Ma, D. (§), and Gopalakrishnan, K. (2014). “Calibration of Pavement ME Design and Mechanistic-Empirical Pavement Design Guide Performance Prediction Models for Iowa Pavement Systems,” ASCE Journal of Transportation Engineering, Volume 140, Issue 10, pp. 04014052-1 – 04014052-13.
50. Kim, S., Gopalakrishnan, K., Ceylan, H., and Steffes, R. F. (2014). “Performance Evaluation of Roadway Subdrain Outlets in Iowa,” Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 2462, pp. 68–76.
49. Ubertini, F., Laflamme, S., Ceylan, H., Materazzi, A. L., Cerni, G., Saleem, H., D’Alessandro, A., Corradini, A., and Fioriti, M. (2014). “Novel Nanocomposite Technologies for Dynamic Monitoring of Structures: A Comparison between Embedded and Surface Sensors,” Smart Materials and Structures, Volume 23, Number 4, 45023, doi:10.1088/0964-1726/23/4/045023.
48. Li, M., van Keulen, W., Ceylan, H., van de Ven, M. F. C., and Molenaar, A. A. A. (2013). “Influence of Changes in Surface Layer Properties on Tire/Pavement Noise,” Noise Control Engr. Journal, 61 (4), pp. 417- 424.
47. Yurdakul, E. (§), Taylor, P. C., Ceylan, H., and Bektas, F. (2013). “Effect of Water-To-Binder Ratio, Air Content, and Type of Cementitious Materials on Fresh and Hardened Properties of Binary and Ternary Blended Concrete,” ASCE Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, Vol. 26, Issue 6, 04014002.
46. Schwartz, C. W., Li, R., Ceylan, H., Kim, S., and Gopalakrishnan, K. (2013). “Global Sensitivity Analysis of Mechanistic-Empirical Performance Predictions for Flexible Pavements,” Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 2368, pp. 3–23.
45. Ceylan, H., Gopalakrishnan, K., Kim, S., Schwartz, C. W., and Li, R. (2013). “Global Sensitivity Analysis (GSA) of Jointed Plain Concrete Pavement (JPCP) Mechanistic-Empirical Performance Predictions,” Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 2367, pp. 113–122.
44. Ceylan, H., Kim, S., Gopalakrishnan, K., Schwartz, C. W., and Li, R. (2013). “Sensitivity Quantification of Jointed Plain Concrete Pavement (JPCP) Mechanistic-Empirical Performance Predictions,” Construction and Building Materials, Available online on April 4, 2013, DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2013.02.057, Vol. 43, pp. 545-556.
43. Na, H., Lee, S-Y., Ustundag, E., Ross, S. L., Ceylan, H., and Gopalakrishnan, K. (2013). “Development of A Neural Network Simulator for Studying the Constitutive Behavior of Structural Composite Materials,” Journal of ISRN Materials Science. Available online on January 9, 2013, DOI: 10.1155/2013/147086, Vol. 2013, Article ID: 147086, 10 pages.
42. Ceylan, H., Gopalakrishnan, K., Bayrak, M. B. (§), and Guclu, A. (§) (2013). “Noise-Tolerant Inverse Analysis Models for Non-Destructive Evaluation of Transportation Infrastructure Systems Using Neural Networks,” Journal of Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation, DOI: 10.1080/10589759.2012.742084, Vol. 28, No. 3, pp. 233–251.
41. Gopalakrishnan, K., Agrawal, A., Ceylan, H., Kim, S., and Choudhary, A. (2013). “Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining in Pavement Inverse Analysis,” Transport, Available online on April 3, 2013, DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3846/16484142.2013.777941, Vol. 28, No. 1, pp. 1-10.
40. Yurdakul, E. (§), Taylor, P. C., Ceylan, H., and Bektas, F. (2013). “Effect of Paste-to-Voids Volume Ratio on the Performance of Concrete Mixtures,” ASCE Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)MT.1943-5533.0000728, Vol. 25, No. 12, pp. 1840-1851.
39. Ceylan, H. and Gopalakrishnan, K. (2012). “Finite Element based Hybrid Evolutionary Optimization Approach to Solving Rigid Pavement Inversion Problem” – Engineering with Computers Journal, Springer-Verlag London Limited – Available online on August 6, 2012, DOI: 10.1007/s00366-012-0281-y. (http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs00366-012-0281-y).
38. Gopalakrishnan, K., Ceylan, H., and Kim, S. (§) (2012). “Renewable Biomass-derived Lignin in Transportation Infrastructure Strengthening Applications,” International Journal of Sustainable Engineering, Available online on November 2, 2012, DOI: [10.1080/19397038.2012.730069, Volume 6, Issue 4, pp. 316-325.
37. Ceylan, H., Gopalakrishnan, K., Kim, S. (§), Taylor, P. C., Prokudin, M., Buss, A. F. (2012). “Highway Infrastructure Health Monitoring Using Micro-Electromechanical Sensors and Systems (MEMS),” Journal of Civil Engineering and Management, Vol. 19, Issue sup1, S188 – S201, 2014 Volume iFirst: 1-14, DOI: 10.3846/13923730.2013.801894.
36. Kim, S. (§), Gopalakrishnan, K., and Ceylan, H. (2011) “Moisture Susceptibility of Subgrade Soils Stabilized by Lignin-Based Renewable Energy Co-product.” ASCE Journal of Transportation Engineering, Available online on 3 October 2011, DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)TE.1943-5436.0000097, ASCE Journal of Transportation Engineering (2012), Vol. 138, No. 11.
35. Kim, S. (§), Gopalakrishnan, K., and Ceylan, H. (2011). “Structural Characterization of Iowa’s Rubblized PCC Pavements.” ASCE Journal of Transportation Engineering, Available online at ASCE on 3 September 2011, DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)TE.1943-5436.0000348, ASCE Journal of Transportation in Civil Engineering (2012), Vol. 138, No. 4, pp. 406-413.
34. Kim, S. (§), Gopalakrishnan, K., and Ceylan, H. (2011). “Unbound Material Characterization with Nottingham Asphalt Tester (NAT).” Available online at Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers on 3 April 2012, DOI: 10.1680/coma.11.00007, Proceedings of the ICE – Construction Materials (2012), Vol.165, Issue 6, pp. 355-365
33. Schwartz, C. W., Li, R., Kim, S. (§), Ceylan, H., and Gopalakrishnan, K. (2011). “Effect of Concrete Strength and Stiffness Characterization on Predictions of Mechanistic-Empirical Performance for Rigid Pavements.” Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 2226, pp. 41-50.
32. Hazaree, C. V. (§), Wang, K., Ceylan, H., and Gopalakrishnan, K. (2011). “Capillary Transport in RCC: Water/Cement-Strength-F-T Resistance,” ASCE Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, Vol. 23, No. 8, pp. 1181-1191.
31. Hazaree, C. V. (§), Ceylan, H., and Wang, K. (2011). “Influences of Mixture Composition on Properties and Freeze-Thaw Resistance of RCC,” Construction and Building Materials, Vol. 25, No. 1, pp. 313-319.
30. Kim, S. (§), Gopalakrishnan, K., and Ceylan, H. (2011). “A Simplified Approach for Predicting Early-Age Concrete Pavement Deformation.” Journal of Civil Engineering and Management, Vol. 17, No. 1, pp. 27-35.
29. Ceylan, H., Gopalakrishnan, K., and Lytton, R. (2011). “Neural Networks Modeling of Stress Growth in Asphalt Overlays due to Load and Thermal Effects during Reflection Cracking.” ASCE Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, Vol. 23, No. 3, pp. 221-229.
28. Kim, S. (§), Gopalakrishnan, K., Ceylan, H., and Wang, K. (2010). “Early-Age Response of Concrete Pavements to Temperature and Moisture Variations.” The Baltic Journal of Road and Bridge Engineering, Vol. 5, No. 3, pp. 132–138.
27. Kim, S. (§), Ceylan, H., Gopalakrishnan, K., and Smadi, O. (2010). “Utilization of Pavement Management Information System (PMIS) for Verification of Mechanistic-Empirical Pavement Design Guide (MEPDG) Performance Predictions.” Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 2153, pp. 30-39.
26. Gopalakrishnan, K., Kim, S. (§), and Ceylan, H. (2010). “Non-Destructive Evaluation of In-Place Rehabilitated Concrete Pavements.” the Journal of Civil Engineering and Management, Vol. 16, No. 4, pp. 552-560.
25. Ceylan, H., Gopalakrishnan, K., and Kim, S. (§) (2010). “Soil Stabilization with Bioenergy Co-Product.” Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 2186, pp. 130-137.
24. Ceylan, H. and Gopalakrishnan, K. (2009). “Computationally Efficient Surrogate Response Models for Mechanistic-Empirical Pavement Analysis and Design”. Structure and Infrastructure Engineering, Available online at Informaworld on 24 December 2008, DOI: 10.1080/15732470802550077. Structure and Infrastructure Engineering (2011), Vol. 7, No. 4, pp. 297-304.
23. Gopalakrishnan, K. (§), Ceylan, H., and Guclu, A. (§) (2009). “Airfield Pavement Deterioration Assessment Using Stress-Dependent Neural Network Models,” Journal of Structure and Infrastructure Engineering, Vol. 5, Issue no. 6, pp. 487-496.
22. Guclu, A. (§), Ceylan, H., Gopalakrishnan, K., and Kim, S. (§) (2009). “Sensitivity analysis of rigid pavement systems using the mechanistic-empirical design guide software,” ASCE Journal of Transportation Engineering, Vol. 135, No. 8, pp. 555-562.
21. Ceylan, H., Coree, B., and Gopalakrishnan, K. (2009). “Evaluation of the Mechanistic-Empirical Pavement Design Guide for Implementation in Iowa”. The Baltic Journal of Road and Bridge Engineering, Vol. 4, No. 1, pp. 5-12.
20. Ceylan, H., Schwartz, C.W., Kim, S. (§), and Gopalakrishnan, K. (2009). “Accuracy of Predictive Models for Dynamic Modulus of Hot Mix Asphalt,” ASCE Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, Vol. 21, No. 6, pp. 286-293.
19. Ceylan, H., Gopalakrishnan, K., and Kim, S. (§) (2009). “Looking to the Future: The Next Generation Hot-Mix Asphalt Dynamic Modulus Prediction Models,” International Journal of Pavement Engineering, Vol. 10, Issue no. 5, pp. 341-352. – Top 5 Cited Papers in 2009-2010.
18. Bektas, F., Wang, K., and Ceylan, H. (2009). “Effects of crushed clay brick on mortar properties,” Construction and Building Materials. Vol. 23, Issue no. 5, pp. 1909-1914.
