Peter Collins
Email: pcollins@iastate.edu
Phone: 515-294-5127
Stanley Chair (Professorship) in Interdisciplinary Engineering
Al and Julie Renken Professor, Courtesy
2220AD Hoover Hall
528 Bissell Rd.
Ames, IA 50011-1096
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Peter C. Collins joined the Department of Materials Science and Engineering at Iowa State University in July, 2015. Dr. Pete Collins received his undergraduate degree in Metallurgical Engineering from the University of Missouri-Rolla, and his MS and PhD from The Ohio State University in Materials Science and Engineering. Prior to joining ISU, Dr. Collins served as a faculty member and undergraduate coordinator in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering at the University of North Texas. Dr. Collins has also spent time standing-up a not-for-profit 501-3(c) manufacturing laboratory, and regularly engages with both industry and the government. His experiences and interests involve the practical and theoretical treatments of microstructure-property relationship, with an extension into composition-microstructure-property relationships derived for complex multi-phase, multi-component engineering alloys. He has extensive experience in participating in large industrial programs, has conducted studies into novel metal matrix composites, and has significant research experience with additive manufacturing techniques, and combinatorial materials science. Dr. Collins is an active member of TMS, past chairman of the ICME committee, member of the Titanium committee, and a member of the Materials Processing and Manufacturing Division.
In recent years, Collins and his group have been actively involved in developing and building new types of instrumentation and experiments. These include developing the first 3D SRAS (spatially resolved acoustic spectroscopy) microscope, bicombinatorial techniques, reduced-cost wire-fed metal AM systems, and other techniques aimed at characterizing defects in additive manufactured materials.
- Ph.D., Materials Science and Engineering, The Ohio State University
- M.S., Materials Science and Engineering, The Ohio State University
- B.S., Metallurgical Engineering, University of Missouri-Rolla
- Welch, Noah J., Maria J. Quintana, Samuel J. Kuhr, Todd M. Butler, and Peter C. Collins. “Intermediate and high-temperature oxidation behavior of an equiatomic TaTiCr RCCA from 800° C to 1400° C.” International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials (2023): 106437. Available at: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijrmhm.2023.106437
- Clare, A. T., M. Seita, A. Speidel, Peter Collins, and M. Clark. “Driving next generation manufacturing through advanced metals characterisation capability.” Scripta Materialia (2024): 116009.
- Welch, Noah J., Maria J. Quintana, Todd M. Butler, and Peter C. Collins. “High-temperature oxidation behavior of TaTiCr, Ta4Ti3Cr, Ta2TiCr, and Ta4TiCr3 concentrated refractory alloys.” Journal of Alloys and Compounds 941 (2023): 169000. Available at: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jallcom.2023.169000 Won the Rohit Trivedi Best Paper Award, a department award that is given annually for the best graduate student paper.
