William Meeker
Email: wqmeeker@iastate.edu
Phone: 515-294-5336
Distinguished Professor, Statistics
Applied Sciences II Ames, IA
Clarkson College of Technology, Industrial Management, B.S., 1972 Union College, Operations Research, M.S., 1973 Union College, Administrative and Engineering Systems, Ph.D., 1975
Interest Areas
Synergistic Activities:
Facilitating scientific dissemination: Editor, Technometrics, 1987?1989; Associate Editor for various statistics and quality engineering journals, Chair, Committee on Publications of the American Statistical Association, 2003?2006. Developed SPLIDA, procedures and graphical user interface for planning reliability studies and analyzing various kinds of reliability data (life data, recurrence data, repeated measures degradation data, and destructive degradation data). SPLIDA is available at http://www.public.iastate.edu/~splida. SPLIDA (versions released at various times between 1998 and 2010) is used by statisticians and engineers around the world. Unpaid consultant to a project to develop methodology for service life prediction of organic paints and coatings subject to external weathering, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Building Materials Research Laboratory, 1998?2008. Member, National Research Council “Panel on Operational Test Design and Evaluation of the Interim Armored Vehicle,” 2001?2003. Development of educational infrastructure: developed and presented Statistics 533 (Reliability), based on Statistical Methods for Reliability Data (Meeker and Escobar 1998) and jointly listed between the Departments of Industrial Systems and Manufacturing Engineering and the Department of Statistics. Short course version presented to 82 groups of engineers and statisticians in U.S. and 12 other countries, since 1993. Course materials available from http://www.public.iastate.edu/~stat533.
Research Interests:
Research includes reliability data analysis, statistical planning and inference, and statistical computing. He is the co?author of two books, three book chapters, and of numerous publications in the engineering and statistical literature.
Brief Biography
Professional Academic Experience:
1996 to present Distinguished Professor of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Iowa State University 1998 to present Faculty Associate, Los Alamos National Laboratory 1989 to present Principal Investigator, Center for Nondestructive Evaluation, Iowa State University Summers of 1978 to 1992 Visiting Professor, Bell Laboratories 1981 to present Professor of Statistics, Iowa State University 1978 to 1981 Associate Professor of Statistics, Iowa State University 1975 to 1978 Assistant Professor of Statistics, Iowa State University
Professional Industrial and Other Non-Academic Experience:
Meeker is a former editor of Technometrics and co?editor of Selected Tables in Mathematical Statistics. and currently Associate Editor for the journal Life Data Analysis.
Honors and Awards, Professional Society Memberships:
Fellow of the American Statistical Association, 1983 Fellow of the American Society for Quality, 2006 Elected Member of the International Statistical Institute, 1987 Shewhart Medal, American Society for Quality 2006 Outstanding Statistical Application Award, American Statistical Association, 2001 William G. Hunter Award, Statistics Division, American Society for Quality, 2003 Wilcoxon Prize for the best practical application paper in Technometrics, 1987, 1995, 1999 Youden Prize for the best expository paper in Technometrics, 1996, 1998, 1999, 2002,2009