17. Ceylan, H., Gopalakrishnan, K., and Bayrak, M. B. (§) (2008). “Neural Networks Based Concrete Airfield Pavement Layer Moduli Backcalculation,” Journal of Civil Engineering and Environmental Systems, Vol. 25, Issue no. 3, pp. 185-199.
16. Ceylan, H., Coree, B., and Gopalakrishnan, K. (2008). “Design of Rigid Pavements in Iowa Using the Mechanistic-Empirical Pavement Design Guide,” The Baltic Journal of Road and Bridge Engineering, Vol. 3, No. 4, pp. 219-225.
15. Bektas, F. (§), Wang, K., and Ceylan, H. (2008). “Effect of Portland cement fineness on ASTM C1260 expansion,” ASTM Journal of Testing and Evaluation, Vol. 36, No. 5, pp. 436-442.
14. Gopalakrishnan, K. and Ceylan, H. (2008). “Stiffness Characterization of Full-scale Airfield Test Pavements Using Computational Intelligence Techniques,” Institution of Engineers Singapore Journal Part A: Civil and Structural Engineering, Vol. 1, No. 4, pp. 280-290.
13. Bayrak, M. B. (§) and Ceylan, H. (2008). “A Neural Network-Based Approach for the Analysis of Rigid Pavement Systems Using Deflection Data,” Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 2068, pp. 61-70.
12. Kim, S. (§), Ceylan, H., and Gopalakrishnan, K. (2008). “Smoothness Variations of Early-Age Jointed Plain Concrete Pavements,” Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, Vol. 35, No. 12, pp. 1388-1398.
11. Ceylan, H., Gopalakrishnan, K., and Kim, S. (§) (2008). “Advanced Approaches to Hot-Mix Asphalt Dynamic Modulus Prediction,” Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, Vol. 35, No. 7, pp. 699-707.
10. Bektas, F. (§), Turanli, L., Wang, K., and Ceylan, H. (2007). “Comparative Performance of Ground Clay Brick in Mitigation of the Alkali-Silica Reaction,” ASCE Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, Vol. 19, Issue no. 12, pp. 1070-1078.
9. Ceylan, H., Gopalakrishnan, K. (§), and Guclu, A. (§) (2007). “Advanced Approaches to Characterizing Nonlinear Pavement System Responses,” Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 2005, pp. 86-94.
8. Ceylan, H., Kim, S. (§), Gopalakrishnan, K. (§), and Wang, K. (2007). “Environmental Effects on Deformation and Smoothness Behavior of Early Age Jointed Plain Concrete Pavements,” Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 2037, pp. 30-39.
7. Kim, S. (§), Ceylan, H., and Gopalakrishnan, K. (§) (2007). “Initial Smoothness of Concrete Pavements under Environmental Loads,” Magazine of Concrete Research, Vol. 59, Issue no. 8, pp. 599-609.
6. Kim, S. (§), Ceylan, H., and Gopalakrishnan, K. (§) (2007). “Investigating the Effect of M-E Design Guide Input Parameters on Flexible Pavement Performance Predictions,” Road Materials and Pavement Design, Vol. 8, Issue no. 3, pp. 375-397.
5. Gopalakrishnan, K. (§), and Ceylan, H., Inanc, F. (2007) “Application of X-ray Micro-Computed Tomography in the Study of Pavement Construction Materials,” Journal of Construction Materials, Institute of Civil Engineers (ICE), Vol. 160, Issue no. 1, pp. 15-23.
4. Gopalakrishnan, K. (§), and Ceylan, H. (2006). “Towards an Integrated and Intelligent Transportation Infrastructure Assessment System,” International Journal of Intelligent Technology, Vol. 4, No. 1, pp. 54-60.
3. Ceylan, H., Gopalakrishnan, K. (§), Coree, B., Kota, T. (§), and Mathews, R. (§) (2006). “Rehabilitation of Concrete Pavements Utilizing Rubblization: A Mechanistic-Based Approach to HMA Overlay Thickness Design,” International Journal of Pavement Engineering, Vol. 9, No. 1, pp. 45-57.
2. Ceylan, H., Guclu, A. (§), Tutumluer, E., and Thompson, M. R. (2005). “Backcalculation of Full-Depth Asphalt Pavement Layer Moduli Considering Nonlinear Stress-Dependent Subgrade Behavior,” The International Journal of Pavement Engineering, Vol. 6, No 3, pp. 171-182.
1. (#) Ceylan, H., Tutumluer, E. (°), and Barenberg, E. J. (°) (1999). “Artificial Neural Networks for Analyzing Concrete Airfield Pavements Serving the Boeing B-777 Aircraft.” Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 1684, pp. 110-117.
Peer-Reviewed Papers in Conference Proceedings
187. Hasheminezhad, A. (§), Ceylan, H., Kim, S., and Tutumluer, E. (2025). “Laboratory and Field Evaluations of 3D-Printed Model Geogrids and Composite Geosynthetics Made from Recycled Plastic,” the Transportation Research Board (TRB) Annual Meeting, NRC, Washington, D.C., January 5–9, 2025.
186. Yang, B., Yin, Z., Hasheminezhad, A. (§), Alsheyab, M. A. (§), Ceylan, H., and Kim, S. (2025). “Laboratory Evaluation of Eggshell Waste for Soil Stabilization in Iowa,” the Transportation Research Board (TRB) Annual Meeting, NRC, Washington, D.C., January 5–9, 2025.
185. Rahman, M. L. (§), Ceylan, H., Kim, S., Taylor, P. C., and King, D. (§) (2025). “Carbon Fiber-Reinforced Electrically – Conductive Concrete Production, Quality Control, and Assurance Techniques for Heated Pavement System Application,” the Transportation Research Board (TRB) Annual Meeting, NRC, Washington, D.C., January 5–9, 2025.
184. Ceylan, H., Kaya, O., and Kim, S. (2024). “Recent Advances in the Use of Artificial Intelligence for Rigid Airfield Pavement Analysis and Design,” Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Transportation Geotechnics (ICTG) 2024, Keynote Volume: Recent Advances and Innovative Developments in Transportation Geotechnics, pp 75–82, Sydney, Australia, November 20-22, 2024.
183. Yang, B. (§), Alsheyab, M. A. (§), Ceylan, H., Kim, S., and Zhang, Y. (2024). “Field Assessment of Lignin Based By-product Stabilized Geomaterials,” Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Transportation Geotechnics (ICTG) 2024, Volume 7, pp 105–113, Sydney, Australia, November 20-22, 2024.
182. Jibon, M. (§), Sourav, A. (§), Kim, S., Ceylan, H. (2024). “Assessment of Flexible Pavement Foundation’s Vulnerability Due to Heavy Rainfall in Minnesota,” Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Transportation Geotechnics (ICTG) 2024, Volume 1, pp 279–287, Sydney, Australia, November 20-22, 2024.
181. Alsheyab, M. A. (§), Yang, B. (§), Ceylan, H., Kim, S. (2024). “Comparing Chemical Stabilizers for Improving Iowa Granular Road Bearing Capacity,” Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Transportation Geotechnics (ICTG) 2024, Volume 4, pp 1–8, Sydney, Australia, November 20-22, 2024.
180. Koh, Y. (§), Ceylan, H., Kim, S., and Cho, I-H. (2024). “Development of Artificial Intelligence-Based Rutting Damage Prediction Models for Granular Roads Under Superload Traffic,” Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Transportation Geotechnics (ICTG) 2024, Volume 2, pp. 87-95, Sydney, Australia, November 20-22, 2024.
179. Sourav, M. A. A. (§), Ceylan, H., Kim, S., and Brynick, M. (2024). “Integration of small Unmanned Aircraft Systems and Deep Learning for Efficient Airfield Pavement Crack Detection and Assessment,” the ASCE International Conference on Transportation and Development (ICTD 2024), Atlanta, Georgia, June 15-18, 2024.
178. Yang, B. (§), Yin, Z. (§), Ceylan, H., and Kim, S. (2024). “Laboratory Assessment for Utilizing Eggshell Waste on Iowa Soil Stabilization,” the 2024 ASCE Geo-Congress, Vancouver, Canada, February 25-28, 2024.
177. Aydin, C., Hatipoglu, M., Cetin, B., and Ceylan, H. (2024). “Effect of Moving Vehicle Load on Stiffness Characteristics of Unbound Granular Materials,” the Transportation Research Board (TRB) Annual Meeting, NRC, Washington, D.C., January 7–11, 2024.
176. Jibon, M. (§), Sourav, A., Mahedi, M., Kim, S., Ceylan, H., and Velasquez, R. (2024). “Heavy Rainfall and Moisture Susceptibility of Pavement Foundation: A Case Study Coupling Finite Element Method and MnROAD Moisture Monitoring Data,” the Transportation Research Board (TRB) Annual Meeting, NRC, Washington, D.C., January 7–11, 2024.
175. Rahman, M. L. (§), Malakooti, A., Ceylan, H., Kim, S., and Taylor, P.C. (2024). “Unlocking Performance Insights: Evaluating Full-Scale Electrically-Conductive Concrete Heated-Pavement Systems to Identify Key Design Parameters,” the Transportation Research Board (TRB) Annual Meeting, NRC, Washington, D.C., January 7–11, 2024.
174. Koh, Y. (§), Ceylan, H., Kim, S. and Cho, I. H. (2024). “Construction of Remote Data Acquisition System for Jointed Plain Concrete Pavement and Performance Monitoring,” the Transportation Research Board (TRB) Annual Meeting, NRC, Washington, D.C., January 7–11, 2024.
173. Sengun, E. (§), Kim, S., and Ceylan, H. (2023). “Design of Roller Compacted Pavement for Stacked Containers: Phase I – Analysis of Critical Load Arrangements,” the 14th International Symposium on Concrete Roads, Krakow, Poland, June 25 to 29, 2023.
172. Rahman, M. L. (§), Malakooti, A., Ceylan, H., Taylor, P.C., and Kim, S. (2023). “Development of Electrically Conductive Concrete for The City of Iowa City Sidewalk Enhancement Project,” the 14th International Symposium on Concrete Roads, Krakow, Poland, June 25 to 29, 2023.
171. Jibon, M. (§), Mahedi, M., Yang, B., Ceylan, H., Cetin, B., Bollinger, P.E.B., and Perez, M. A. (2023). “Sustainable Use of Concrete Grinding Residue as a Stabilizer for Roadway Shoulder Materials,” the 2023 ASCE International Airfield & Highway Pavements Conference, Austin, TX, June 14 – 17, 2023.
170. Yang, B. (§), Tian, K. (§), King, D. (§), Ceylan, H., and Kim, S. (2023). “Assessment of the Effects of Temperature and Moisture Gradients on Curling and Warping Behavior of Jointed Plain Concrete Pavements,” the 2023 ASCE International Airfield & Highway Pavements Conference, Austin, TX, June 14 – 17, 2023.