- O’Donnell, Katie, Maria J. Quintana, Matthew J. Kenney, and Peter C. Collins. “Using defects as a ‘fossil record’to help interpret complex processes during additive manufacturing: as applied to raster-scanned electron beam powder bed additively manufactured Ti–6Al–4V.” Journal of Materials Science (2023): 1-24. Available at: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10853-023-08838-0
- O’Donnell, Katie, Maria J. Quintana, and Peter C. Collins. “Understanding the Effect of Electron Beam Melting Scanning Strategies on the Aluminum Content and Materials State of Single Ti-6Al-4V Feedstock.” Materials 16, no. 19 (2023): 6366. Available at: https://doi.org/10.3390/ma16196366
- K.O’Donnell, M.J.Quintana, P.C.Collins. “Microstructural and Mechanical Property Differences Resulting from Melt Pool Interactions with the Electron Beam Chamber Environment”. Microscopy & Microanalysis 2023 Conference. .July 23-27. 2023, Minneapolis, MN, USA, 29 (Supplement_1), 1423-1425, Available at: https://doi.org/10.1093/micmic/ozad067.732
- Quintana, M. J., Y. Ji, and P. C. Collins. “A Perspective of The Needs and Opportunities for Coupling Materials Science and Nondestructive Evaluation for Metals-Based Additive Manufacturing.” Materials Evaluation 80, no. 4 (2022). This paper was awarded the 2023 ASNT Outstanding Paper Award
- Quintana, Maria J., Andrew J. Temple, D. Gary Harlow, and Peter C. Collins. “On the Prediction of Uniaxial Tensile Behavior Beyond the Yield Point of Wrought and Additively Manufactured Ti-6Al-4V.” Integrating Materials and Manufacturing Innovation 11, no. 3 (2022): 327-338. Available at: https://doi.org/10.1007/s40192-022-00265-4
- Quintana, Maria J., Matthew J. Kenney, Priyanka Agrawal, and Peter C. Collins. “Correction to: Texture Analysis of Additively Manufactured Ti-6Al-4V Deposited Using Different Scanning Strategies.” Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 52, no. 1 (2021): 438-438. Available at: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11661-020-06082-8
- M.J. Kenney, K. O’Donnell, M.J. Quintana, P.C. Collins, “Spherical pores as ‘microstructural informants’: understanding compositional, thermal, and mechanical gyrations in additively manufactured Ti-6Al-4V”, Scripta Materialia 198 (2021): 113827. Available at: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scriptamat.2021.113827
- Collins, Peter C., and D. Gary Harlow. “Probability and Statistical Modeling: Ti-6Al-4V Produced via Directed Energy Deposition.” Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance 30, no. 9 (2021): 6905-6912. Available at: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11665-021-06062-y
- M.J. Quintana, K. O’Donnell, M.J. Kenney, P.C. Collins, “Differences in defect distribution across scan strategies in electron beam additively manufactured Ti-6Al-4V”, Advanced Materials and Processes (AM&P), July/Aug 2021, p 20-24. Available at: https://doi.org/10.31399/asm.amp.2021-05.p020
- Ryan DeMott,*, Nima Haghdadi, Charlie Kong, Ziba Gandomkar, Matthew Kenney, Peter Collins, Sophie Primig, “3D Electron backscatter diffraction characterization of fine α titanium microstructures: collection, reconstruction, and analysis methods”, Ultramicroscopy (2021): 113394. Available at: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ultramic.2021.113394
- R. DeMott, P. Collins, C. Kong, X. Liao, S. Ringer, S. Primig. “3D electron backscatter diffraction study of α lath morphology in additively manufactured Ti-6Al-4V.” Ultramicroscopy, 2020, 218: 113073.
- M.Y. Mendoza, M.J. Quintana, P.C. Collins, “Microstructure characterization and mechanical properties in individual zones of linear friction welded Ti-6Al-4V alloy”, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 2020
- M.J. Quintana, M. Kenney, P. Agrawal, P.C. Collins, “Texture analysis of additively manufactured Ti-6Al-4V deposited using different scanning strategies”, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 2020
- X. Gong, Y.C. Yabansu, P. Collins, S.R. Kalidindi, “Evaluation of Ti-Mn alloys for additive manufacturing using high throughput experimental assays and Gaussian process regression”, Materials 13 (20) 4641
- Mendoza, Michael Y., Peyman Samimi, David A. Brice, Iman Ghamarian, Matt Rolchigo, Richard LeSar, and Peter C. Collins. “On the role of composition and processing parameters on the microstructure evolution of Ti-xMo alloys.” BMC Chem. 13, no. 1 (2019): 5.
- Koester, Lucas W., Leonard J. Bond, Hossein Taheri, and Peter C. Collins. “Nondestructive evaluation of additively manufactured metallic parts: In situ and post deposition.” In Additive Manufacturing for the Aerospace Industry, pp. 401-417. Elsevier, 2019.
- Martin, Brain W., Thomas K. Ales, Matthew R. Rolchigo, and Peter C. Collins. “Developing and applying ICME+ modeling tools to predict performance of additively manufactured aerospace parts.” In Additive Manufacturing for the Aerospace Industry, pp. 375-400. Elsevier, 2019.
