Jennifer Heinen
Phone: 515-294-1891
College of Engineering Distinguished Teaching Professor
3033 Sweeney
618 Bissell Rd.
Ames, IA 50011-1098
Honors and Awards
- Iowa State University Teaching Innovation Award, 2020
- U.S. Department of Energy Early Career Research Award, 2010
- Ph.D. Chemical Engineering, University of Delaware, 2007
- B.S. Chemical Engineering, Bucknell University, 2001
Research Interests
- Mechanism and kinetics of controlled polymerizations in heterogeneous media
- Relationship between molecular architecture and phase behavior and microstructure of polymeric amphiphiles in solutions
Selected Recent Publications
- Heinen, J., Blom, A., Hawkett, B., Warr, G. “Phase Behavior of Amphiphilic Diblock Co-Oligomers with Nonionic and Ionic Hydrophilic Groups, Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 117 (10) p. 3005-3018 (2013).
- O’Donnell, J. “Reversible Addition-Fragmentation Transfer in Microemulsion,” Chemical Society Reviews, 41 (8), p. 3061-3076 (2012)(Invited).
- O’Donnell, J., and Kaler, E. W. “Polymer Nanoparticles by Reversible Addition-Fragmentation Chain Transfer Microemulsive Polymerization,” Advanced Polymer Nanoparticles: Synthesis and Surface Modifications, p. 133-167 (2011).
- O’Donnell, J., and Kaler, E. W. “Reversible Addition-Fragmentation Chain Transfer in Microemulsion Polymerizations: Effect of Chain Transfer Agent Aqueous Solubility,” Macromolecules, 43 (4), p. 1730-1738 (2010)
- O’Donnell, J., and Kaler, E. W. “Kinetic Model of Reversible Addition-Fragmentation Chain Transfer Polymerization in Microemulsions,” Journal of Polymer Science Part A: Polymer Chemistry, 48 (3), p. 604-613 (2010)
- O’Donnell, J., and Kaler, E. W. “Microstructure Evolution and Monomer Partitioning in Reversible Addition-Fragmentation Chain Transfer Microemulsion Polymerization,” Macromolecules, 41 (16), p. 6094-6099 (2008)
- O’Donnell, J., and Kaler, E. W.* “Microstructure, Kinetics, and Transport in Oil-in-Water Microemulsion Polymerizations,” Macromolecular Rapid Communications, 28 (14), p. 1445-1454, (2007) (Invited)