Lin Zhou
Email: linzhou@iastate.edu
Phone: 515-294-7590
Associate Professor [M S E]
111 Sen Instr Fac1901 Scholl Rd.
Ames, IA 50011
2220 Hoover
528 Bissell Rd.
Ames, IA 50011-1096
Ph. D. Materials Science and Engineering, Arizona State University
B. S. Materials Science and Engineering, Central South University, China
Interest Area
Advanced in-situ/ex-situ electron microscopy and spectroscopy
Materials for quantum information science
III-nitride Compound semiconductors
Magnetic materials
Ferroelectric materials
- Min-Chul Kang, Farhan Islam, Jiaqiang Yan, David Vaknin, Robert J. McQueeney, Ping Lu, and Lin Zhou*, Atomic-Scale Characterization of Dilute Dopants in Topological Insulators via STEM–EDS Using Registration and Cell Averaging Techniques, Microscopy and Microanalysis, 00, (2024),1.
- Jin-Su Oh, Rahim Zaman, Akshay A. Murthy, Mustafa Bal, Francesco Crisa, Shaojiang Zhu, Carlos G. Torres-Castendo, Cameron J. Kopas, Joshua Y. Mutus, Dapeng Jing, John Zasadzinski, Anna Grassellino, Alex Romanenko, Mark C. Hersam, Michael J. Bedzyk, Matt Kramer, Bi-Cheng Zhou, and Lin Zhou*, Structure and Formation Mechanisms in Tantalum and Niobium Oxides in Superconducting Quantum Circuits, ACS Nano, 18 (2024) 19732.
- Jin-Su Oh, Cameron J Kopas, Jayss Marshall, Xiaotian Fang, Kamal R Joshi, Amlan Datta, Sunil Ghimire, Joong-Mok Park, Richard Kim, Daniel Setiawan, Ella Lachman, Joshua Y Mutus, Akshay A Murthy, Anna Grassellino, Alex Romanenko, John Zasadzinski, Jigang Wang, Ruslan Prozorov, Kameshwar Yadavalli, Matt Kramer, Lin Zhou*, Exploring the Relationship between Deposition Method, Microstructure, and Performance of Nb/Si-based Superconducting Coplanar Waveguide Resonators, Acta Materialia, 276, (2024) 120153.
- Jin-Su Oh, Xiaotian Fang, Tae-Hoon Kim, Matt Lynn, Matt Kramer, Mehdi Zarea, James A. Sauls, A. Romanenko, S. Posen, A. Grassellino, Cameron J. Kopas, Mark Field, Jayss Marshall, Hilal Cansizoglu, Joshua Y. Mutus, Matthew Reagor, and Lin Zhou*, In-situ transmission electron microscopy investigation on surface oxides thermal stability of niobium, Applied Surface Science, (2023), 157297.
- Xiaotian Fang, Jin-Su Oh, Matt Kramer, A Romanenko, A Grassellino, John Zasadzinski, Lin Zhou*, Understanding mechanism of performance improvement in nitrogen-doped niobium superconducting radio frequency cavity, Materials Research Letters, 11, (2022) 108.
- Tae-Hoon Kim, Haijun Zhao, Phuong-Vu Ong, Brandt A. Jensen, Baozhi Cui, Alexander H. King, Liqin Ke,* Lin Zhou*, Kinetics of Magnetic Skyrmion Crystal Formation from the Conical Phase, Nano Letters, 21 (2021) 5547.
- Marion Höfling, Xiandong Zhou, Lukas Riemer, Enrico Bruder, Binzhi Liu, Lin Zhou, Pedro B. Groszewicz, Fangping Zhuo, Bai-Xiang Xu, Karsten Durst, Xiaoli Tan, Dragan Damjanovic, Jurij Koruza, Jürgen Rödel, Control of polarization in bulk ferroelectrics by mechanical dislocation imprint, Science, 372 (2021) 961.
- Tae-Hoon Kim, Haijun Zhao, Ben Xu, Brandt A. Jensen, Alexander H. King, Matthew J. Kramer, Liqin Ke, Lin Zhou*, Mechanisms of Skyrmion and Skyrmion Crystal Formation from the Conical Phase, Nano Letters, 20 (2020) 4731.
- Huilong Hou, Emrah Simsek, Tao Ma, Nathan S. Johnson, Suxin Qian, Cheikh Cissé, Drew Stasak, Naila Al Hasan, Lin Zhou, Yunho Hwang, Reinhard Radermacher, Valery I. Levitas, Matthew J. Kramer, Mohsen Asle Zaeem, Aaron P. Stebner, Ryan T. Ott, Jun Cui, Ichiro Takeuchi, Fatigue-resistant high-performance elastocaloric materials via additive manufacturing, Science, 366 (2019) 1116.
