Alan Russell
Email: russell@iastate.edu
Professor Emeritus [M S E]
Professor Emeritus
Materials Science and Engineering
- Ph.D. Iowa State University; Metallurgy
- M.S. Iowa State University; Metallurgy, Nuclear Engineering, and Journalism/Mass Communications
- B.S. Iowa State University; Metallurgical Engineering
Academic Experience
- Professor Emeritus, Iowa State University, 2019-present
- Professor, Iowa State University, 2005-2019
- Associate Professor, Iowa State University, 1999-2005
- Senior Materials Scientist, Ames Laboratory, 1999-present
- Assistant Professor, Iowa State University, 1990-1999
- Assistant Dean and Assistant Professor, Iowa State University, 1984-1990
- Assistant to the Dean and Assistant Professor, Iowa State University, 1980-1984
- Assistant Professor, Iowa State University, 1979-1980
- Instructor, Iowa State University, 1977-1979
- Temporary Instructor, Iowa State University, 1976-1977
Interest Areas
- Mechanical properties of transition metal alloys and intermetallic compounds
- Deformation processed metal-metal composites
- Ultrahard intermetallic compounds and composites
- Stress corrosion cracking
Grants and Contracts (2007 – 2017)
- Anderson, I., and Russell, A., “Al/Ca Composite Conductor Characterization”, U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Electricity, May, 2016 through May, 2017, $120,000.
- Russell, A., and Anderson, I., “A Castable, Ceramic-reinforced Aluminum Composite: Phase II”, U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Electricity, July 2015 through May, 2016, $23,329.
- Anderson, I., and Russell, A., “Al/Ca Composite Conductor Characterization”, U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Electricity, May, 2015, through May, 2016, $100,000.
- Chumbley, L., and Russell, A., “Side-angle Ultrasound examination of Nurse Tanks”, Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, May, 2015 through February, 2016, $90,000.
- Russell, A. and Anderson, I., “Al/Ca Composite Conductor Characterization”, U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Electricity, August, 2014 through May, 2015, $100,000.
- Russell, A. and Anderson, I. “A Low-cost, Castable Al + BAM Composite Demonstration Casting”, Regents Innovation Funding, September, 2014 through May, 2015, $18,000.
- Russell, A. and Anderson, I., “Demonstration of High Strength in Al/Ca Metal-metal Composite Wire”, Summit Technology and Iowa Corporate Assistance Program, June, 2014-Oct, 2014, $40,948.
- Russell, A., Anderson, I., Chumbley, S., “Phase 2 Development of a Stronger, Lighter, More Conductive High Voltage Transmission Conductor Material”, EPRC, July, 2013 through June, 2015, $60,000.
- A. Russell and I. Anderson, “Fabrication of a Centrifugal Atomizer for Production of CA Metal Powder,” ISURF/OIPTT, Feb. 2011 through Aug. 2011, $18,000.
- Russell, A. and Anderson, I., “Developing a High-conductivity, Ultralight, High-strength Aluminum Composite Conductor,” Electric Power Research Consortium, July 2011 through June 2013, $60,000.
- Russell, A. and Chumbley, S., Testing and Recommended Best Practices for Nurse Tank Safety, Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration under the Virginia Tech Transportation Institute Indefinite Delivery Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) contract, DTMC75-07-D-00006), October, 2010 through October, 2012, ($345,000).
- Russell, A., Phase 2: Investigation of Transition Metal-metal Composites, Omuret Corporation, project period October, 2010 through February, 2011, ($20,690).
- Higdon, C., Cook, B., Russell, A., Blau, P., Wang, Y., Bampton, C., Ultracoatings – Enabling energy and power solutions in high contact stress environments through next-generation nanocoatingsâ€, U.S. Dept. of Energy, Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, Materials for Energy Efficient Industrial Processing, June, 2010 through May, 2011, ($373,028)
- Becker, A., Russell, A., and Chumbley, S., “Residual Stress Determination in Steel Ammonia Nurse Tank Welds”, beam time on SMARTS, LANSCE, four days of beam time during July, 2010.