169. Rahman, M. L. (§), Ceylan, H., and Kim, S. (2023). “Effect of Electrically Conductive Concrete Layer Thickness on Thermal Performance,” the 2023 ASCE International Airfield & Highway Pavements Conference, Austin, TX, June 14 – 17, 2023.
168. Sourav, A. (§), Ceylan, H., Kim, S., Brooks, C., Peshkin, D., Dobson, R. and Brynick, M. (2023). “Use of Digital Elevation Model for Detecting Airfield Pavement Distress,” the 2023 ASCE International Airfield & Highway Pavements Conference, Austin, TX, June 14 – 17, 2023
167. Aydin, C., Coban, H. S., Hatipoglu, M., Cetin, B., and Ceylan, H. (2023). “Effect of Cyclic True-Triaxial Boundary Types on Stress-Strain Behavior of Unbound Material,” the 2023 ASCE Geo-Congress, Los Angeles, CA, March 26-29, 2023.
166. Koh, Y. (§), Ceylan, H., Kim, S. and Cho, I. H. (2023). “A Data Driven Approach for Fatigue Damage Prediction in Jointed Plain Concrete Pavement Subjected to Superloads,” the Second International Conference on Maintenance and Rehabilitation of Infrastructure Facilities (MAIREINFRA2), Honolulu, July 20-21, 2023.
165. Aydin, C., Cetin, B., Hatipoglu, M., and Ceylan, H. (2023). “Preliminary Study on Directional and Stress Dependency of Stiffness Characteristics of Granular Roadway Materials,” the 13th TRB International Conference on Low Volume Roads, Cedar Rapids, IA, July 23-26, 2023.
164. Citir, N. (§), Kaya, O., Ceylan, H., Kim, S., and Waid, D. R. (2023). “Predicting Iowa Concrete Overlay Performance and Remaining Service Life using Statistics and Deep Learning Techniques,” the 13th TRB International Conference on Low Volume Roads, Cedar Rapids, IA, July 23-26, 2023.
163. Rahman, M. L. (§), Malakooti, A. (§), Ceylan, H., Kim, S., and Taylor, P.C. (2023). “Identifying the Best Mixing Procedure Practice for Ready-Mix Concrete Plant Production of Carbon Fiber Reinforced Electrically Conductive Concrete,” the Transportation Research Board (TRB) Annual Meeting, NRC, Washington, D.C., January 8–12, 2023.
162. Koh, Y. (§), Ceylan, H., Kim, S., and Cho, I. H. (2022). “Characterizations of Super Heavy Loading Configuration for Flexible Pavement Analysis,” the 11th International Conference on the Bearing Capacity of Roads, Railways and Airfields, Trondheim, Norway, June 27-30, 2022.
161. Sourav, A. (§), Ceylan, H., Kim, S., Brooks, C., Peshkin, D., Dobson, R., Brynick, M., and DiPilato. M. (2022). “Small Uncrewed Aircraft Systems-based Orthophoto and Digital Elevation Model Creation and Accuracy Evaluation for Airfield Portland Cement Concrete Pavement Distress Detection and Rating,” the ASCE International Conference on Transportation & Development, Seattle, WA, May 31- June 3, 2022.
160. Citir, N. (§), Ceylan, H., and Kim, S. (2022). “Neural Network Modeling to Forecast Critical Pavement Responses: A Synthetic Approach,” the 1st International Data Science for Pavement Symposium, March 22 – 24, 2022.
159. Jibon, M. (§), Mahedi, M., Yang, B., Ceylan, H., and Kim, S. (2022). “Laboratory-Based Performance Assessment of Otta Seal for Low-Volume Roads,” the 101st TRB Annual Meeting, NRC, Washington, D.C., January 9–13, 2022.
158. Xue, Z. (§), Ashlock, J. C., Cetin, B., Satvati, S., Ceylan, H., Wu, Y., and Li, Cheng (2021). “Freeze-Thaw Performance of Granular Roads Stabilized with Optimized Gradation and Clay Slurry,” the Eleventh International Conference on the Bearing Capacity of Roads, Railways and Airfields, Volume 1, pp. 139-149.
157. King, D. (§), Gross, J., Ceylan, H., Chen, Y-A. (§), and Taylor, P. C. (2021). “Optimized Joint Spacing for Concrete Overlays with and without Structural Fiber Reinforcement,” The 12th International Conference on Concrete Pavements (12th ICCP), a Virtual Event, September 27 – October 1, 2021.
156. Malakooti, A. (§), Sadati, S. (§), Ceylan, H., and Kim, S. (2021). “Construction Improvements of Electrically Conductive Concrete Heated Pavement Systems at Iowa DOT: Lesson Learned,” The 12th International Conference on Concrete Pavements (12th ICCP), a Virtual Event, September 27 – October 1, 2021.
155. Kaya, O. (§), Gopisetti, L. S. P. (§), Ceylan, H., Kim, S., and Cetin, B. (2021). “Iowa Experience on Local Calibration of AASHTOWare Pavement ME Design (PMED) for Jointed Plain Concrete Pavements,” The 12th International Conference on Concrete Pavements (12th ICCP), a Virtual Event, September 27 – October 1, 2021.
154. Tian, K (§), Yang, B., King, D. (§), Ceylan, H., and Kim, S. (2021). “Characterization of Curling and Warping Influence on Smoothness of Jointed Plain Concrete Pavements” the ASCE International Airfield and Highway Pavements Conference, a Virtual Event, June 8-10, 2021.
153. Citir, N. (§), Ceylan, H., Kim, S., and Kaya, O. (2021). “Incorporating the Effectiveness of Preservation and Rehabilitation Techniques on Flexible Pavement Service Life Predictions using Machine Learning Approach,” the ASCE International Airfield and Highway Pavements Conference, A Virtual Event, June 8-10, 2021.
152. Coban, H. S., Cetin, B., Ceylan, H., and Edil, T. B. (2021). “Effects of Using Recycled Aggregates and Large Stones for Base and Subbase Layers on Modulus Properties of Pavements,” The 4th International Conference on Transportation Geotechnics (ICTG), Chicago, Illinois, May 23 – 26, 2021
151. Yang, B. (§), Zhang, Y. (§), Ceylan, H., and Kim, S. (2021). “Field Evaluation of Using Slag as Aggregates for Otta Seal,” The 4th International Conference on Transportation Geotechnics (ICTG), Chicago, Illinois, May 23 – 26, 2021
150. Genc, D., Ashlock, J. C., Cetin, B., Cetin, K., Mahedi, M., Horton, R. and Ceylan, H. (2021). “Monitoring and Modeling of Soil Thermal and Hydraulic Behavior beneath a Granular-Surfaced Roadway,” The 4th International Conference on Transportation Geotechnics (ICTG), Chicago, Illinois, May 23 – 26, 2021
149. Bollinger, P. E. B., Perez. M., Cetin, B., and Ceylan, H. (2021). “Evaluation of Concrete Grinding Residue (CGR) as a Soil Amendment for Erosion Control,” the International Foundations Conference and Equipment Expo, Dallas, Texas, May 10-14, 2021
148. Aydin, C., Hatipoglu, M., Cetin, B., and Ceylan, H. (2021). “Determination of the Resilient Modulus for Anisotropic Stress Conditions,” the International Foundations Conference and Equipment Expo, Dallas, Texas, May 10-14, 2021
147. Koh, Y. (§), Ceylan, H., Kim, S., and Cho. I. H. (2021). “Mechanistic Analysis of Superheavy Loads on Flexible Pavement Structures,” Presentation at the 100th TRB Annual Meeting, NRC, A Virtual Event, January 5–29, 2021.
146. Citir, N. (§), Ceylan, H., and Kim, S. (2020). “Neural Network Models for Flexible Pavement Structural Evaluation,” the Advances in Materials and Pavement Performance Prediction (AM3P) Conference, A Virtual Event, August 3-7, 2020.
145. Sadati, S. S. M. (§), Malakooti, A. (§), Cetin, K., Ceylan, H., and Kim, S. (2020) “Proposing Improvements on the Construction of Electrically Conductive Concrete Pavement System based on Lessons Learned,” the 2020 Construction Research Congress (CRC), Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ, March 8-10, 2020.
144. Gopisetti, L. S. P. (§), Ceylan, H., Cetin, B., and Kim, S. (2020). “Analysis of Iowa Pavement Performance Predictions using Satellite-based and Ground-based Climate Data,” Presentation on the Transportation Research Board (TRB) 99th Annual Meeting, NRC, Washington, D.C., January 12–16, 2020.
143. Malakooti, A. (§), Theh, W. S. (§), Sadati, S. M. S. (§), Ceylan, H., Kim, S., Mina, M., Cetin, K., and Taylor, P. C. (2020). “Design and Full-Scale Implementation of the Largest Operational Electrically Conductive Concrete Heated Pavement System,” Presentation on the Transportation Research Board (TRB) 99th Annual Meeting, NRC, Washington, D.C., January 12–16, 2020.
142. Coban, H. S., Cetin, B., Likos, W. J., Ceylan, H., Edil, T. B., and Ozocak, A. (2020). “Evaluation of Radio Frequency Interference Potential of Electrically Conductive Concrete for Heated Pavement Systems,” the 2020 ASCE Geo-Congress, Minneapolis, MN, February 25-28, 2020.
141. Wu, Y., Ashlock, J. C., Cetin, B., Satvati, S., Cheng Li, and Ceylan, H. (2020). “Mechanistic Performance Evaluation of Chemically and Mechanically Stabilized Granular Roadways,” the 2020 ASCE Geo-Congress, Minneapolis, MN, February 25-28, 2020.
140. Satvati, S., Cetin, B., Ashlock, J. C., Ceylan, H., and Rutherford, C. J. (2020). “Binding Capacity of Quarry Fines for Granular Aggregates,” the 2020 ASCE Geo-Congress, Minneapolis, MN, February 25-28, 2020.
139. Genc, D., Ashlock, J. C., Cetin, B., Mahedi, M., Horton, R., and Ceylan, H. (2020). “Analysis of In-Situ Soil Thermal and Hydraulic Data from a Subgrade Sensor Network under a Granular Roadway,” the 2020 ASCE Geo-Congress, Minneapolis, MN, February 25-28, 2020.
138. Yang, B. (§), Zhang, Y. (§), Luo, C., Cetin, B., Ceylan, H., Kim, S., and Horton, R. (2020). “Effect of Concrete Grinding Residue on Minnesota Roadside Soil Properties,” the 2020 ASCE Geo-Congress, Minneapolis, MN, February 25-28, 2020.
137. Li, Y. (§), Zhang, Y. (§), Ceylan, H., and Kim, S. (2020). “In Situ Evaluation of Using Lignosulfonate for Subgrade Stabilization,” the 2020 ASCE Geo-Congress, Minneapolis, MN, February 25-28, 2020.
