Richard Pletcher
Interest Areas
Modeling of turbulent transport mechanisms
Environmental applications of fluid mechanics
Dailey, L. D., N. Meng, and R.H. Pletcher, “Large Eddy Simulation of Constant Heat Flux Turbulent Channel Flow with Property Variations: Quasi-Developed Model and Mean Flow Results,” Journal of Heat Transfer , Vol. 125, 2003
Avancha, R. V. R. and R. H. Pletcher, ” Large Eddy Simulation of the Turbulent Flow Pasta Backward-Facing Step with Heat Transfer and Property Variations,” International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow , Vol. 23, pp. 601-614, 2002.
Lee, J.S., Y. Liu, and R.H. Pletcher, “Large Eddy Simulation of the Effects of Rotation of Heat Transfer in a Ribbed Channel,” Heat Transfer 2002 , Proceedings of the Twelfth International Heat Transfer Conference, Elsevier, 2002.
Tannehill, J. C., R.H. Pletcher, and R.G. Hindeman, “CFD Education at Iowa State University,” Computational Fluid Dynamics Journal , Vol. 9, No. 3, pp 208-213. 2000.
Chidambaram, N. and R. H. Pletcher, “A Colocated-Grid Fully Coupled Algorithm for Large Eddy simulation of Incompressible and Compressible Flows,” Numerical Heat Transfer, Part B: Fundamentals , Vol. 37, pp 1-23, 2000.