- Tao Ma, Zhongming Fan, Bin Xu, Tae-Hoon Kim, Laurent Bellaiche, Matthew J. Kramer, Xiaoli Tan, and Lin Zhou*, Uncompensated Polarization in Incommensurate Modulations of Perovskite Antiferroelectrics, Physical Review Letters, 123 (2019) 217602.
- Tae-Hoon Kim, Gaoyuan Ouyang, Jonathan D. Poplawsky, Matthew J. Kramer, Jun Cui, Lin Zhou*, In-situ TEM analysis of the phase transformation mechanism of a Cu-Al-Ni shape memory alloy, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 808 (2019) 151743.
- Tao Ma, Zhongming Fan, Xiaoli Tan, and Lin Zhou*, Atomically Resolved Domain Boundary Structure in PbZrO3-Based Antiferroelectric Ceramics, Applied Physics Letter, 115 (12), (2019), 122902.
- Fuzhen Li, Jingxuan Li, Feng Zhu, Ting Liu, Ben Xu, Taehoon Kim, Matthew J. Kramer, Cheng Ma, Lin Zhou*, and Ce-Wen Nan, Atomically intimate electrode-electrolyte contact for all-solid-state Li batteries, Matter, 1(4), (2019) 1001.
- Tao Ma, Shuai Wang, Minda Chen, Lin-Lin Wang, Duane D. Johnson, Matthew J. Kramer, Wenyu Huang, Lin Zhou*, Toward Phase and Catalysis Control: Tracking the Formation of Intermetallic Nanoparticles at Atomic Scale, CHEM, 5 (2019) 1235.
- Zhongming Fan, Lin Zhou*, Tae-Hoon Kim, Ji Zhang, Shang-Tao Zhang and Xiaoli Tan, Mechanisms of Enhanced Thermal Stability of Polarization in Lead-Free (Bi1/2Na1/2)0.94Ba0.06TiO3/ZnO Ceramic Composites, Physical Review Materials, 3(2) (2019) 024402.
- Lin Zhou*, Fanqiang Meng, Shihuai Zhou, Kewei Sun, TaeHoon Kim, Ryan Ott, Ralph Napolitano, Matthew J. Kramer, An Abnormal Meta-stable Nanoscale Eutectic Reaction Revealed by in-situ Observations, Acta Materialia, 164 (2019) 697.
- Lin Zhou*, Emma White, Liqin Ke, David A. Cullen, Ping Lu, S. Constantinides, R.W. McCallum, I. E. Anderson, and M. J. Kramer, Microstructure and Coercivity in Alnico 9, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 471 (2019) 142.
- Licong Peng, Ying Zhang*, Liqin Ke, Tea-Hoon Kim, Qiang Zheng, Jiaqiang Yan, X.-G. Zhang, Yang Gao, Shouguo Wang, Jianwang Cai, Baogen Shen, Robert J. McQueeney, Adam Kaminski, Matthew J. Kramer, Lin Zhou*, Relaxation dynamics of zero-field skyrmions over a wide temperature range, Nano Letters, 18 (2018) 7777.
- Lin Zhou*, Wei Guo, J. D. Poplawsky , Liqin Ke, Wei Tang, I. E. Anderson, M. J. Kramer, On spinodal decomposition in alnico – a transmission electron microscopy and atom probe tomography study, Acta Materialia, 153 (2018) 15.
- Lin Zhou*, Wei Tang, Liqin Ke, Wei Guo, J. D. Poplawsky, I. E. Anderson, R.W. McCallum, Caizhuang Wang, and M. J. Kramer, Effect of heat-treatment conditions on phase separation in alnico alloy, Acta Materialia, 133 (2017) 73.
- Lin Zhou*, Michael Johnson, and David J. Smith, David J. Meyer, David F. Storm, Douglas Scott Katzer, and Brian P. Downey, Microstructure of Ti/Al/Ni/Au ohmic contacts for N-polar GaN/AlGaN high electron mobility transistor devices, J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B, 32(1) (2014) 011201.
- Lin Zhou*, M. K. Miller, H. Dillon, A. Palasyuk, S. Constantinides, R.W. McCallum, I. E. Anderson, and M. J. Kramer, Role of the Applied Magnetic Field on the Microstructural Evolution in alnico 8 alloys, Trans. E., 1 (2014) 27.
