Jennifer Shane

Jennifer Shane


W.A. Klinger Chair
Director of Construction Management and Technology Program, Institute for Transportation


420 Town Engr
813 Bissell Rd
Ames, IA 50011-1066

2711 South Loop Drive, Suite 4700
Ames, IA 50010-8664


Honors and Awards

  • Iowa State University Award for Inclusive Excellence, 2024
  • Iowa State University College of Engineering Award for Inclusive Excellence, 2022
  • Playing Big-Iowa State University Women’s Leadership Program recipient (Summer 2017)
  • DBIA 2016 Design-Build Educators Workshop Scholarship
  • ASCE 2014 Journal of Management in Engineering Best Peer Reviewed Paper Award for “Project Complexity Mapping in Five Dimensions for Complex Transportation Projects” (Vol. 29, No. 4, October 2013)
  • Black & Veatch Building a World of Difference Faculty Fellow, 2011-2014
  • Iowa State University College of Engineering Early Career Engineering Faculty Research Award, 2012
  • “Using Integrated Student Teams to Advance Education in Sustainable Design and Construction” named to Taylor & Francis Building for the Future series July 2011
  • Design-Build Institute of America 2010 Distinguished Leadership Award: Faculty
  • ASCE Journal of Management in Engineering 2010 Most Downloaded Article for “Construction Project Cost Escalation Factors” (Vol. 25, No. 4)
  • Iowa State University Civil, Construction, and Environmental Engineering 2009 Charles W. Schafer Award: Excellence in Teaching, Research, and Service
  • ASCE 2008 Journal of Management in Engineering – Best Peer Reviewed Paper Award for “Comparative Analysis of Owner Goals for Design/Build Projects” (Vol. 24, No. 1, January 2008)
  • American Society of Civil Engineers ExCEED 2006 Fellow
  • Design-Build Institute of America 2004 Distinguished Leadership Award: Student


  • Investigators: Jennifer Shane, Roy Sturgill, Jim Anspach, Chris Harper, Dan Tran; Project: Guide for Implementing Utility Investigations in Alignment with Project Development; Sponsor: NCHRP
  • Investigators: Bryan Franz, Susan Bogus, Jennifer Shane, Daniel Hall; Project: Expanded Guides to Managing the Design Phase of Design-Build Projects; Sponsor: Charles Pankow Foundation
  • Investigators: Jin Ouk Choi, Jennifer Shane, and Yong Hoon Kwak; Project: Ture cost of custom design in a UMM commodity market; Sponsor: Construction Industry Insitutute
  • Investigators: H. David Jeong PI, Chuck Jahren Co-PI, Jennifer Shane Co-PI, Kristin Cetin Co-PI; Project: Guide to Life-cycle Data and Information Sharing Workflow for Transportation Assets; Sponsor: Midwest Transportation Consortium
  • Investigators: Jennifer S. Shane PI; Project: Project Management Peer Exchange; Sponsor: Iowa Department of Transportation
  • Investigators: Yelda Turkan PI and Jennifer S. Shane, Co-PI; Project: Modernizing Road Construction Plans and Documentation; Sponsor: Minnesota Local Road Research Board
  • Investigators: Stuart Anderson PI (Texas A&M) and Jennifer S. Shane PI; Project: RT 305 Measuring Project Complexity and Its Impact; Sponsor: Construction Industry Institute (University of Texas)


  • Ph.D. Civil Engineering – Construction Engineering and Management, University of Colorado-Boulder, 2006
  • M.S. Civil Engineering – Construction Engineering and Management, University of Colorado-Boulder, 2003
  • B.S. Engineering – Civil Specialty, Colorado School of Mines, 2000

Interest Areas

Dr. Shane’s research areas are in project management, including project delivery methods, cost estimation and risk management, complex projects and work force issues. Shane teaches several courses on project management to various graduate and undergraduate audiences.


