Jing Wang
Assistant Professor
4138 Biorenewables Research Laboratory
617 Bissell Rd.
Ames, IA 50011-1098
(15) Wang J, Hall M, Bushnell, G, Orbach S, Decker J, Raghani R, Zhang Y, Morris A, Jeruss J*, Shea L*. A lung-mimicking synthetic metastatic niche reveals antitumor neutrophils drive breast cancer metastatic dormancy in the lungs. Nature Communications, 2023, 14, 4790.
(14) Wang J, Youngblood R, Cassinotti L, Skoumal M, Corfas G*, Shea L*. An injectable PEG hydrogel controlling neurotrophin-3 release by affinity peptides. Journal of Controlled Release, 2021, 330, 575-586.
(13) Wang J, Min J, Ali Eghtesadi S, Kane R, Chilkoti A*. Quantitative study of the interaction of multivalent ligand-modified nanoparticles with breast cancer cells with tunable receptor density. ACS Nano, 2020, 14, 372-383.
(12) Wang J, Saha S, Schaal JL, Yousefpour P, Li X, Chilkoti A*. Heuristics for the optimal presentation of bioactive peptides on polypeptide micelles. Nano Letters, 2020, 19, 7911-7987.
(11) Wang J, Dzuricky M, Chilkoti A*. The weak link: optimization of ligand-nanoparticle interface to enhance cancer cell targeting by hydrophobic peptide-decorated polymer micelles. Nano Letters, 2017, 17, 5995-6005.
(10) Wang J, Bhattacharyya J, Mastria E, Chilkoti A*. A quantitative study of the intracellular fate of pH-responsive doxorubicin-polypeptide nanoparticles. Journal of Controlled Release, 2017, 260, 100-110.
(9) Wang J, MacEwan SR, Chilkoti A*. Quantitative mapping of the spatial distribution of nanoparticles in endo-lysosomes by local pH. Nano Letters, 2016, 17, 1226-1232.
(8) Liu J, Liu W, Weitzhandler I, Bhattacharyya J, Li X, Wang J, Qi Y, Bhattacharjee S, Chilkoti A*. Ring-opening polymerization of prodrugs: a versatile approach to prepare well-defined drug-loaded nanoparticles. Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 2015, 54, 1002-1006.
(7) Qin L, Zhang F, Lu X, Wei X, Wang J, Fang C, Si D, Wang Y, Zhang C, Yang R, Liu C, Liang W*. Polymeric micelles for enhanced lymphatic drug delivery to treat metastatic tumors. Journal of Controlled Release, 2013, 171, 133-142.
(6) Wang J, Xing X, Fang X, Zhou C, Huang F, Lou J*, Liang W*. Cationic amphiphilic drugs self-assemble to the core-shell interface of PEGylated phospholipid micelles and stabilized micellar structure. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A. Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 2013, 371, 20120309.
(5) Wang J, Fang X, Liang W*. Pegylated phospholipid micelles induce endoplasmic reticulum-dependent apoptosis of cancer cells but not normal cells. ACS Nano, 2012, 6, 5018-5030.
(4) Wang J, Wang Y, Liang W*. Delivery of drugs to cell membranes by encapsulation in PEG-PE micelles. Journal of Controlled Release, 2012, 160, 637-651.
(3) Wang J, Qu H, Jin L, Zeng W, Qin L, Zhang F, Wei X, Lu W, Zhang C*, Liang W*. Pegylated phosphotidylethanolamine inhibiting P-glycoprotein expression and enhancing retention of doxorubicin in MCF7/ADR cells. Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2011, 100, 2267-2777.
(2) Wang J, Liang W*. Effects of nanomaterials on cellular structure and function. Acta Biophysica Sinica, 2010, 26, 613-622.
(1) Liang W*, Wang J, Wang Y. Advances in the structure and function of nanometer assemblies. Acta Biophysica Sinica. 2009, S1, 64-65.