Inya Nlenanya
Program Manager, Iowa Pavement Management Program, Institute for Transportation
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Civil, Construction, and Environmental Engineering
2711 S. Loop Dr. Ste 4700Ste 4700 Research Park 4
Ames, IA 500108664
Dr. Nlenanya is a research scientist with the Institute for Transportation at Iowa State University with over 15 years of experience in the areas of network level data collection, condition assessment, risk management, data management, and geographic information systems (GIS) and its application to asset management ranging from pavements, bridges, safety, pavement marking, signs, and other infrastructure assets. He manages the Iowa Pavement Management Program providing pavement management solutions and working with private and local agencies in creating and implementing their pavement management programs. He also works with local, metropolitan, and regional transportation agencies in developing capacity for better data-driven decision-making as well as building capacity for asset management. In addition, Dr. Nlenanya manages the Iowa DOT quality control and quality assurance efforts in keeping with the MAP-21 and FAST Act risk-based transportation asset management efforts.
- PhD, Civil Engineering, Iowa State University
- MS, Agricultural Engineering, Iowa State University
- BEng, Electronic Engineering, University of Nigeria, Nsukka
Interest Areas
- Geographic information systems
- Transportation asset management
- Sustainable infrastructure systems
- Pavement management and preservation
- Reliability analysis and risk management
- Data driven decision making
- Nlenanya, I. and Smadi, O., 2021. Database Design and Integration Framework for Risk Management for State Highway Agencies, Transportation Research Record. doi: 10.1177/03611981211020004.
- Nlenanya, I. and Smadi, O., 2021. A Risk Management Database Framework Implementation for Transportation Asset Management. CivilEng, 2(1), pp.193-213.
- Chen, Y.A., Ceylan, H., Nlenanya, I., Kaya, O., Smadi, O.G., Taylor, P.C., Kim, S., Gopalakrishnan, K. and King, D.E., 2020. Long-term performance evaluation of Iowa concrete overlays. International Journal of Pavement Engineering, pp.1-12.
- Nlenanya, I. 2019. GIS-based risk management database integration and implementation framework for transportation agencies, Doctoral Dissertation. Iowa State University, Ames IA.
- Nlenanya, I. and O. Smadi. 2018. Risk Management and Data Needs: A State of the Practice Survey of State Highway Agencies. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board.
- Alhasan, A., Nlenanya, I., Smadi, O. and C. MacKenzie. 2018. Impact of Pavement Surface Condition on Roadway Departure Crash Risk in Iowa. Infrastructures, Vol. 3, No. 2, 14 pp.
- Bektas, F., Smadi, O., and I. Nlenanya. 2015. Pavement Condition: A new approach for the Iowa DOT. Proceedings of the 94th Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, January 11–15.
- Pyrialakou, V. D., Nlenanya, I., and K. Gkritza. 2014. Passenger Transportation Networks and Urbanization Level: Comparison of Classification Schemes. Proceedings of the 93rd Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, January 12–16.
- Gkritza, K., Nlenanya, I., Jiang, W., Sperry, R., and D. Smith. 2012. Bioeconomy and Transportation Infrastructure Impacts. Green Energy and Technology: Bioenergy and Bioproducts, SpringerVerlag Inc.
- Gkritza, K., Nlenanya, I., Jiang, W., Sperry, R., and D. Smith. 2011. Infrastructure Impacts of Iowa’s Renewable Energy. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, Vol. 2205, pp. 238–246.
- Nlenanya, I. 2008. Building an Environmental GIS Knowledge Infrastructure for Development in Sub-Saharan Africa in Data Mining Applications for Empowering Knowledge Societies. Hershey PA: IDEA Group Inc.
- Nlenanya, I. 2005. Knowledge Discovery Interface for Environmental Science Applications, Master’s Thesis.