Liming Xiong
Affiliate Associate Professor
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Education Ph.D. Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, University of Florida, 2011 M.S. Solid Mechanics and Materials Science, The George Washington University, 2006 M.S. Solid Mechanics, Huazhong University of Science and Technology (Wuhan), 2004 B.S. Engineering Mechanics, Dalian University of Technology, 2001 Awards and Honors Teaching
Undergrad: AerE321 Flight Structure Analysis; AerE421 Advanced Flight Structure Analysis
Graduate: AerE515X Atomistic and Multiscale Computational Mechanics of Materials; EM516 Applied Elasticity; AerE/EM525 Finite Element Analysis
Interest Areas:
Atomistic and Multiscale Computational Mechanics of Materials
- Atomistic and Finite Element Modeling of Materials
- Multiscale Materials Modeling: Methods, Algorithms, and Applications
- Dislocation Plasticity, Phase Transformation, Damage, Fracture, and Their Interactions
- Multiscale Computer Simulation of Thermal and Mass Transport
Selected Sponsored Projects:
- NSF, CMMI-1930093: A Multiscale Computational Analysis of Defect-assisted Ionic Transport in Plastically Deformed Solid Oxides, 12/01/2019~12/31/2023;
- NSF, CMMI-1824840, NNA: Bridging the Atomistic Deformation Mechanisms to the Microscopic Adhesive-to-Cohesive Fracture at the Ice-Metal Interface, 09/01/2018~08/31/2023.
Selected Publications:
- Peng, Y., Ji, R., Phan, T., Gao, W., Levitas, V., and Xiong, L. “An atomistic-to-microscale computational analysis of the dislocation pileup-induced local stresses near an interface in plastically deformed two-phase materials”, Acta Materialia, 226, 117663 (2022).
- Zhang, D., Liu, Y., Liu, Y., Peng, Y., Tang, Y., Xiong, L., Gong, X., and Zheng, J. “A general cross-linker strategy to realize intrinsic frozen resistance of hydrogels, Advanced Materials, 33, 42, 2104006 (2021).
- Xiong, L., Chen, Y., Beyerlein, I.J., and McDowell. “Multiscale modeling of interface-mediated mechanical, thermal, and mass transport in heterogeneous materials: perspectives and applications”, Journal of Materials Research, 36, 2601-2614 (2021).
- Abdelmawla, A., Phan, T., Xiong, L., and Bastawros, A. “A combined experimental and computational analysis on how material interface mediates plastic flow in amorphous/crystalline composites”, Journal of Materials Research, 36, 2816-2829 (2021).
- Chen, H., Levitas, V.I., Xiong, L., and Zhang, X. Stationary dislocation motion at stresses significantly below the Peierls stress: Example of shuffle screw and 60o dislocations in silicon”, Acta Materialia, 206, 116623 (2021).
- Yavas, D., Phan, T., Xiong, L., Hebert, K., and Bastawros, A., “Atomistic understanding of grain boundary degradation under intergranular electrochemical attack”, Acta Materialia, 200, 471-480 (2020).
- Phan, T., Ji, R., Chen, Y., Bastawros, A., and Xiong, L., “Metallic glass instability induced by the continuous dislocation absorption at an amorphous/crystalline interface”, Acta Materialia, 189, 10-24 (2020).
- Levitas, V., Chen, H., and Xiong, L., “Triaxial-stress-induced homogeneous hysteresis-free first-order phase transformations with stable intermediate phase”, Phy. Rev. Lett., 118, 052701 (2017).
- Levitas, V., Chen, H., and Xiong, L., “Lattice instability during phase transformations under multiaxial stress: modified transformation work criterion”, Physical Review B, 96, 054118 (2017).
- Xu, S., Xiong, L., Chen, Y., and McDowell, D.L., “Sequential slip transfer of mixed-character dislocations across Σ3 coherent twin boundary in fcc metals: a concurrent atomistic-continuum study”, npj Computational Materials, 2, 15016 (2016).