Sid Pathak
Assistant Professor
Materials Science and Engineering
2220BP Hoover Hall
528 Bissell Rd.
Ames, IA 50011-1096
- Ph.D. in Materials Science and Engineering, June 2009, Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA, USA
- Bachelor of Technology, Metallurgical Engineering, April 2003, National Institute of Technology (formerly Regional Engineering College), Warangal, A.P., India
Honors and Awards
Research Awards
- 2020 NSF EPSCoR Research Fellow
- 2019 DARPA Young Faculty Award
- Selected to represent TMS at the 2019 Emerging Leaders Alliance (ELA) Conference and be part of a cadre of over 60 leaders from a broad cross-section of the engineering community
- Chosen as one of the 2019 Top UNR Researchers for the UNR Top Researcher Portrait project. This portrait gallery is organized around the theme of “Go Where Knowledge Leads,” and celebrates UNR’s recent R1 Carnegie® Classification https://www.unr.edu/go
- Incoming Chair 2020, Center for Integrated Nanotechnologies (CINT) at Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) – Sandia National laboratory (SNL). Users Executive Committee (UEC)
- Recipient of the 2017 TMS MPMD (Materials Processing & Manufacturing Division) Young Leaders Professional Development Award
- Winning LANL entry, 2012-13 National Institute of Justice Body Armor Challenge: ‘How Long Does Body Armor Really Last?’ Phase I winner, and Phase II finalist for this challenge.
Micrography Awards
- Research work on carbon nanotubes selected for the Carnegie Mellon’s MoonArk project 2016. The work selected here is expected to travel to the Moon (!!) aboard a lunar lander. When the lunar mission is finished, it is intended that the MoonArk will remain on the Moon as an enduring time capsule depicting element of Earth’s art, architecture, design, music, drama, ballet, poetry, sciences, humanities, and technologies.
- Research work has been featured three times as cover images for the Materials Today journal
- Work on carbon nanotubes (CNT) selected as the cover image for 2012 for Materials Today through an international level competition.
- Work on carbon nanotube (CNT) micropillars selected as the cover image for Sep 2010 for Materials Today through an international level competition. http://www.materialstoday.com/mt/cover-comp/2009
- Finalist for the 2005 international cover competition for Materials Today.
- First prize in the NanoArt 2011 International Online Competition http://www.nanotech-now.com/columns/?article=550
Teaching Awards
- Awarded the 2019 Senior Scholar Mentor award by the University of Nevada, Reno and the Nevada Alumni Association https://www.unr.edu/nevada-today/news/2019/spring-2019-senior-scholars
- Instructor for the 2018-19 senior design team that won Second Prize in the ASM Foundation Design Competition. As the Second-Place winner, our team received $1,500 plus up to $500 travel assistance to attend the MS&T ’19 in Portland, Oregon
Interest Areas
- Nano-mechanics, small scale mechanics
- Mechanistic design of multi-layered nanocomposites:
- Materials under extreme environments
- Physical metallurgy
- Shape memory alloys
- Establishing processing-microstructure evolution linkages in polycrystalline metals
- Solidification in micro-gravity
- Biomechanics of hierarchically structured biomaterials (enamel, bone)
Check my Google Scholar page for an updated list: https://scholar.google.co.in/citations?user=73-ybhoAAAAJ&hl=en
# | Title | Journal | Year |
1 | Structure and Properties of Pseudomorphically Transformed bcc Mg in Mg/Nb Multilayered Nanolaminates studied using Synchrotron X-Ray Diffraction | Journal of Applied Physics, Manish Jain, Nenad Velisavljevic, J. Kevin Baldwin,Marko Knezevic, Nathan A. Mara, Irene J. Beyerlein, and Siddhartha Pathak | 2019 |
2 | Quantifying the mechanical effects of He, W and He+ W ion irradiation on tungsten with spherical nanoindentation | Journal of Materials Science, Jordan S Weaver, Cheng Sun, Yongqiang Wang, Surya R Kalidindi, Russ P Doerner, Nathan A Mara, Siddhartha Pathak | 2018 |
3 | Comparing irradiation induced damage in He, W and He+W ion irradiated tungsten using spherical nanoindentation | Journal of Materials Science, JS Weaver, C Sun, Y Wang, SR Kalidindi, NA Mara, and S Pathak | 2017 |
4 | Probing nanoscale damage gradients with spherical nanoindentation | Scientific Reports, S Pathak, SR Kalidindi, J Weaver, Y Wang, R Doerner, N Mara | 2017 |
5 | Strong, Ductile, and Thermally Stable bcc-Mg Nanolaminates | Scientific Reports, Siddhartha Pathak, Nenad Velisavljevic, J. Kevin Baldwin, Manish Jain, Shijian Zheng, Nathan A. Mara, Irene J. Beyerlein | 2017 |
6 | Spherical nanoindentation of proton irradiated 304 stainless steel: a comparison of small scale mechanical test techniques for measuring irradiation hardening | Journal of Nuclear Materials, Jordan S. Weaver, Siddhartha Pathak, Ashley Reichardt, Hi T. Vo, Stuart Maloy, Peter Hosemann, and Nathan A. Mara | 2017 |
7 | Investigations of orientation and length scale effects on micromechanical responses in polycrystalline Zirconium using spherical nanoindentation | Scripta Materialia, S Pathak, SR Kalidindi, N.A. Mara | 2016 |
8 | Vertically Aligned Carbon Nanotubes, Collective Mechanical Behavior | Encyclopedia of Nanotechnology (Springer) 2nd edition pp 1-20, S Pathak, S Hutchens https://doi.org/10.1007/978-94-007-6178-0_387-2 ISBN 978-94-007-6178-0 | 2016 |
9 | Spherical Nanoindentation Stress Strain Curves | Materials Science and Engineering: Reports Volume 91, pg 1–36 S Pathak, SR Kalidindi | 2015 |
10 | Local Relative Density Modulates Failure and Strength in Vertically Aligned Carbon Nanotubes | ACS Nano Vol 7, No 10, pg 8593-8604 S Pathak, N Mohan, E Decolvenaere, A Needleman, M Bedewy, AJ Hart, JR. Greer | 2013 |
11 | Studying Grain Boundary Regions in Polycrystalline Materials Using Spherical Nano-Indentation and Orientation Imaging Microscopy Nominated as finalist for the Journal of Materials Science Robert W. Cahn Best Paper Prize for 2012 (the “Cahn Prize”) | J. Materials Science, Volume 47, Issue 2, pg 815-823 S Pathak, J Michler, K Wasmer and SR Kalidindi | 2012 |
12 | Viscoelasticity and high buckling stress of dense carbon nanotube brushes | Carbon Vol 47, pg 1969-76 S Pathak, ZG Cambaz, SR Kalidindi, JG Swadener, Y Gogotsi | 2012 |
13 | Size effects in Al nanopillars: single crystalline versus bicrystalline | Acta Materialia 59(11), pg 4416-4424 A. Kunz , S Pathak, J. R. Greer | 2011 |
14 | Determination of the effective zero-point and the extraction of spherical nanoindentation stressstrain curves | Acta Materialia 56, pg 3533-3542 S R. Kalidindi, S Pathak | 2008 |