Academic Advisor

Staff | IMSE Staff Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering

Sangha, Harman Singh

Harman Singh Sangha image
Staff | ABE Research Staff ABE Staff Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering College of Engineering

Beck, Elaina

Elaina Beck image

Scholarship Administrator
Engineering Student Services

Staff | Engineering Student Services

Luquin, Eduardo

Eduardo Luquin image

Postdoctoral Research Associate

Staff | ABE Research Staff ABE Staff Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering College of Engineering Natural Resource Ecology And Management

Zhong, Qiang

Qiang Zhong image

Assistant Professor

Faculty | ME Faculty Mechanical Engineering | Biolocomotions Experimental fluid mechanics Flow sensing and modeling Robotics

Anand, Robbyn

Robbyn Anand image

Associate Professor, Department of Chemistry

Faculty | CBE Courtesy Appointments Chemistry

Grambau, Nathan

Nathan Grambau image

Teaching Laboratory Specialist

Staff | AERE Staff Aerospace Engineering

Frisvold, Jennifer

Jennifer Frisvold image

Business Administrator II
Engineering Student Services

Staff | Engineering Student Services

Mo, Yunjeong

Yunjeong Mo image

Assistant Professor [CCE E]
Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering

Faculty | CCEE Faculty Civil Construction and Environmental Engineering College of Engineering | BIM VR AR Digital Twin Construction Work Process Automation Data Analytics and Machine Learning Smart Building Energy Management and Occupant Behavior Smart City and Infrastructure Sustainable Built Environment

Wang, Cheng

Cheng Wang image

Assistant Professor

Faculty | ECpE Faculty Electrical and Computer Engineering | Algorithms and Acceleration Techniques Computational intelligence Computer architecture Fault Tolerant and Dependable Computing Machine Learning Microelectronics Reconfigurable Hardware Semiconductor