136. Gopisetti, L. S. P. (§), Ceylan, H., Cetin, B., and Kim, S. (2020). “Sensitivity Analysis of New Reflective Cracking Model in Pavement Mechanistic-Empirical Design,” the 2020 ASCE Geo-Congress, Minneapolis, MN, February 25-28, 2020.
135. Satvati, S. (§), Nahvi, A. (§), Jahren, C. T., Ashlock, J., Cetin, B., and Ceylan, H. (2019). “A Novel Performance-Based Economic Analysis Approach: Case Study of Iowa Low Volume Roads,” the 12th Transportation Research Board International Conference on Low-Volume Roads, Kalispell, MT, September 15–18, 2019.
134. Yang, B. (§), Zhang, Y., Ceylan, H., and Kim, S. (2019). “Evaluation of a Bio-Based Fog Seal for Low-Volume Road Preservation,” the 12th Transportation Research Board International Conference on Low-Volume Roads, Kalispell, MT, September 15–18, 2019.
133. Khairuddin, F. H. (§), Yusoff, N. I. M., Badri, K., Ceylan, H., and Mohd Tawil, S. N. (2019). “Thermal, Chemical and Imaging analysis of Polyurethane / Cecabase Modified Bitumen,” IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, Vol. 512, 012032.
132. Sadati, S. S. M. (§), Rezaei-Tarahomi, A. (§), Cetin, K., Ceylan, H., and Kim, S. (2019) “Integrated Fracture Mechanics and Finite Element Analysis of an Electrically Conductive Concrete Heated Pavement System,” the CSCE 2019 Annual Conference, Canadian Society for Civil Engineering, Greater Montreal, QC, June 12–15, 2019.
131. Akinci-Ceylan, S. A., Baran, E., and Ceylan, H. (2019). “Integrating Learning by Design into a Flipped Civil Engineering Design Course,” Proceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference (pp. 1207-1212), Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE), Las Vegas, NV, March 18, 2019.
130. Abdualla, H. (§), Ceylan, H., Kim, S., and Gopalakrishnan, K. (2019). “Effect of Temperature Variations on Electrical Resistivity of Conductive Concrete Heated Pavement System,” the 2019 ASCE International Airfield and Highway Pavements Conference, Chicago, IL, July 21-24, 2019.
129. Theh, W. S. (§), Mina, M., Ceylan, H., and Kim, S. (2019). “Evaluation of Radio Frequency Interference Potential of Electrically Conductive Concrete for Heated Pavement Systems,” the 2019 ASCE International Airfield and Highway Pavements Conference, Chicago, IL, July 21-24, 2019.
128. Li, Y. (§), Zhang, Y. (§), Ceylan, H., and Kim, S. (2019). “Performance Evaluation of Silty Soils Stabilized with Lignosulfonate,” the 2019 ASCE International Airfield and Highway Pavements Conference, Chicago, IL, July 21-24, 2019.
127. Rezaei-Tarahomi, A. (§), Ceylan, H., Gopalakrishnan, K., Kim, S., and Kaya, O. (2019). “Artificial Neural Network Models for Airport Rigid Pavement Top-Down Critical Stress Predictions: Sensitivity Evaluation,” the 2019 ASCE International Airfield and Highway Pavements Conference, Chicago, IL, July 21-24, 2019.
126. Sadati, S. S. M. (§), Cetin, K., Ceylan, H., and Kim, S. (2019) “A Methodology for Investigating Different Electrode Design Configurations of Electrically Conductive Concrete Heated Pavement Systems,” the 98th Annual meeting of Transportation Research Board, Transportation Research Board, NRC, Washington, D.C., January 13–17, 2019.
125. Kaya, O. (§), Ceylan, H., Gopalakrishnan, K., Kim, S., Rezaei-Tarahomi, A. (§), and Brill, D. R. (2019). “Review of Rigid Airfield Pavement Cracking Failure Models,” the 98th Annual meeting of Transportation Research Board, Transportation Research Board, NRC, Washington, D.C., January 13–17, 2019.
124. Gushgari, S. Y. (§), Zhang, Y., Ceylan, H., Kim, S., Nahvi, A. (§), Jahren, C. T., and Arabzadeh, A. (§) (2019). “Application and Evaluation of Otta Seal in Iowa: Cherokee County Experience,” the 98th Annual meeting of Transportation Research Board, Transportation Research Board, NRC, Washington, D.C., January 13–17, 2019.
123. Nahvi, A. (§), Zhang, Y., Ceylan, H., Kim, S., Arabzadeh, A. (§), Jahren, C. T., Gransberg, D. D., and Gushgari, S. Y. (§) (2019). “Feasibility Investigation of Upgrading Gravel Road to Otta Seal Surface: An Economic Analysis Approach,” the 98th Annual meeting of Transportation Research Board, Transportation Research Board, NRC, Washington, D.C., January 13–17, 2019.
122. Malakooti, A. (§), Abdualla, H. (§), Ceylan, H., Kim, S., and Sassani, A. (§) (2019). “Effect of Electrode Geometry and Size on Heating Performance of Electrically Conductive Concrete” the 98th Annual meeting of Transportation Research Board, Transportation Research Board, NRC, Washington, D.C., January 13–17, 2019.
121. Rezaei-Tarahomi, A. (§), Ceylan, H., Gopalakrishnan, K., Kim, S., Kaya, O. (§), and Brill, D. R. (2019). “Development of A Top Down Cracking Rapid Analysis Tool for Rigid Airfield Pavement Systems,” the 98th Annual meeting of Transportation Research Board, Transportation Research Board, NRC, Washington, D.C., January 13–17, 2019.
120. Abdualla, H. (§), Ceylan, H., Gopalakrishnan, K., Kim, S., Cetin, K. S., and Taylor, P. C. (2019). “Development of Construction Techniques for Electrically Conductive Heated Concrete Pavements,” the 98th Annual meeting of Transportation Research Board, Transportation Research Board, NRC, Washington, D.C., January 13–17, 2019.
119. Arabzadeh, A. (§), Ceylan, H., Kim, S., Sassani, A. (§), and Gopalakrishnan, K. (2018). “Investigating the Heat Generation Efficiency of Electrically-Conductive Asphalt Mastic Using Infrared Thermal Imaging,” the 2018 ASCE International Conference on Transportation & Development, Pittsburgh, PA, July 15-18, 2018.
118. Abdullah, H. (§), Ceylan, H., Kim, S., Taylor, P. C., Gopalakrishnan, K., and Cetin, K. S. (2018). “Hydronic Heated Pavement System Using Precast Concrete Pavement,” the 2018 ASCE International Conference on Transportation & Development, Pittsburgh, PA, July 15-18, 2018.
117. Yang, S. (§), Ceylan, H., Kim, S., and Abdulla, H. (§). (2018). “Implementing Advanced Wireless Sensing System for Airfield Pavement Condition Monitoring,” the 2018 ASCE International Conference on Transportation & Development, Pittsburgh, PA, July 15-18, 2018.
116. Kaya, O. (§), Garg, N., Ceylan, H., and Kim, S. (2018). “Development of Artificial Neural Network Based Predictive Models for Dynamic Modulus of Airfield Pavement Asphalt Mixtures,” The 2018 ASCE International Conference on Transportation & Development, Pittsburgh, PA, July 15-18, 2018.
115. Gushgari, S. Y. (§), Ceylan, H., Zhang, Y., and Kim, S. (2018). “Otta Seal Construction for Asphalt Pavement Resurfacing,” the 2018 ASCE International Conference on Transportation & Development, Pittsburgh, PA, July 15-18, 2018.
114. Taylor, P., Gross, J., King, D., Chen, Y (§), and Ceylan, H. (2018). Performance of Concrete Overlays in Iowa, ICCRRR2018, Cape Town, South Africa, November 19-21, 2018.
113. Sassani, A. (§), Arabzadeh, A. (§), Ceylan, H., Kim, S., Mina, M., and Taylor, P. C. (2018). “Evaluation of Different Laboratory Techniques for Measurement of Electrical Resistivity of Portland Cement Concrete,” the 13th International Symposium on Concrete Roads, Berlin, Germany, June 19-22, 2018.
112. Abdullah, H. (§), Ceylan, H., Taylor, P. C., Mina, M., Cetin, K. S., and Gopalakrishnan, K. (2018). “Electrically Conductive Concrete Heated Pavement System Using Two-Lift Construction Technology,” the 13th International Symposium on Concrete Roads, Berlin, Germany, June 19-22, 2018.
111. Yang, S. (§), Ceylan, H., Alhasan, A., and Kim, S. (2018). “Three-Dimensional Concrete Slab Geometric Modeling Using Point Cloud Data,” the 9th International DUT-Workshop on Research and Innovations for Design of Sustainable and Durable Concrete Pavements, Potsdam, Germany, June 17-18, 2018.
110. Sassani, A. (§), Arabzadeh, A. (§), Ceylan, H., Kim, S., Mina, M., and Taylor, P. C. (2018). “Characterization of Electrical Resistivity of Portland Cement Concrete by using Different Methods,” the 9th International DUT-Workshop on Research and Innovations for Design of Sustainable and Durable Concrete Pavements, Potsdam, Germany, June 17-18, 2018.
109. Abdualla, H. (§), Ceylan, H., Cetin, K. S., Kim, S., Taylor, P. C., Mina, M., Cetin, B., Gopalakrishnan, K., and Sadati, S. M. (§) (2018). “Construction Techniques for Electrically Conductive Heated Pavement Systems,” Construction Research Congress 2018, New Orleans, Louisiana, April 2-5, 2018, pp. 551-561.
108. Rezaei-Tarahomi, A. (§), Kaya, O. (§), Ceylan, H., Kim, S., and Brill, D. R. (2018). “Evaluation of Artificial Neural Network Architectures and Training Processes for Developing Rigid Airport Pavement Multiple-Slab Surrogate Response Models,” the Advances in Materials and Pavement Performance Prediction (AM3P) Conference, April 16-18, 2018, Doha, Qatar.
107. Sassani, A. (§), Ceylan, H., Kim, S., Arabzadeh, A. (§), Abdualla, H. (§), Taylor. P. C., and Gopalakrishnan, K. (2018). “Designing and Proportioning Electrically Conductive Concrete for Des Moines International Airport Heated Pavement System,” the 97th Annual meeting of Transportation Research Board, Transportation Research Board, NRC, Washington, D.C., January 7–11, 2018.
106. Yang, S. (§), Alhasan, A., Ceylan, H., and Kim, S. (2018). “Evaluation of Stationary Light Detection and Ranging System Scanning for Jointed Concrete Slab Shape Measurements,” the 97th Annual meeting of Transportation Research Board, Transportation Research Board, NRC, Washington, D.C., January 7–11, 2018.