- Collins, P. C., S. Koduri, V. Dixit, and H. L. Fraser. “Understanding the Interdependencies Between Composition, Microstructure, and Continuum Variables and Their Influence on the Fracture Toughness of α/β-Processed Ti-6Al-4V.” Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A (2018): 1-16. (Multiple best paper awards)
- Seifi, M., I. Ghamarian, P. Samimi, P. C. Collins, N. J. H. Holroyd, and J. J. Lewandowski. “Sensitization and remediation effects on environmentally assisted cracking of Al-Mg naval alloys.” Corrosion Science (2018).
- Esfahani, S. Ehsan, Iman Ghamarian, Valery I. Levitas, and Peter C. Collins. “Microscale phase field modeling of the martensitic transformation during cyclic loading of NiTi single crystal.” International Journal of Solids and Structures 146 (2018): 80-96.
- Koester, Lucas W., Hossein Taheri, Timothy A. Bigelow, Peter C. Collins, and Leonard J. Bond. “Nondestructive testing for metal parts fabricated using powder-based additive manufacturing.” Materials Evaluation 76, no. 4 (2018): 514-524.
- I. Ghamarian, P. Samimi, A. Telang, V.K. Vasudevan, P.C. Collins. Characterization of the near-surface nano-crystalline microstructure of ultrasonically treated Ti-6Al-4V using ASTAR™/precession electron diffraction technique. Materials Science and Engineering A, February 2017, 688, pp 524-531.
- I. Ghamarian, P. Samimi, G. Rohrer, P.Collins, Determination of the five parameter grain boundary character distribution of nanocrystalline alpha-zirconium thin films using transmission electron microscopy. Acta Materialia, May 2017, 130, pp. 164-176.
- Baker, Andrew H., Peter C. Collins, and James C. Williams. “New nomenclatures for heat treatments of additively manufactured titanium alloys.” JOM 69 (2017): 1221-1227.
- Michael. Y. Mendoza, Peyman. Samimi, David. A. Brice, Brian Martin, Matt Rolchigo, Richard LeSar, Peter. C. Collins, “Microstructures and grain refinement of additive manufactured Ti-xW alloys” Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 48(7), 3594-3605.
- Matt Rolchigo, Michael Mendoza, Londono, Peyman Samimi, David Brice, Brian Martin, Peter Collins, and Richard LeSar , “Modeling of solidification in Ti-W alloys under additive manufacturing conditions”, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 48(7), 3606-3622.
- Brian Hayes, Brian Martin, Brian Welk, Sam Kuhr, Thomas Ales, David Brice, Iman Ghamarian, Andrew Baker, Christina V Haden, Gary Harlow, Hamish L. Fraser, Peter C Collins. Predicting Tensile Properties of Ti-6Al-4V Produced Via Directed Energy Deposition. Acta Materialia.
- Fortier, Aleksandra, Yue Liu, Iman Ghamarian, Peter C. Collins, and Eric Chason. “Investigation of Tin (Sn) Film Using an Aerosol Jet Additive Manufacturing Deposition Process.” Journal of Electronic Materials: 1-9.
- Brice, D. A., P. Samimi, I. Ghamarian, Y. Liu, M. Y. Mendoza, M. J. Kenney, R. F. Reidy, M. Garcia-Avila, and P. C. Collins. “On the eutectoid transformation behavior of the Ti-Zn system and its metastable phases.” Journal of Alloys and Compounds (2017).
- H. Taheri, M.R.M. Shoaib, L. Koester, T.A. Bigelow, P.C. Collins, L.J. Bond, “Powder based additive manufacturing – A review of types of defects, generation mechanisms, detection, property evaluation and metrology”, International Journal of Additive and Subtractive Materials Manufacturing, August 2016
- Brian Martin+, Peyman Samimi, Peter C Collins, “Engineered, spatially varying isothermal holds: Enabling Combinatorial Studies of Temperature Effects, as Applied to Metastable Titanium Alloy β-21S”, Metallogr. Microstruct. Anal. (2017).
