Chase, Gerald

Gerald Chase image

Associate Professor (retired)
Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering


Bolluyt, James

James Bolluyt image

Assistant Professor Emeritus [CCEE]
Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering

External | CCEE Emeritus and Retired Faculty Civil Construction and Environmental Engineering

Bergeson, Kenneth

Kenneth Bergeson image

Professor Emeritus [CCEE]
Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering

External | CCEE Emeritus and Retired Faculty Civil Construction and Environmental Engineering

Lograsso, Thomas

Thomas Lograsso image

Director III
Ames Laboratory
Materials Science and Engineering

Staff | Ames Laboratory Of US DOE

Boylan, David

David Boylan image

Professor Emeritus

External | CBE Emeritus Faculty Chemical and Biological Engineering

Tessonnier, Jean-Philippe

Jean-Philippe Tessonnier image

Professor, Richard C. Seagrave Professor

Faculty | CBE Professors Chemical and Biological Engineering | Biobased Materials Bioprivileged Chemicals Biorenewables Catalysis Electrosynthesis Hybrid Manufacturing

Straszheim, Warren

Warren Straszheim image Manager Research [BIOTC]

Materials Analysis and Research Lab, Office of Biotechnology

Staff | Biotechnology

Macken, Jenny

Jenny Macken image Study Abroad and Academic Advisor [BUSUP]
Staff | Business Undergraduate Program Computer Science Liberal Arts & Sciences Administration Sociology Sociology - LAS Study Abroad Center

Just, John

John Just image Affiliate Assistant Professor [A&BE]

Affiliate Assistant Professor

Staff | ABE Adjunct, Affiliate and Courtesy Faculty Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering

Ingalls-Hurley, Lisa

Lisa Ingalls-Hurley image Administrative Assistant Ii [WLNSS]
Staff | Ames Laboratory Of US DOE Assistant Vp For Student Health Services Student Counseling Service Student Wellness Vice President Student Affairs