105. Sadati, S. M. (§), Cetin, K., and Ceylan, H. (2017). “Numerical Modeling of Electrically Conductive Pavement Systems,” ASCE Congress on Technical Advancement 2017, Duluth, MN, September 10-13, 2017.
104. Oren, S., (§), Ceylan, H., and Dong, L. (2017). “Tubular Graphene Sensors Formed within Planar and Helical Microfluidic Channels,” the 17th IEEE International Conference on Nanotechnology, Pittsburgh, PA, July 25-28, 2017.
103. Song, I. (§), Cho, I., Tessitore, T., Gurcsik, T., and Ceylan, H. (2017). “Advanced Statistical Learning and Prediction of Complex Runway Incursion,” ASCE International Conference on Highway Pavements and Airfield Technology 2017, Philadelphia, PA, August 27-30, 2017.
102. Vidyadharan, A. (§), Carter, T., Ceylan, H., Gopalakrishnan, K., Kim, S., and Bloebaum, C. L. (2017). “Civil Infrastructure Health Monitoring and Management Using Unmanned Aerial Systems,” ASCE International Conference on Highway Pavements and Airfield Technology 2017, Philadelphia, PA, August 27-30, 2017.
101. Kaya, O. (§), Rezaei-Tarahomi, A. (§), Ceylan, H., Gopalakrishnan, K., Kim, S., and Brill, D. R. (2017). “Alternative Approaches to Developing Robust ANN Models for Predicting Critical Airport Rigid Pavement Responses,” ASCE International Conference on Highway Pavements and Airfield Technology 2017, Philadelphia, PA, August 27-30, 2017.
100. Arabzadeh, A. (§), Ceylan, H., Kim, S., Gopalakrishnan, K., Sassani, A. (§), Sundararajan, S., and Taylor, P. C. (2017). “Effect of Deicing Chemicals on Water and Ice Repellent Concrete Pavements,” ASCE International Conference on Highway Pavements and Airfield Technology 2017, Philadelphia, PA, August 27-30, 2017.
99. Abdualla, H. (§), Ceylan, H., Kim, S., Mina, M., Gopalakrishnan, K., Taylor, P. C., and Cetin, K. S. (2017). “Configuration of Electrodes for Electrically Conductive Concrete Heated Pavements,” ASCE International Conference on Highway Pavements and Airfield Technology 2017, Philadelphia, PA, August 27-30, 2017.
98. Yang, B. (§), Ceylan, H., Smadi, O., Gopalakrishnan, K., Kim, S., Turkan, Y., Alhasan, A., and Adarkwa, O. A. (2017). “A Review of Pavement Cracking Data Collection Practices,” Tenth International Conference on the Bearing Capacity of Roads, Railways and Airfields (BCRRA 2017), Athens, Greece, June 28-30, 2017.
97. Rezaei-Tarahomi, A. (§), Kaya, O., (§), Ceylan, H., Gopalakrishnan, K., Kim, S., and Brill, D. R. (2017). “Neural Networks Prediction of Critical Responses Related to Top-down and Bottom-up Cracking in Airfield Concrete Pavement,” Tenth International Conference on the Bearing Capacity of Roads, Railways and Airfields (BCRRA 2017), Athens, Greece, June 28-30, 2017.
96. Sassani, A. (§), Ceylan, H., Kim, S., Gopalakrishnan, K., Arabzadeh, A. (§), and Taylor, P. C. (2017). “Factorial Study on Electrically Conductive Concrete Mix Design for Heated Pavement Systems,” 96th Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board, Transportation Research Board, NRC, Washington, D. C., January 8-12, 2017.
95. Abdualla, H. (§), Gopalakrishnan, K., Ceylan, H., Kim, S., Mina, M., Taylor, P. C., and Cetin, K. S. (2017). “Development of A Finite Element Model for Electrically Conductive Concrete Heated Pavements,” the 96th Annual meeting of Transportation Research Board, Transportation Research Board, NRC, Washington, D.C., January 8-12, 2017.
94. Yang, S. (§), Ceylan, H., Gopalakrishnan, K., Kim, S., Taylor, P. C., and Alhasan, A. (2017). “Using Light Detection and Ranging Technology for Concrete Pavement Curling and Warping Measurement,” the 96th Annual meeting of Transportation Research Board, Transportation Research Board, NRC, Washington, D.C., January 8-12, 2017.
93. Kaya, O. (§), Rezaei-Tarahomi, A. (§), Ceylan, H., Gopalakrishnan, K., Kim, S., and Brill, D. R. (2017). “Developing Rigid Airport Pavement Multiple-Slab Response Models for Top-Down Cracking Mode using Artificial Neural Networks,” 96th Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board, Transportation Research Board, NRC, Washington, D.C., January 8-12, 2017.
92. Rezaei-Tarahomi, A. (§), Kaya, O. (§), Ceylan, H., Gopalakrishnan, K., Kim, S., and Brill, D. R. (2017). “Using Sensitivity Evaluations for Studying Multiple Slabs Concrete Pavement’s Critical Responses Associated with Top-down and Bottom-up Cracking,” 96th Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board, Transportation Research Board, NRC, Washington, D.C., January 8-12, 2017.
91. Yang, B. (§), Ceylan, H., Gopalakrishnan, K., and Kim, S. (2017). “Evaluation of Freeze and Thaw Durability of Road Soils Stabilized with Biofuel Co-Product,” ASCE Geotechnical Frontiers 2017, Orlando, Florida, March 12-15, 2017.
90. Yang, S. (§), Ceylan, H., Kim, S., Gopalakrishnan, K., and Steffes, R. F. (2016). “Development of a Portable Device for Measuring Curling and Warping in Concrete Pavements,” the 11th International Conference on Concrete Pavements (ICCP11), San Antonio, Texas, August 28-31, 2016.
89. Kaya, O. (§), Ceylan, H., Kim, S., and Gopalakrishnan, K. (2016). “Sensitivity Evaluation and Optimization of Calibration Coefficients of AASHTOWare Pavement ME Design Jointed Plain Concrete Pavement Faulting Models,” the 11th International Conference on Concrete Pavements (ICCP11), San Antonio, Texas, August 28-31, 2016.
88. Shen, W. (§), Gopalakrishnan, K., Kim, S., and Ceylan, H. (2016). “Airport Apron Heated Pavement System Operations: Analysis of Energy Requirements, Greenhouse Gas Emissions, and Operating Costs,” the Proceeding of ASCE Geo-Chicago 2016 Conference, Chicago, Illinois, August 14-18, 2016, pp. 513– 22.
87. Arabzadeh, A. (§), Sassani, A. (§), Kim, S., Gopalakrishnan, K., and Ceylan, H. (2016). “Fabrication of Polytetrafluoroethylene Coated Asphalt Concrete Biomimetic Surfaces: A Nanomaterials Based Pavement Winter Maintenance Approach,” the Proceeding of ASCE ICTD 2016, Houston, Texas, June 26-29, 2016, pp. 54-64.
86. Anand, P. (§), Ceylan, H., Pyrialakou, D. V., Gkritza, K., Gopalakrishnan, K., Kim, S., and Taylor, P. (2016). “Economic Assessment of Heated Pavements for Large Hub Airports,” the Proceeding of ASCE ICTD 2016, Houston, Texas, June 26-29, 2016, pp. 128-139
85. Ceylan, H., Arabzadeh, A. (§), Sassani, A. (§), Kim, S., and Gopalakrishnan, K. (2016). “Innovative Nano-engineered Asphalt Concrete for Ice and Snow Controls in Pavement Systems,” The Eurasphalt and Eurobitume (E&E) Congress 2016, Prague, the Czech Republic, June 1-6, 2016.
84. Kaya, O. (§), Ceylan, H., Kim, S., and Gopalakrishnan, K. (2016). “Alternative Approaches to Local Calibration of AASHTOWare Pavement ME Design Jointed Plain Concrete Pavement (JPCP) Smoothness Models,” The ASCE Geo-SEI 2016 Conference, Phoenix, Arizona, February 14-17, 2016, Geotechnical and Structural Engineering Congress 2016, pp. 1222-1232.
83. Kim, S., Ceylan, H., Gopalakrishnan, K., and Yang, B. (§) (2016). “How are the Subsurface Drainage Outlets in Iowa Roadways with Recycled Concrete Aggregate Base Performing?” The ASCE Geo-SEI 2016 Conference, Phoenix, Arizona, February 14-17, 2016, Geotechnical and Structural Engineering Congress 2016, pp. 1295-1302.
82. Abdualla, H. (§), Ceylan, H., Kim, S., Gopalakrishnan, K., Taylor, P. C., Turkan, Y. (2016). “System Requirements for Electrically Conductive Concrete Heated Pavements,” the 95th Annual meeting of Transportation Research Board, Transportation Research Board, NRC, Washington, D.C., January 10-14, 2016.
81. Kaya, O. (§), Kim, S., Ceylan, H., and Gopalakrishnan, K. (2016). “Local Calibration of AASHTOWare Pavement ME Design: Optimization of Jointed Plain Concrete Pavement Transverse Cracking Prediction Model Coefficients,” the 95th Annual meeting of Transportation Research Board, Transportation Research Board, NRC, Washington, D.C., January 10-14, 2016.
80. Arabzadeh, A. (§), Ceylan, H., Kim, S., Gopalakrishnan, K., and Sassani, A. (§) (2016). “Superhydrophobic Coatings on Asphalt Concrete Surfaces: Towards Smart Solutions for Winter Pavement Maintenance,” the 95th Annual meeting of Transportation Research Board, Transportation Research Board, NRC, Washington, D.C., January 10-14, 2016.
79. Ceylan, H., Kim, S., Uzer, A. U. and Yang, B. (§) (2015). “Strength Performance of Iowa Soils Stabilized with Biofuel Industry Co-Product,” Presented at the 5th International Conference of Euro Asia Civil Engineering Forum, Surabaya, Indonesia, September 15-18, 2015, Procedia Engineering, pp. 317-323.
78. Omar, H. A. (§), Yusoff, N. I. M., Sajuri, Z., Ceylan, H., Jakarni, F. M., and Ismail, A. (2015). “Evaluation of Bonding Strength of Unmodified and Modified Binders Using the Pull-off Test Method,” The 9th International Conference on Road and Airfield Pavement Technology (ICPT2015), Dalian, China, 9 -13th August 2015.
77. Omar, H. A. (§), Yusoff, N. I. M., Sajuri, Z., Ceylan, H., Jakarni, F. M., and Ismail, A. (2015). “Evaluating the Effect of Mixing Process on Nano-clay Modified Binders Using the Pull-off Test Method,” The second AWAM International Conference on Civil Engineering (eco-AICCE’15), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 9-11th September 2015, Available at Applied Mechanics and Materials, Vol. 802, pp 357-362.
