Amy Kaleita
Email: kaleita@iastate.edu
Phone: 515-294-5167
Larry and Bunita Buss Department Chair
1340B Elings
605 Bissell Rd.
Ames, IA 50011-1098
Schedule: outlook calendar link (switch to Week view in the upper right)
Book a meeting: https://calendly.com/kaleita
Administration, Teaching/Research
Soil and Water Conservation Engineering & Management.
Interest Areas
Dr. Kaleita’s research focuses on information technology for precision conservation. Primary interests are remote sensing, crop and hydrologic modeling, precision farming, and advanced analytical methods for understanding the influence of spatiotemporally variable soil and hydrologic properties.
Select Honors and Awards
Massey-Fergusson Educational Gold Medal, American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers, 2023 Fellow, American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers, 2020
Women Impacting ISU, 2014
Gilbreth Award for Young Engineers, National Academy of Engineering, 2013
Superior Engineering Teacher Award, Iowa State University College of Engineering, 2010
A. W. Farrall Young Educator Award, American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers, 2008
Award for Early Achievement in Teaching, Iowa State University, 2006
Primary Strategic Research Area
Resilient Infrastructures