Mohammed Soliman
Email: msoliman@iastate.edu
Phone: 515-294-1104
Research and Engineering Manager
Sweeney618 Bissell Rd
Ames, IA 500111098
Current Position
In the WiCI Researcher Center, I am working on mutiple project. One of which is the ARA project where I am collaborating with a team of researchers and engineers to build a unique rural-focus wireless network at ISU that includes (but not limited to):
- ARA Project management E2E.
- ARA Infrastructure Planning and Execution.
- ARA Operations Management.
- O-RAN implementation in the rural network.
Industrial experience
Worked for 5 years in Rakuten Mobile Inc. (Japan) as a Telecom R&D Researcher utilizing AI/ML experience in 4G and 5G RAN over the cloud-native network.
Academic Experience
For around 18+ years, I worked as academian in multiple positions
- Assistant professor, Suez Canal University, Egypt (2000 ~ 2010 & 2014 ~ 2017)
- R&D Researcher in multiple universities (YNU, UEC, Tokyo Tech) in Japan (2014 & 2017 ~ 2019)
Research theme
- RAN (Radio Access Network) optimizatoin utilizing AI/ML.
- Optimization of PHY, MAC, and routing layers for IoT and WSN in wireless communication systems.
Entrepreneurship experience
- Owner and CEO of a 6 employee startup company in Egypt (2000 ~ 2010).
For more details, you can refer to my LinkedIn profile here
The most recent publications:
- D. Soldani et al., “eBPF: A New Approach to Cloud-Native Observability, Networking and Security for Current (5G) and Future Mobile Networks (6G and Beyond),” in IEEE Access, vol. 11, pp. 57174-57202, 2023, doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2023.3281480.
- E. Selem, M. Fatehy, S. M. Abd El-Kader and H. Nassar, “THE (Temperature Heterogeneity Energy) Aware Routing Protocol for IoT Health Application,” in IEEE Access, vol. 7, pp. 108957-108968, 2019, doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2931868.
- E. Selem, M. Fatehy and S. M. A. El-Kader, “mobTHE (Mobile Temperature Heterogeneity Energy) Aware Routing Protocol for WBAN IoT Health Application,” in IEEE Access, vol. 9, pp. 18692-18705, 2021, doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3054367.
For the complete publications list, you can refer to my Google Scholar account here.
Primary Strategic Research Area
Engineering Education