- Mantri, SA, Yannetta, CJ, Mikler, CV, Collins, PC, and Banerjee, R. “The effect of Boron on the grain size and texture in additively manufactured β-Ti alloys”. Journal of materials science.
- X. Gong, S. Mohan, M. Mendoza, A. Gray, P. Collins, S. Kalidindi, “High throughput assays for additively manufactured Ti-Ni alloys based on compositional gradients and spherical indentation”, Integr Mater Manuf Innov.Aug. 2017,
- Taheri, Hossein, Mohammad Rashid Bin Mohammad Shoaib, Lucas W. Koester, Timothy A. Bigelow, Peter C. Collins, and Leonard J. Bond. “Powder-based additive manufacturing-a review of types of defects, generation mechanisms, detection, property evaluation and metrology.” International Journal of Additive and Subtractive Materials Manufacturing 1, no. 2 (2017): 172-209.
- Ghamarian, I. +, Samimi, P., Liu, Y. +, Poorganji, B., Vasudevan, V. K., & Collins, P. C. (2015). “Characterizing the Nano-structure and defect structure of Nano-scaled non-ferrous structural alloys.” Materials Characterization
- Samimi, P+, Brice, D+, Ghamarian, I+, Liu, Y+, and Collins, PC, “Systematic Assessment of the influence Mo Concentration on the Oxygen Ingress in Ti-Mo System During High Temperature Oxidation”, Oxidation of Metals, 85(3), pp 357-368.
- Samimi, P+, Brice, DA+, Banerjee, R, Kaufman, MJ, and Collins, PC, “On the influence of alloy composition on the oxidation performance and oxygen-induced phase transformations in Ti–(0–8) wt% Al alloys” Journal of Materials Science: 1-9.
- Iman Ghamarian+, Peyman Samimi+, Yue Liu+, Brian Hayes+, David Brice+, Brian Welk, Hamish L Fraser, and Peter C. Collins, “Developing a phenomenological equation to predict yield strength for β-processed Ti-6Al-4V” – Materials Science and Engineering A, Vol 660, April 2016, pp 172-180.
- Collins, P. C., Brice, D. A+., Samimi, P., Ghamarian, I. +, & Fraser, H. L. (2016). Microstructural Control of Additively Manufactured Metallic Materials. Annual Review of Materials Research, 46, pp 63-91.
- Samimi, P., & Collins, P. C. (2016). “Oxidation Behavior of Binary Ti-xW (0≤ x≤ 30, wt%) Alloys at 650° C As a Function of W Concentration” Corrosion Science, 111, pp 531-540.
- David A Brice+, Peyman Samimi+, Iman Ghamarian+, Yue Liu+, Randa M Franzen†, Richard F Reidy, James D Cotton, Michael J Kaufman, and Peter C Collins, “Oxidation behavior and microstructural evolution of Ti-6Al-4V and Ti-6Al-4V-1B sheet”, Corrosion Science.
- Collins, PC, Clark, A, Field, R, Midson, S, Kaufman, M. “CANFSA: Exploring the physical metallurgy of non-ferrous alloys”. Advanced Materials and Processing. October 2016. Pp 30-32.
- Sameehan S. Joshi, Iman Ghamarian+, Peyman Samimi+, Shravana Katakam, Peter C. Collins, and Narendra B. Dahotre, Crystallisation behaviour during tensile loading of laser treated Fe–Si–B metallic glass, Philosophical Magazine, 97 (7) pp 497-514.
- M.Seifi, P. Samimi+, I. Ghamarian+, P. C. Collins and J.J. Lewandowski , “Grain orientation effects on delamination during fatigue of a sensitized Al–Mg alloy”, Philosophical Magazine Letters 95,11,(2015): 1-8.
