Jacqulyn Baughman
Email: jacqulyn@iastate.edu
Phone: 515-294-5523
Associate Teaching Professor
Mechanical Engineering
Black Engr2529 Union Dr
Ames, IA 500112030
Dr. Baughman has 18+ years of experience in diverse industries, including working as a management and quality consultant. She held management and leadership positions in the steel, steel services, automotive, motorcycle, and RFID industries. She has managed/supervised over 200 employees. She has led many process and product design teams, and managed high level projects across organizational boundaries. She serves as the course coordinator for ME 270 (Introduction to Mechanical Design), and on the Curriculum & Development Committee for Design and Professional Practice. She led a successful ME Presidential Flipped Classroom Initiative Project in ME 270 (Fall 2015), and also developed a logistics plan/improved space utilization proposal for spring 2017 implementation. She works with many industries to connect them with the ME senior capstone design course. She is passionate about connecting students with industry, and championing student professional development that prepares students for successful careers in the workplace.
- PhD, Industrial & Agricultural Technology and Biorenewable Resources & Technology, Iowa State University, 2012
- MBA, Business Administration, Keller Graduate School of Management, 1997
- BS, Metallurgical Engineering, Iowa State University, 1989
Interest Areas
Teaching Interests
Dr. Baughman has been teaching engineering and business related courses for 15+ years, and continues to teach in her areas of interest and expertise:
- Manufacturing and Design Engineering
- Product Development and Management
- Lean Product and Process Development Engineering
- Six Sigma
- Strategic Leadership
- Marketing
- Supply Chain Management
- Management
- Organizational Behavior
- Statistics
- Quality
- Statistical Process Control
- Project Management
Research Interests
Dr. Baughman’s research areas of interest include:
- Student Professional Development
- Flipped classroom
- Dynamics of Teamwork
- Multidisciplinary teams
- Baughman, J., Hassall, L., & Xu, X. (2019). Comparison of student team dynamics between nonflipped and flipped versions of a large‐enrollment sophomore design engineering course. Journal of Engineering Education, 108(1), 103-118.
- Baughman, J., Hassall, L., & Xu, X. (January 01, 2017). Student perceptions of flipping a mechanical engineering design course. International Journal of Engineering Education, 33, 5, 1575-1585.
- Dhadphale, T. & Baughman, J. (2018). Understanding Characteristics of Multidisciplinary Collaboration Using Concept Maps. Annual International Conference on Engineering and Product Design Education. September 6-7th. Dyson School of Design Engineering, Imperial College, London, United Kingdom.
- Baughman, J., Mosher, G., Gansemer-Topf, A., and Dhadphale, T (2016). Feasibility of Developing a Sustainable Multidisciplinary Senior Capstone Experience. Association for Engineering Education’s (ASEE) 123rd Annual Conference & Exposition. June 26-29th. New Orleans, LA.
- Baughman, J., Hassall, L., Jaramillo-Cherrez, N., Hagge, M. (2016). Flipping Engineering by Design. Association for Engineering Education’s (ASEE) 123rd Annual Conference & Exposition Poster Session. June 26-29th. New Orleans, LA.
- Baughman, J., Brumm, T., & Mickelson, S. (2014). Holistic student professional development and assessment: A backward design approach. JTMAE: The Journal of Technology, Management, and Applied Engineering, 31(1), 1.
BiorenewablesDynamics of TeamworkFlipped classroomLean Product and Process Development EngineeringManagementManufacturing and Design EngineeringMarketingMultidisciplinary teamsOrganizational BehaviorProduct Development and ManagementProject ManagementQualitySix SigmaStatistical Process ControlStatisticsStrategic LeadershipStudent Professional DevelopmentSupply chain management