- Lin Zhou*, M. K. Miller, Ping Lu, Liqin Ke, R. Skomski, M. McCartney, D. Smith, Dillon, Q. Xing, A. Palasyuk, S. Constantinides, R.W. McCallum, I. E. Anderson, V. Antropov, and M. J. Kramer, Architecture and Magnetism of Alnico, Acta Materialia, 74 (2014) 224.
- Lin Zhou*, Toshihiro Aoki, E. Dimakis, T. Moustakas, D. J. Smith and M. M. MacCartney, Dependence of the wavelength of the optical emission of one-monolayer-thick InN/GaN multiple quantum wells on the thickness of the GaN barrier layer, Phys. Rev. B., 88 (2013) 125310.
- Lin Zhou*, Gonschorek, E. Giraud, E. Feltin, J. F. Carlin, N. Grandjean David J. Smith, Martha. R. McCartney, Measurement of polarization-induced electric fields in GaN/AlInN quantum wells, Appl. Phys. Lett., 101 (2012) 251902.
- Lin Zhou*, F. Storm, D. S. Katzer, D. J. Mayer, D. J. Smith, Comparison of microstructure of N-polar GaN/AlGaN/GaN heterostructures grown on different substrates, J. Crystal Growth, 357 (2012) 25.
- Lin Zhou*, David J. Smith, Martha R. McCartney, Tao Xu, Theodore D. Moustakas, Measurement of electric field across individual wurtzite GaN quantum dots using electron holography, Appl. Phys. Lett. 99 (2011) 101905.
- Lin Zhou*, D.A. Cullen, M.R. McCartney, Q. Fan, J.H. Leach, H. Morkoç, and D.J. Smith, Microstructure and field mapping of AlInN-based heterostructures and devices physics status solidi (c), 7(10), (2010) 2436.
- Lin Zhou*, J. H. Leach, X. Ni, H. Morkoc, D. J. Smith, Ti/Al/Ni/Au Ohmic contacts for AlInN/AlN/GaN-based heterojunction field-effect transistors, Appl. Phys. Lett., 107 (2010) 014508.
- Lin Zhou*, David J. Smith, Martha. R. McCartney, Anas Mouti, E. Feltin, J. F. Carlin, N. Grandjean, Observation of dodecagon-shape V-defects in GaN/AlInN multiple quantum wells, Appl. Phys. Lett. 97 (2010) 161902.
- Lin Zhou*, Y. Chang, S. J. Pearton, F. Ren, Amir Dabiran and David. J. Smith, TiAlNiAu Contacts for Ultrathin AlN/GaN High Electron Mobility Transistor Structures, J. Appl. Phys., 108 (2010) 084513.
- Lin Zhou*, X. Ni, Ü. Özgür and H. Morkoç, R. P. Devaty, and W. J. Choyke, David J. Smith, Atomic structure of the m-plane AlN/SiC interface, Crystal Growth, 311 (2009) 1456.
- Lin Zhou*, David A Cullen, David J. Smith, Martha. R. McCartney, Anas Mouti, M. Gonschorek, Feltin, J. F. Carlin, N. Grandjean, Polarization field mapping of Al0.85In0.15N/AlN/GaN heterostructure, Appl. Phys. Lett., 94 (2009) 121909.
- Lin Zhou*, Ni, Ü. Özgür, H. Morkoç, David J. Smith, High-resolution imaging of 1:1 [0001] ordered a-plane Al0.3Ga0.7N, J. Crystal Growth, 311 (2009) 4162.
- Lin Zhou*, David J. Smith, R.Chandrasekaran, T. D.Moustakas, Structural characterization of non-polar (1120) and semi-polar (1126) GaN films grown on R-plane sapphire by MBE, J. Crystal Growth, 310 (2008) 2981.
- Lin Zhou*, D. J. Smith, Martha R. McCartney, D. S. Katzer, D. F. Storm, Observation of vertical honeycomb structure in InAlN/GaN heterostructures due to lateral phase separation, Appl. Phys. Lett. 90 (2007) 081917.
- Lin Zhou*, D. J. Smith, D. F. Storm, D. S. Katzer, S. C. Binari, B. V. Shanabrook, Effect of Al/N flux ratio during nucleation layer growth on microstructure of GaN film grown by molecular-beam epitaxy, Appl. Phys. Lett. 88 (2006) 011916.
- Lin Zhou*, T. Xu, D. J. Smith, T. D. Moustakas, Microstructure of relaxed InN quantum dots grown on GaN buffer layers by molecular-beam epitaxy, Appl. Phys. Lett, 88 (2006) 231906.
Primary Strategic Research Area
Advanced Materials & Manufacturing