76. Babashamsi, P. (§), Yusoff, N. I. M., Ceylan, H., and Nor, N. G. M. (2015). “Life Cycle Assessment for Pavement Sustainable Development: Critical Review,” The second AWAM International Conference on Civil Engineering (eco-AICCE’15), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 9-11th September 2015, Available at Applied Mechanics and Materials, Vol. 802, pp 333-338.
75. Shen, W. (§), Gopalakrishnan, K., Kim, S., and Ceylan, H. (2015). “Carbon Footprint Analysis of Geothermal Heated Airport Pavements,” the 94th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Transportation Research Board, NRC, Washington, D.C., January 11-15, 2015.
74. Gopalakrishnan, K., Ceylan, H., Kim, S., Yang, S. (§), and Hesham, A. (§) (2015). “Self-Heating Electrically Conductive Concrete for Pavement Deicing: A Revisit,” the 94th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Transportation Research Board, NRC, Washington, D.C., January 11-15, 2015.
73. Li, M. (§), van Keulen, W., Ceylan, H., van de Ven, M. F. C., and Molenaar, A. A. A. (2015). “Statistical Model of Tyre-Road Noise for Thin Layer Surfacing,” the 94th Annual meeting of Transportation Research Board, Transportation Research Board, NRC, Washington, D.C., January 11-15, 2015.
72. Ceylan, H., Gurer, C., Kim, S., and Gopalakrishnan, K., (2014). “Otta Seal: An Alternative Bituminous Surface Treatment Technique for Low Volume Roads,” 3rd National Highway Transportation Congress, Ankara, Turkey, November 25-27, 2014.
71. Taylor, P. C., Yurdakul, E. (§), and Ceylan, H. (2014). “Performance Engineered Mixtures for Concrete Pavements in the USA,” The 12th International Symposium on Concrete Roads, Prague, Czech Republic, September 23-26, 2014.
70. Ceylan, H., Gopalakrishnan, K., Kim, S., and Cord, W. (§) (2014). “Heated Transportation Infrastructure Systems: Existing and Emerging Technologies,” The 12th International Symposium on Concrete Roads, Prague, Czech Republic, September 23-26, 2014.
69. Yang, S. (§), Shen, K., Ceylan, H., Kim, S., Qiao, D., and Gopalakrishnan, K. (2014). “Development of A Wireless Communication System for Concrete Pavement Health Monitoring,” The 8th International DUT-Workshop on Research and Innovations for Design of Sustainable and Durable Concrete Pavements, Prague, Czech Republic, September 20-21, 2014.
68. Yang, S. (§), Ceylan, H., Gopalakrishnan, K., and Kim, S. (2014). “Smart Airport Pavement Instrumentation and Health Monitoring,” The 2014 FAA Worldwide Airport Technology Transfer Conference, Galloway, New Jersey, August 5-7, 2014.
67. Shen, W. (§), Gopalakrishnan, K., Kim, S., and Ceylan, H. (2014). “Greenhouse Gas Emission Analysis for Heated Pavement System,” The 2014 FAA Worldwide Airport Technology Transfer Conference, Galloway, New Jersey, August 5-7, 2014.
66. Anand, P. (§), Ceylan, H., Gkritza, K. N., Taylor, P. C., Pyrialakou, V. D., Kim, S., and Gopalakrishnan, K. (§) (2014). “Establishing Parameters for Cost Comparison of Alternative Airfield Snow Removal Methodologies,” The 2014 FAA Worldwide Airport Technology Transfer Conference, Galloway, New Jersey, August 5-7, 2014.
65. Yurdakul, E. (§), Taylor, P., and Ceylan, H. (2014). “Development of a Performance-Based Mix Proportioning Tool Using the Artificial Neural Network Modeling.” 2014 Concrete Innovation Conference, Oslo, Norway, June 11-13, 2014.
64. Yurdakul, E. (§), Taylor, P., and Ceylan, H. (2014). “A Comparative Analysis of Mix Proportioning for Prescriptive and Performance-Based Specifications for Sustainability,” 2014 International Concrete Sustainability Conference, Boston, Massachusetts, May 12-15, 2014.
63. Ceylan, H., Gopalakrishnan, K., and Kim, S. (2014) “I-BACK: Iowa’s Intelligent Pavement Backcalculation Software,” Geo-Congress 2014: Geo-Characterization and Modeling for Sustainability, February 23-26, 2014, Atlanta, Georgia.
62. Ceylan, H. (2014). “Transverse Cracking Distress on Jointed Plain Concrete Pavement in Iowa: A Case Study,” 93rd Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Transportation Research Board, NRC, Washington, D.C., January 12-16, 2014.
61. Kim, S., Gopalakrishnan, K., Ceylan, H., and Steffes, R. F. (2014). “Review and Evaluation of Iowa Roadway Subsurface Drainage Practices,” the 93rd Annual Meeting and Journal of the Transportation Research Board, Transportation Research Board, NRC, Washington, D.C., January 12-16, 2014.
60. Yaman, I. O. and Ceylan, H. (2013). “Roller Compacted Concrete Pavements,” National Concrete Symposium, Istanbul, Turkey, February 21-24, 2013. (Invited paper).
59. Li, M., van Keulen, W., Ceylan, H., van de Ven, M. F. C., and Molenaar, A. A.A. (2013). “Modelling the Tyre/Road Noise from Thin Layer Surfacings.” The 92nd Annual meeting of Transportation Research Board, Transportation Research Board, NRC, Washington, D.C., January 13-16, 2013.
58. Schwartz, C. W., Li, R., Ceylan, H., Kim, S., and Gopalakrishnan, K. (2013). “Global Sensitivity Analysis of Mechanistic-Empirical Performance Predictions for Flexible Pavements.” The 92nd Annual Meeting and Journal of the Transportation Research Board, Transportation Research Board, NRC, Washington, D.C., January 13-16, 2013.
57. Kim, S., Ceylan, H., Ma, D. (§), and Gopalakrishnan, K. (2013). “Local Calibration Studies on DARWin-ME/ Mechanistic-Empirical Pavement Design Guide Jointed Plain Concrete Pavement Performance Prediction Models,” the 92nd Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Transportation Research Board, NRC, Washington, D.C., January 13-16, 2013.
56. Ceylan, H., Gopalakrishnan, K., Kim, S., Schwartz, C. W., and Li, R. (2013). “Global Sensitivity Analysis (GSA) of Jointed Plain Concrete Pavement (JPCP) Mechanistic-Empirical Performance Predictions,” the 92nd Annual Meeting and Journal of the Transportation Research Board, Transportation Research Board, NRC, Washington, D.C., January 13-16, 2013.
55. Yurdakul, E. (§), Taylor, P. C., Ceylan, H., Bektas, F. (2012). “Development of a Protocol to Assess Integral Waterproofing Admixtures,” Federal Highway Administration ACPT Conference on Long Life Concrete Pavements, Seattle, Washington, September 18-21, 2012.
54. Denizer, B. (§), Ustundag, E., Ceylan, H., Li, L., Lee, S-Y. (2012). “Engineering Neutron Diffraction Data Analysis with Inverse Neural Network Modeling”, Meca Sens Proceeding (Materials Science Forum), Accepted for publication in 2012 and published in 2014, Vol. 772, pp. 39 – 44.
53. Wang, S. (§), Ceylan, H., Kim, S. (§), Gopalakrishnan, K., Khazanovich, L., and Dai, S. (2012). “Impact of Farm Equipment Loading on Rigid Pavement Performance Using Finite Element Analysis,” 10th International Conference on Concrete Pavements (ICCP10), Quebec City, Quebec, Canada, July 8-12, 2012.
52. Gopalakrishnan, K. and Ceylan, H. (2012). “Rigid Pavement Backcalculation Using Differential Evolution,” 10th International Conference on Concrete Pavements (ICCP10), Quebec City, Quebec, Canada, July 8-12, 2012.
51. Yurdakul, E. (§), Taylor, P. C., and Ceylan, H. (2012). “The Application of X-Ray Fluorescence to Assess Proportions of Fresh Concrete,” 10th International Conference on Concrete Pavements (ICCP10), Quebec City, Quebec, Canada, July 8-12, 2012.
50. Ceylan, H., Kim, S. (§), Schwartz, C. W., Li, R., and Gopalakrishnan, K. (2012). “Effect of PCC Material Properties on MEPDG Rigid Pavement Performance,” 10th International Conference on Concrete Pavements (ICCP10), Quebec City, Quebec, Canada, July 8-12, 2012.
49. Kim, S. (§), Gopalakrishnan, K., and Ceylan, H. (2012). “Impact of Bio-fuel Co-Product Modified Subgrade on Flexible Pavement Performance,” Geo-Congress 2012, ASCE, Oakland, CA, March 13-16, 2012.
48. Li. R., Schwartz. C. W, Kim, S. (§), and Ceylan, H. (2012). “Local Sensitivity of Mechanistic-Empirical Flexible Pavement Performance Predictions to Unbound Material Property Inputs,” Geo-Congress 2012, ASCE, Oakland, CA, March 13-16, 2012.
47. Yurdakul, E. (§), Taylor, P. C., Ceylan, H., and Bektas, F. (2011). “Minimizing Cementitious Content for Performance and Sustainability in Rigid Pavements,” National Ready-Mixed Concrete Association, International Concrete Sustainability Conference, August 9-11, 2011, Boston, Massachusetts, USA.
46. Yurdakul, M. (§), Ceylan, H., and Akdas, H. (2011). “Predictive Model for Uniaxial Compressive Strength of Carbonate Rocks from Schmidt Hardness,” 45th US Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium, San Francisco, California, USA, June 26-29, 2011.
45. Kim, S. (§), Ceylan, H., Gopalakrishnan, K., White, D. J., Jahren, C. T., and Phan, T. H. (2011). “Comparative Performance of Concrete Pavements with Recycled Concrete Aggregate (RCA) and Virgin Aggregate Subbases.” ASCE’s 1st T&DI Congress, Chicago, IL, March 13-16, 2011.
44. Gopalakrishnan, K., Ceylan, H., and Kim, S. (§) (2011). “Mechanistic-Based Characterization of Non-Linear Pavement Mechanical Properties Using Evolving Intelligent Information Processing Systems,” Geo-Frontiers 2011, ASCE, Dallas, Texas, March 13-16, 2011.
43. Gopalakrishnan, K., Ceylan, H., and Kim, S. (§) (2011). “Sustainable Use of Lignocellulosic Biorefineries Co-Products in Geotechnical Bulk Applications: Comparative Analysis of Lab Data,” Geo-Frontiers 2011, ASCE, Dallas, Texas, March 13-16, 2011.