- Sameehan S. Joshi, Peyman Samimi+, Iman Ghamarian+, Shravana Katakam, Peter C. Collins, Narendra B. Dahotre, “Tensile Behavior of Laser Treated Fe-Si-B Metallic Glass”, Journal of Applied Physics, 27 October 2015, 118(16).
- Liu, Y+., Samimi, P+., Ghamarian, I+., Brice, DA§, Huber, D, Wang, Z., Dixit, V, Koduri, S., Huber, D, Fraser, HL, and Collins, PC, “Discovery via Integration of Experimentation and Modeling: Three Examples for Titanium Alloys”, JOM, 67(1), January 2015, pp 164-178, (Cover Art for Oct. 2014 JOM)
- Peyman Samimi+, Yue Liu+, Iman Ghamarian+, David A Brice+, Peter C. Collins, “A new combinatorial approach to assess the Influence of Alloy Composition on the Oxidation Behavior and Concurrent Oxygen-induced Phase Transformations for Binary Ti-xCr Alloys at 650°C”, Corrosion Science, 97, August 2015, pp 150-160,
- C.V. Haden, P.C. Collins, D.G. Harlow, “Yield Strength Prediction of Titanium Alloys” JOM: Volume 67, Issue 6 (2015), Page 1357-1361.
- Ghamarian, I+, Samimi, P+, Dixit, V, and Collins, PC, “A constitutive equation relating composition and microstructure to properties in Ti-6-4 – as derived using a novel integrated computational approach”, Met Trans A, 46(11), 2015, pp 5021-5037,
- M.D. Harris§, W.J. Grogg§, A. Akoma§, B.J. Hayes+, R.F. Reidy, E.F. Imhoff, P.C.Collins, “Revisiting (some of) the Lasting Impacts of the Liberty Ships Via A Metallurgical Analysis of Rivets from the SS John W. Brown”, JOM: Volume 67, Issue 12 (2015), Page 2965-2975.
- Samimi, P+, Liu, Y+, Ghamarian, I+, Song, J§, and Collins, PC, “New observations of a nanoscaled pseudomorphic bcc Co phase in bulk Co-Al-(W,Ta) superalloys”, Acta Materialia 69 (2014): 92-104.
- Collins, PC, Haden, CV, Ghamarian, I+, Hayes, B+, Ales, T§, Penso, G, Dixit, V and Harlow, G, “Progress towards an integration of process-structure-property-performance models for “3D printing” of titanium alloys”, JOM: Volume 66, Issue 7 (2014), Page 1299-1309,
- Iman Ghamarian+, Yue Liu+, Peyman Samimi+, Peter C. Collins, “Development and application of a novel precession electron diffraction technique to quantify deformation structures in a highly deformed material – ultrafine grained titanium”, Acta Materialia 79 (October 2014), pp. 203-215,
- Samimi, P.+, Liu, Y.+, Ghamarian, I.+, and Collins, PC, “A novel tool to assess the influence of alloy composition on the oxidation behavior and concurrent oxygen-induced phase transformations for binary Ti–xMo alloys at 650° C” Corrosion Science 89 (2014): 295-306.
- Collins PC, Koduri, S, Dixit, V, and Fraser, HL, “Neural Networks Relating Alloy Composition, Microstructure and Tensile Properties of α/β Processed TIMETAL 6-4”, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A (2013) 44: 1441-1453 , March 01, 2013.
- Nag S, Zheng Y, Williams R, Devaraj A, Boyne A, Wang Y, Collins PC, Viswanathan GB, Tiley JS, Muddle BC, Banerjee R, Fraser HL, “Non-classical Homogeneous Precipitation Mediated by Compositional Fluctuations in Titanium Alloys”, Acta Metallurgica, 2012.
- Borkar T, Gopagoni S, Nag S, Hwang JY, Collins PC, and Banerjee R, “In situ nitridation of titanium-molybdenum alloys during laser deposition”, Jour. Materials Science, 47(20), 2012, pp 7157-7166.
