Matthias Sander-Frigau
Postdoc Research Associate
3131 Coover Hall
2520 Osborn Dr
Ames, IA 50011-1046
• Ph.D in Computer Science, The University of Manchester – UK (2017)
• M.Sc in Computer Science, Montpellier University – France (2009)
• B.Sc in Computer Science, Aix-Marseille University – France (2007)
Current research projects
NSF CyNet – Software-defined Cyberinfrastructure for Smart Agriculture and Transportation (2019 – Present)
NSF PAWR ARA – Living Lab for Smart and Connected Rural Communities (2020 – Present)
CyNet’s PV-RAN
GitLab source code
PV-RAN demo video (OpenAirInterface 2021 Summer Workshop)
‣ Sander-Frigau, M., Zhang, T., Lim, C-Y., Zhang, H., Kamal, A. E., Somani A. K., Hey, S. and Schnable, P., “A Measurement Study of TVWS Wireless Channels in Crop Farms“, IEEE MASS 2021.
‣ Sander-Frigau, M., Zhang, T., Zhang, H., Kamal, A. E. and Somani A. K., “Physical Wireless Resource Virtualization for Software-Defined Whole-Stack Slicing“, IEEE NetSoft 2021, June 2021, pp.106-114. (Best Paper Award)