42. Yurdakul, E. (§), Taylor, P. C., Ceylan, H., and Bektas, F. (2011). “Preliminary Investigation on Determining the Minimum Cement Content in Concrete,” The 90th Annual Transportation Research Board Meeting, Transportation Research Board, NRC, Washington, D.C., January 23-27, 2010.
41. Schwartz, C. W., Li, R., Kim, S. (§), Ceylan, H., and Gopalakrishnan, K. (2011). “Effect of PCC Strength and Stiffness Characterization on MEPDG Predicted Performance of JPCP Structures,” The 90th Annual Transportation Research Board Meeting, Transportation Research Board, NRC, Washington, D.C., January 23-27, 2010.
40. Gopalakrishnan, K., Kim, S. (§), Ceylan, H., and Siddhartha K. K. (2010). “Natural Selection of Asphalt Mix Stiffness Predictive Models with Genetic Programming,” ANNIE 2010, Artificial Neural Networks in Engineering, St. Louis, Missouri, November 1-3, 2010.
39. Gopalakrishnan, K. and Ceylan, H. (2010). “Application of Shuffled Complex Evolution Optimization Approach to Concrete Pavement Backanalysis,” 7th International DUT-Workshop on Design and Performance of Sustainable and Durable Concrete Pavements, Carmona, Spain, October 9-12, 2010.
38. Kim, S. (§), Ceylan, H., Gopalakrishnan, K., Smadi, O., Brakke, C., and Behnami, F. (2010). “Verification of Mechanistic-Empirical Pavement Design Guide (MEPDG) Performance Predictions Using Pavement Management Information System (PMIS),” TRB DVD, Paper no: 10-2395, 89th Annual Transportation Research Board Meeting, Transportation Research Board, NRC, Washington, D.C., January 10-14, 2010.
37. Ceylan, H., Gopalakrishnan, K., and Kim, S. (§) (2010). “Soil Stabilizer Derived from Sustainable Energy Co-Product,” TRB DVD, Paper no: 10-2340, 89th Annual Transportation Research Board Meeting, Transportation Research Board, NRC, Washington, D.C., January 10-14, 2010.
36. Gopalakrishnan, K., Khaitan, S. K., and Ceylan, H. (2009). “Non-linear Inverse Analysis of Transportation Structures Using Neuro-Adaptive Networks with Hybrid Learning Algorithm,” ANNIE 2009, ANNs in Engineering, St. Louis, Missouri, November 2-4, pp. 99-106.
35. Gopalakrishnan, K., Kim, S. (§), and Ceylan, H. (2009). “Hot Mix Asphalt Dynamic Modulus Prediction Using Kernel Machines,” ANNIE 2009, ANNs in Engineering, St. Louis, Missouri, November 2-4, pp. 131-138.
34. Ceylan, H., Gopalakrishnan, K., and Kim, S. (§) “Structural Evaluation of Rubblized Concrete Pavements in Iowa,” 8th International Conference on the Bearing Capacity of Roads, Railways, and Airfields, June 29-July 2, 2009, Champaign, Illinois.
33. Maser, K. R., McGrath, L. A., Miller, B.C., Ceylan, H. and Sanati, G. (2009) “Automated Pavement Thickness Evaluation for FWD Backcalculation,” 8th International Conference on the Bearing Capacity of Roads, Railways, and Airfields scheduled for June 29-July 2, 2009, in Champaign, Illinois.
32. Kim, S. (§), Gopalakrishnan, K., and Ceylan, H. (2009) “Iowa’s Rubblized Pavements: Design Properties of Rubblized PCC Layers,” TRB DVD, 88th Annual Transportation Research Board Meeting, Transportation Research Board, NRC, Washington, D.C., January 11-14, 2009.
31. Guclu, A. (§) and Ceylan, H. (2008). “A Neural Network-Based Rapid Backcalculation Model for Composite Pavement Systems,” TRB DVD, Paper no: 08-2416, 87th Annual Meeting of the TRB, NRC, Washington, D.C., January 13-17, 2008.
30. Ceylan, H., Kim, S. (§), and Gopalakrishnan, K. (§) “Hot Mix Asphalt Dynamic Modulus Prediction Models Using Neural Networks Approach,” ANNIE 2007, ANNs in Engineering Conference, St. Louis, Missouri, November 10-14, 2007.
29. Won, M., Ceylan, H., and Barenberg, E. J. (2007). “Determination of Optimum Longitudinal Steel Reinforcement in CRCP Based on Field Experimentation,” International Workshop on Best Practices for Concrete Pavements, Recife, Brazil, October 21-23, 2007.
28. Kim, S. (§), Ceylan, H., and Gopalakrishnan, K. (§) (2007). “Simulation of Early-Age Jointed Plain Concrete Pavement Deformation under Environmental Loading Using the Finite Element Method,” International Conference on Advanced Characterization of Pavement and Soil Engineering Materials, Athens, Greece, June 20-22, 2007.
27. Guclu, A. (§) and Ceylan, H. (2007). “Condition Assessment of Composite Pavement Systems Using Neural Network-Based Rapid Backcalculation Algorithms,” TRB CD-ROM, Paper no: 07-3356, 86th Annual Meeting of the TRB, NRC, Washington, D.C., January 21-25, 2007.
26. Ceylan, H., Cable, J., and Gopalakrishnan, K. (§) (2006). “Defining the Attributes of Well-Performing Long-Lasting Portland Cement Concrete Pavements,” Proceedings of the FHWA CPTP International Conference on Long-Life Concrete Pavements, Chicago, IL, October 25-27, 2006.
25. Bayrak, B. (§), Gopalakrishnan, K. (§), and Ceylan, H. (2006). “Neural Network-Based Backcalculation Models for Non-Destructive Evaluation of Rigid Airfield Pavement Systems,” 6th International DUT-Workshop on Fundamental Modeling of Design and Performance of Concrete Pavements, Old-Turnhout, Belgium, September 14-17, 2006.
24. (+) Kim, S. (§), Ceylan, H., Gopalakrishnan, K. (§), and Wang, K. (2006). “Effect of Early Age Curling and Warping Behavior on Initial Smoothness of Jointed Plain Concrete Pavements,” 6th International DUT-Workshop on Fundamental Modeling of Design and Performance of Concrete Pavements, Old-Turnhout, Belgium, September 14-17, 2006.
23. (+) Bayrak, B. (§), and Ceylan, H. (2006). “Backcalculation of Rigid Pavement Layer Parameters Using Artificial Neural Networks,” ANNIE 2006, ANNs in Engineering Conference, St. Louis, Missouri, November 5-8, 2006.
22. Guclu, A. (§), and Ceylan, H. (2006). “Backcalculation of Pavement Layer Parameters of Composite Pavement Systems Using Artificial Neural Networks,” ANNIE 2006, ANN in Engineering Conference, St. Louis, Missouri, November 5-8, 2006.
21. Gopalakrishnan, K. (§), and Ceylan, H. (2006) “Towards Real-Time Structural Evaluation of In-Service Airfield Pavement Systems Using Neural Networks Approach,” ANNIE 2006, ANN in Engineering Conference, St. Louis, Missouri, November 5-8, 2006.
20. Lu, P., Phares, B., Ceylan, H., and Wipf, T. (2006). “Multi-Stage Damage Detection Using Neural Networks,” ANNIE 2006, ANN in Engineering Conference, St. Louis, Missouri, November 5-8, 2006.
19. Hazaree, C. V. (§), and Ceylan, H. (2006). “High Volume Fly Ash Concrete for Pavement Applications with Gap Graded Aggregates: Marginal and Fine Sands,” – Proceedings of 2006 T&DI Airfield and Highway Pavement Specialty Conference, Atlanta, Georgia, April 30–May 3, 2006. (Acceptance rate = 87/203 = 43%).
18. Gopalakrishnan, K. (§), Ceylan, H., Inanc, F., and Heitzman, M. (§) (2006). “Characterization of Asphalt Materials Using X-Ray High-Resolution Computed Tomography Imaging Techniques,” Proceedings of 2006 T&DI Airfield and Highway Pavement Specialty Conference, Atlanta, Georgia, April 30–May 3, 2006. (Acceptance rate = 87/203 = 43%).
17. Hazaree, C. V. (§), Ceylan, H., and Wang, K. (2006). “Optimizing Mix Proportions for Durable Roller Compacted Concrete Pavement Applications in Indian Conditions,” – Proceedings of 2006 T&DI Airfield and Highway Pavement Specialty Conference, Atlanta, Georgia, April 30–May 3, 2006. (Acceptance rate = 87/203 = 43%).
16. Ceylan, H., Gopalakrishnan, K. (§), and Coree, B. (2006). “Strategic Plan for Implementing Mechanistic-Empirical Pavement Design Guide in Iowa,” TRB CD-ROM, Paper no: 06-2784, Session 417 on Mechanistic-Empirical Concrete Pavement Design, 85th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, NRC, Washington, D.C., January 22-26, 2006.
15. Kim, S. (§), Ceylan, H., Gopalakrishnan, K. (§), and Heitzman, M. A. (§) (2006) “Sensitivity Study of Iowa Flexible Pavements Using Mechanistic-Empirical Pavement Design Guide,” TRB CD-ROM, Paper no: 06-2139, Session 522/04 on Flexible Pavement Design and Cold In-Place Recycling, 85th Annual Meeting of the TRB, NRC, Washington, D.C., Jan. 22-26, 2006.
14. Ceylan, H., Gopalakrishnan, K. (§), Coree, B., Kota, T. (§), and Mathews, R. (§) “Development of Mechanistic-Empirical Structural Design Program for Hot-Mix Asphalt Overlaid Rubblized Portland Cement Concrete Pavements,” TRB CD-ROM, Paper no: 06-2221, Session 522/03 on Flexible Pavement Design and Cold In-Place Recycling, 85th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, NRC, Washington, D.C., January 22-26, 2006.
13. Ceylan, H., Bayrak, M. B. (§), and Guclu, A. (§) (2005) “Use of Neural Networks to Develop Robust Backcalculation Algorithms for Nondestructive Evaluation of Flexible Pavement Systems,” ANNIE 2005, ANN in Engineering, St. Louis, Missouri, November 5-8, 2005, pp. 665–670. – Best paper award (2nd place), selected from among some 150 fully peer reviewed published papers.
12. (+) Tutumluer, E. and Ceylan, H. (2005). “A Mechanistic Response Model for Geosynthetic Reinforced Road Pavements,” Keynote Lecture, 2nd International Technical Textiles Congress, Istanbul World Trade New Exhibition Center, Istanbul, Turkey, July 13–15, 2005.