  1. T. Coffelt, K. Mandson, N. Raju, J. Shane, “Which Communications Skills do I need?: A Multimethod Study of Communication Needs in Construction Engineering,” Journal of Business and Technical Communication, Sage.
  2. A. Karabulut-Ilgu, K. Madson, N. Miner, J.S. Shane, R. Burzette, “Analysis of Teamwork Skill Development in A Flipped Civil Engineering Course,” Computer Applications in Engineering Education, Wiley.
  3. J. Choi, B.K. Shrestha, J.S. Shane, Y.H. Kwak, “Facility Design Standardization Decision-Making Model for Industrial Facilities,” Journal of Management in Engineering, ASCE, 36(6), November 2020.
  4. J. Choi, B.K. Shrestha, Y.H. Kwak, J.S. Shane, “Critical Success Factors and Enablers for Facility Design Standardization of Capital Projects,” Journal of Management in Engineering, ASCE, 36(5), September 2020.
  5. J.O. Choi, B. Shrestha, Y.H. Kwak, J.S. Shane, “Innovative Technologies and Management Approaches for Facility Design Standardization and Modularization of Capital Projects,” Journal of Management in Engineering, ASCE, 35(5), September 2020.
  6. H. Dang, J.S. Shane, “Fraud and Abuse Schemes in the Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Program,” Journal of Legal Affairs and Dispute Resolution, ASCE, 12(3), August 2020.
  7. B. K. Shrestha, J.O. Choi, Y.H. Kwak, J.S. Shane, “How Design Standardization of CSFs Can Impact project Performance of Capital Projects,” (technical note) Journal of Management in Engineering, ASCE, 36 (4), July 2020.
  8. A. Sinha, K. Strong, M. Ozbek, and J. Shane, “A Decision Support Framework for Assessing the Contextual Factors for Complex Projects,” Transportation Research Record, Journal of the Transportation Research Board, Sage Publications. Also presented at the Transportation Research Board 2018, Washington, D.C., May 23, 2018,
  9. M. Volk, R. Jeong, and J.S. Shane, “Effective Post Construction Evaluation Practices for Work Zone Management Strategies,” Transportation Research Record, Journal of the Transportation Research Board, Sage Publications. Also presented at the Transportation Research Board 2018, Washington, D.C., September 21, 2018,
  10. G. Gad, J. Shane, “Culture-Risk-Trust Model for Dispute Resolution Methods’ Selection in International Construction Contracts,” Journal of Legal Affairs in Dispute Resolution in Engineering and Construction, ASCE, 9 (4), November 2017.
  11. G. M. Gad, J. S. Shane, K. Strong, J. Choi, “Rethinking Trust in Construction Contracts’ Formation: The Dispute Resolution Method Selection,” Journal of Legal Affairs in Dispute Resolution in Engineering and Construction, ASCE, Online publication April 1, 2016. (2016)
  12. J.O. Choi, A. Bhatla, C.M. Stoppel, and J.S. Shane, “LEED Credit Review System and Optimization Model for Pursuing LEED Certification,” Sustainability, MDPI AG, Switzerland, ISSN 2071-1050, 7, 13351-13377 (2015). Available at <>.
  13. B. Dao, S. Kerminschi, S. Anderson, and J.S. Shane, A Guide to Assessing and Managing Project Complexity, Implementation Resources 305-2, Construction Industry Institute, Approved for publication April 2015.
  14. J.S. Shane, K.C. Strong, and D.D. Gransberg, D. Jeong, Guide to Project Management Strategies for Complex Projects, Strategic Highway Research Program 2: Transportation Research Board of The National Academies, 2015,
  15. C. Lopez del Puerto and J. S. Shane. (2014) “Keys to Success in Mega-Project Management in Mexico and the United States: A Case Study,” Journal of Construction Engineering and Management (Special Bi-Lingual Issue), ASCE, Vol. 140, Issue 4 (DOI: Also submitted in Spanish. “Claves del éxito en la gestión de megaproyectos en México y los Estados Unidos: un estudio de casos,” Published online Dec 9 (2013).
  16. D. D. Gransberg, J. S. Shane, K. Strong, and C. Lopez del Puerto. (2013) “Project Complexity Mapping in Five Dimensions for Complex Transportation Projects,” Journal of Management in Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 29, Issue 4, pp. 316-326 (DOI:
  17. J. S. Shane, S. M. Bogus, and K. R. Molenaar. (2013) “Municipal Water/Wastewater Project Delivery Performance Comparison,” Journal of Management in Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 29, Issue 3, pp. 251-258 (DOI:
  18. J. S. Shane, K. Mauro, K. C. Strong, R. Wiley-Jones, and C. Lopez del Puerto. (2012) “Retaining Women Students in a Construction Engineering Undergraduate Program by Balancing Integration and Identity in Student Communities,” International Journal of Construction Education and Research, Associated Schools of Construction, Vol. 8, Issue 3, pp. 171-185 (DOI:
  19. T. C. Becker, J. S. Shane, and E. J. Jaselskis. (2012) “Comparative Analysis of Lean Construction with Design-Build Using a Framework of Contractual Forms of Agreement,” Journal of Architectural Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 18, Issue 2, pp. 187-191 (DOI:
  20. J. Owens, J. Ahn, J. S. Shane, K. C. Strong, and D. D. Gransberg. (2012) “Defining Complex Project Management of Large U.S. Transportation Projects: A Comparative Case Study Analysis,” Public Works Management and Policy, Sage, Online first September 7, 2011, Vol. 17, Issue 2, pp. 170-188 (DOI:
  21. A. Brncich, J. S. Shane, K. C. Strong, and U. Passe. (2011) “Using Integrated Student Teams to Advance Education in Sustainable Design and Construction,” International Journal of Construction Education and Research, Associated Schools of Construction, Vol. 7,  No. 1, pp. 22-40 (DOI:
  22. S. Anderson, J. S. Shane, and C. Schexnayder. (2011) “Strategies for Planned Project Acceleration,” Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, ASCE, Vol. 137, No. 5, pp. 372-381 (DOI:
  23. G. M. Gad, S. N. Kalidindi, J. S. Shane, and K. Strong. (2011) “Analytical Framework for the Choice of Dispute Resolution Methods in International Construction Projects Based on Risk Factors,” Journal of Legal Affairs and Dispute Resolution in Engineering and Construction, ASCE, Vol. 3. Issue 2, pp. 79-85 (DOI:
  24. J. S. Shane, K. Strong, and D. D. Gransberg. (2011) “A Multidimensional Model of Project Leadership,” Leadership and Management in Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 11, Issue 2, pp. 162-168 (DOI:
  25. J. S. Shane, K. R. Molenaar, S. Anderson, and C. Schexnayder. (2009) “Construction Project Cost Escalation Factors,” Journal of Management in Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 25, Issue 4, pp. 221- 229 (DOI:
  26. C. Lopez del Puerto, D. D. Gransberg, and J. S. Shane. (2008) “Comparative Analysis of Owner Goals for Design/Build Projects,” Journal of Management in Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 24, Issue 1, pp. 32-39 (DOI:
  27. C. J. Schexnayder, K. R. Molenaar, and J. S. Shane. (2007) “Estimating Large Complex Projects,” Revista Ingenieria de Construccion (Journal of Construction Engineering), Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile (Catholic University), Santiago, Chile, Vol. 22, No. 2, pp. 91-98 (DOI:

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