- H Mohesni, PC Collins, T Scharf, “Nanocrystalline Orientation and Phase Mapping of Textured Coatings Revealed by Precession Electron Diffraction”, Nanomaterials and Energy, Volume 1, Issue 6, July 2012 pages 318 –323
- Schnick, D.E., Hahnlen, RM, Dehoff, R, Collins, P, Babu, SS, Dapino, MJ, and Lippold, JC, “Microstructural Characterization of Bonding Interfaces in Aluminum 3003 Blocks Fabricated by Ultrasonic Additive Manufacturing”, Welding Journal, 89 (5), 105S-115S, May 2010.
- Foltz J, Welk B, Collins PC, Fraser HL, and Williams, J, “Formation of Grain Boundary a in b Ti Alloys: Its role in Deformation and Fracture Behavior of these Alloys”, Met. Trans, June 2010,
- Collins, P, Welk, B, Searles, T, Tiley, J, Russ, JC, and Fraser, HL, “Development of methods for the quantification of microstructural features in α+β processed α/β titanium alloys”, Materials Science and Engineering A, 508, pp 174-182, 2009.
- Peterson, B, Collins, P, and Fraser, HL. “On the use of a sub-scale thermomechanical simulator to obtain accurate tensile properties of α+β and β-processed Ti-6Al-4V” Materials Science and Engineering A, 513-514, pp 357-365, 2009.
- Banerjee. R., Genc, A, Hill, D, Collins, PC, and Fraser, HL, “Nanoscale TiB precipitates in laser deposited Ti-matrix composites”, Scripta Materialia 53 (12): 1433-1437, Dec. 2005.
- Banerjee R, Genc A, Collins PC, et al., “Comparison of microstructural evolution in laser-deposited and arc-melted in-situ Ti-TiB composites”, METALLURGICAL AND MATERIALS TRANSACTIONS A, 35A (7): 2143-2152 JUL 2004.
- Banerjee R, Bhattacharyya D, Collins PC, et al., “Precipitation of grain boundary alpha in a laser deposited compositionally graded Ti-8Al-xV alloy – an orientation microscopy study”, ACTA MATERIALIA 52 (2): 377-385 JAN 19 2004.
- Collins PC#, Banerjee R, Fraser HL, “The influence of the enthalpy of mixing during the laser deposition of complex titanium alloys using elemental blends”, SCRIPTA MATER 48 (10): 1445-1450 MAY 2003.
- Collins PC#, Banerjee R, Banerjee S, et al., “Laser deposition of compositionally graded titanium-vanadium and titanium-molybdenum alloys”, MAT SCI ENG A-STRUCT 352 (1-2): 118-128 JUL 15 2003.
- Banerjee R, Collins PC#, Bhattacharyya D, et al., “Microstructural evolution in laser deposited compositionally graded alpha/beta titanium-vanadium alloys”, ACTA MATER 51 (11): 3277-3292 JUN 27 2003.
- Banerjee R, Collins PC, Genc A, et al., “Direct laser deposition of in situ Ti-6Al-4V-TiB composites”, MAT SCI ENG A-STRUCT 358 (1-2): 343-349 OCT 15 2003.
- Banerjee R, Collins PC#, Fraser HL, “Phase evolution in laser-deposited titanium-chromium alloys”, METALL MATER TRANS A 33 (7): 2129-2138 JUL 2002.
- Banerjee R, Collins PC, Fraser HL, “Laser deposition of in situ Ti-TiB composites”, ADV ENG MATER 4 (11): 847-851 NOV 2002.
- Schwendner KI, Banerjee R, Collins PC, et al., “Direct laser deposition of alloys from elemental powder blends”, SCRIPTA MATER 45 (10): 1123-1129 NOV 19 2001.
Primary Strategic Research Area
Advanced Materials & Manufacturing
AERE Adjunct, Affiliate and Courtesy FacultyCenter For Nondestructive EvaluationMaterials Science and EngineeringMSE Faculty