11. Ceylan, H., Guclu, A. (§), Pekcan, O., and Tutumluer, E. (2005). “Advanced Models for Predicting Aggregate Rutting Behavior,” – 7th International Conference on the Bearing Capacity of Roads, Railways and Airfields (BCRA 2005), Trondheim, Norway, June 27–29, 2005.
10. Ceylan, H., Bayrak, M. B. (§), Guclu, A. (§), and Tutumluer, E. (2005). “Forward and Backcalculation of Nonlinear Pavement Systems Using Neural Networks,” – 11th International Conference of International Association of Computer Methods and Advances in Geomechanics (IACMAG), Turin/Torino, Italy, June 19–24, 2005.
9. Ceylan, H., Guclu, A. (§) (2005). “Effects of Combined Temperature and Gear Loading on the Response of Concrete Airfield Pavements Serving the Airbus A380-800 Aircraft,” 1st European Airport Pavement Workshop organized by CROW on May 11–12, 2005, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
8. Ceylan, H., Guclu, A. (§) (2004). “Use of Artificial Neural Networks for the Analysis and Design of Concrete Pavement Systems Serving the A380-800 Aircraft,” ANNIE 2004, ANN in Engineering, St. Louis, Missouri, November 7-10, 2004, pp. 665-670. – Best paper award, selected from among some 160 fully peer reviewed published papers.
7. White, D. J., Rupnow, T. D., and Ceylan, H. (2004). “Influence of Subgrade/Subbase Non-Uniformity on PCC Pavement Performance”, Editors: M. K. Yegian and E. Kavazanjian, Geotechnical Engineering for Transportation Projects, Geotechnical Special Publication No. 126, ASCE, pp. 1,058-1,065.
6. Ceylan, H., Tutumluer, E., Gomez-Ramirez, F., Guclu, A. (§), and Thompson, M. R. (2004). “Neural Network-Based Structural Models for Rapid Analysis of Flexible Pavements with Unbound Aggregate Layers,” 6th International Symposium on Pavements Unbound (UNBAR 6), Nottingham Centre for Pavement Engineering, School of Civil Engineering, University of Nottingham, Nottingham, England, July 6-8, 2004, pp. 139-147.
5. Ceylan, H. (2004). “Use of Artificial Neural Networks for the Analysis and Design of Concrete Pavement Systems,” 5th International CROW Workshop on Fundamental Modeling of the Design and Performance of Concrete Pavements, Istanbul, Turkey, March 30-April 2, 2004.
4. Tutumluer, E. (°), Ceylan, H., and Seyhan, Ü. (2001). “Advanced Characterization of Granular Material Behavior Using Artificial Neural Networks.” 15th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Istanbul, Turkey, August 27-31, 2001.
3. (#) Ceylan, H., Tutumluer, E. (°), and Barenberg, E. J. (°) (2000). “Effects of Simultaneous Temperature and Gear Loading on the Response of Concrete Airfield Pavements Serving the Boeing 777 Aircraft.” ASCE 26th International Air Transportation Conference, San Francisco, California, June 18-21, 2000, pp. 25-44.
2. (#) Ceylan, H., Tutumluer, E. (°), and Barenberg, E. J. (°) (1998). “Artificial Neural Networks as Design Tools in Concrete Airfield Pavement Design”, In Proceedings of the 25th ASCE International Air Transportation Conference, Austin, Texas, June 14-17, 1998, pp. 447-465.
1. Catal, H. H., Ceylan, H., and Kuruoglu, M. (1996). “Comparison of Analysis Methods of Grid Foundations”, In Proceedings of the 6th Turkish Congress on Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, Dokuz Eylul University, İzmir, Turkey, October 24-25, pp. 228-238, (In Turkish).
Books Edited or Co-Edited
- Gopalakrishnan, K., Ceylan, H., and Attoh-Okine, N., (2009). Soft Computing Techniques in Pavement and Geomechanical Systems. Springer-Verlag, Inc., Germany, ISBN: 978-3-642-04585-1. http://www.springer.com/engineering/book/978-3-642-04585-1 (was invited by Springer-Verlag to produce this publication).
- Ceylan, H., Gopalakrishnan, K., Liu, X., and Huang, L. (2009). Performance Modeling and Evaluation of Pavement Systems and Materials, ASCE Geotechnical Special Publication No. 195, Reston, Virginia.
- Dagli, C. H., Enke, D. L., Bryden, K. M., Ceylan, H., and Gen, M. (2008). Intelligent Engineering Systems Through Artificial Neural Networks: Smart Systems Engineering: Computational Intelligence in Architecting Engineering Systems, ASME Press Series, Proceedings of the International Conference on ANNIE 2008, Vol. 18, New York, NY, ISBN#: 978-0-7918-0282-3.
- Arabnia, H. R., Yang, M. Q., and Yang, J. Y. (Editors), Bourbakis, N. G., and Ceylan, H., et al. (Associate Editors) (2007). Proceedings of the 2007 International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ICAI’07), June 25-28, 2007, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. Volume II, p. 498, CSREA Press 2007, New York, NY, ISBN #: 1-60132-024-8.
- Arabnia, H. R., Yang, M. Q., and Yang, J. Y. (Editors), Bourbakis, N. G., and Ceylan, H., et al. (Associate Editors) (2007). Proceedings of the 2007 International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ICAI’07), June 25-28, 2007, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. Volume I, p. 423, CSREA Press 2007, New York, NY, ISBN #: 1-60132-023-X.
- Tutumluer, E., Tashman, L., and Ceylan, H. (2007). Soil and Material Inputs for Mechanistic-Empirical Pavement Design Guide, ASCE Geotechnical Special Publication No. 169, Reston, Virginia.
Select Media Appearances
- Reported by KMAland Broadcasting “Page County road project subject of ISU study”, September 2021.
- Featured on FAA Safety Briefing “The Cost of Frost on Runways A Look at Heated Pavement Technology”, March/April 2021.
- Featured on Airport Improvement Magazine “Test Slabs at Des Moines Int’l Bode Well for Electrically Heated Airside Pavement”, October 2020.
- Featured on Roads & Bridges “Is Slurry An Ugly Word?”, February 2020.
- Featured on Engineering News Record (ENR) “Concrete Projects to Watch: Heat Conducting Concrete” July 2019.
- Featured on ACI Concrete SmartBrief “Carbon fiber brings the heat to concrete pavement”, March 14, 2019.
- Featured on Iowa State University College of Engineering Research “Iowa State engineers work with Iowa DOT to scale up tests of heated pavement”, March 13, 2019.
- Interviewed with The Weather Channel Live (twice on this day), January 24, 2019.
- Featured on ASCE-T&DI Transportation & Development News “MEMBER HIGHLIGHT: Dr. Halil Ceylan”, November 26, 2018.
- Featured on Global Construction Review “Electric concrete tested at US airport to melt snow”, March 22, 2018.
- Featured on WUWT “Could heated airport runways melt away your winter travel headaches?”, February 28, 2018.
- Featured on Tunis Daily News “Researchers make wearable sensors for plants”. February 16, 2018.
- Featured on NBC’s Nightly News “How heated runways can help prevent airport weather delays?”, January 26, 2018.
- Featured on NBC’s Today Show “Could heated airport runways melt away your winter travel headaches?”, January 26, 2018.
- Featured on WallacesFarmer “Tape-based electronic plant sensors show promise”, January 11, 2018.
- Featured on Iowa State University College of Engineering Research “Safer, more sustainable aviation- Iowa State’s partnership in FAA program advances airport runways, operating technology”. January 8, 2018.
- Featured on Clay & Milk “Heated pavement technology tests well at Des Moines Airport”, January 5, 2018.
- Featured on AZO Sensors “Graphene-based sensors-on-tape for investigating transfer of water in plants”, January 5, 2018.
- Featured on NBC WHO-TV “Des Moines Airport testing heated pavement”, January 5, 2018.
- Featured on KCCI 8 News “Heated pavement tech could be travelers’ dream come true”, January 5, 2018.
- Featured on KCRG News “Heated pavements working at Des Moines Airport”, January 5, 2018.
- Featured on ScienceDaily “Engineers make wearable sensors for plants, enabling measurements of water use in crops”, January 3, 2018.
- Featured on The Gazette “Iowa airports going green, saving on energy costs”, November 25, 2017.
- Featured on NPR “Winter is Coming. What if roads and runways could de-ice themselves?”, October 1, 2017.
- Featured on Travel+Leisure “Electric concrete at airports could save us all from winter flight delays”, April 18, 2017.
- Reported by Daily Planet- Discovery Canada “Heated airport pavements” April 10, 2017.
- Featured on Highway Today “Iowa State engineers test heated pavement technology at Des Moines International Airport”, April 1, 2017.
- Reported by the International Society for Concrete Pavements (ISCP) “The first full-scale test slabs of electrically conductive concrete installed at an American airport” March 30, 2017.
- Featured on News ATLAS “Electrified concrete may keep airports ice-free”, March 30, 2017.
- Featured on Newswise “Iowa State engineers test heated pavement technology at Des Moines International Airport”, March 28, 2017.
- Featured on Iowa State News Service “Iowa State engineers test heated pavement technology at Des Moines International Airport”, March 28, 2017.
- Featured on NBC WHO-TV “Heat pavement technology could melt away airport headaches”, March 28, 2017.
- Featured on ScienceDaily “Iowa State engineers test heated pavement technology at Des Moines International Airport”, March 28, 2017.
- Featured on International Airport Review “Innovative and sustainable airfield pavement engineering solution”, May 24, 2016.
- Featured on ASCE SmartBrief “Engineers develop technologies to clear snow from concrete runways”, April 3, 2015.
- Featured on AOPA “Just melt it-Iowa State tests new snow removal methods”, March 21, 2015.
- Featured on Iowa State Daily “ISU researchers develop snow-free pavement technologies”, March 12, 2015.
- Featured on Ames Tribune “ISU researchers hope to prevent icy airport runways”, March 7, 2015.
- Featured on NBC WHO-TV “Iowa State University students developing heated pavement technology”, March 5, 2015.
- Featured on KCCI 8 News “Researchers work to eliminate the snow shovel”, March 4, 2015.
- Featured on The Gazette “Iowa State researchers study heated pavement as possible solution to flight delays”, March 4, 2015.
- Featured on KCCI 8 News “See how new melting technologies work”, March 3, 2015.
- Featured on Iowa State University News Service “Iowa State engineers developing pavement technologies to clear snow and ice from runways”, March 2, 2015.
- Featured on ScienceDaily “Electrically conductive concrete to clear snow and ice from runways”, March 2, 2015.
- Featured on Iowa State Daily “FAA grant funds research for heated airport pavements”, October 9, 2013.
- Featured on ScienceDaily “Engineers hope to build better roads by using ethanol co-products”, October 18, 2007.