- Russell, A., Anderson, I., and Chumbley, S., Investigation of Al-Fe and Al-Ca Deformation-processed Metal-metal Composites for Long-distance, High-voltage Power Transmission: Phase 2, Ames Laboratory Seed Grant Program, January, 2010 through June, 2010($30,000)
- Buxbaum, R. and Russell, A., “Ti2AlNb-Coated Refractory Alloys for Generation IV Nuclear Reactor Construction”, U.S. Dept. of Energy Small Business Innovation Research, June, 2009 through May, 2010, ($100,000).
- LeSar, R., Biner, S., Constant, K.P., Ho, K.M., Russell, A., and Wang, C.Z., “Mechanical Properties of Nanoribbons”, USDOE/BES, October, 2008 through September, 2009 ($690,000).
- Russell, A., Anderson, I., and Chumbley, S., “Investigation of Al-Fe Deformation-processed Metal-metal Composites for Long-distance, High-voltage Power Transmission”, Ames Laboratory, January, 2009 through August, 2009, ($40,000).
- Russell, A. and Chumbley, S., Testing and Recommended Practices to Improve Nurse Tank Safety, Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, for October, 2008 through September, 2010, ($270,000).
- Russell, A., “Transition element metal-metal composite studies”, Omuret, December, 2008 through August 2009, ($62,320).
- Russell, A. and Chumbley, S., Microstructural Changes Resulting from Cryotreatment of Steel, IPRT Company Assistance Contract Research Project Proposal for MMS Thermal Processing, LLC, Davenport, IA, for August, 2008 through November, 2008, ($17,202).
- Buxbaum, R. and Russell, A., High-temperature, oxidation-resistant, low- activation alloys for 4th generation nuclear reactor construction, SBIR/DOE Phase I solicitation DE-PS02-6ER06-30, May, 2007-December, 2007 ($100,000).
- LeSar R, Biner S, Gschneidner K, Ho K, Russell A, and Wang C, Mechanical Behavior of Materials and Radiation Effects, Department of Energy, Basic Energy Science, October, 2007-September, 2008 ($690,000).
- Cook B. and Russell A., Advanced wear resistant nanocomposites for increased energy efficiency, U.S. Dept. of Energy, Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, Materials for Energy Efficient Industrial Processing, October, 2006-September, 2010 ($2,200,000).
- Becker A. and Russell A., ” Black Gold: A Research Plan to Investigate Ductile, Gold-Rare Earth Intermetallics Forming Self-regenerating Black Surface Layers for Jewelry Applications, International Precious Metals Institute, April, 2006 to May, 2007 ($5,000).
- Gschneidner K. and Russell A. Mechanical Behavior & Defects in Solids, U.S. Department of Energy, Basic Energy Science, October, 2006 to September, 2007 ($495,000).
- Buxbaum R., lead-PI (REB Research, Michigan), Howard B. (National Energy Technology Laboratory, Pennsylvania), Russell A. (Iowa State University), Paglieri S. (Los Alamos National Laboratory, New Mexico), and Crombey E. (Johnson-Mathey Corp., New Jersey), “Development of lower cost hydrogen permeability membranes”, U.S. Department of Energy, NTEL, October, 2005 to September, 2008, ($140,302 subcontract (total contract $2,950,000).
- Russell A.M., Gschneidner, Jr. K.A., and Chumbley L.S., “Investigation of the roles of strain rate and twinning in the high ductility of B2 intermetallic compounds”, National Science Foundation, Mathematics and Physical Sciences, Material Research, Metals, September, 2004 to August, 2007, ($280,000).
- Engr 160 – Engineering Problems with Computational Laboratory (2015F; 1999S,F; 1998F; 1996S; 1995S,F; 1994S,F)
- Engr 170 – Engineering Graphics and Introductory Design (1993S,F; 1992S,F; 1991F)
- Engr Mech 336 – Engineering Materials for Construction (2002S)
- Fr E 121 – Technical Drawing (1978S,W)
- Fr E 151 – Engineering Problems (1981S,W; 1980F,W; 1979F; 1977F)
- Fr E 155 – Engineering Problems (1984S; 1983F,S; 1982F)
- Fr E 161 – Engineering Graphics (1979SS; 1978F; 1977F,W)
- Fr E 165 – Engineering Graphics and Conceptual Design (1984F; 1982S)
- Fr E 170 – Engineering Graphics and Introductory Design (1991S; 1990S,F; 1989S,F; 1988F; 1987S,F; 1986F; 1985F)
- Hon 290H – Thermal and Mechanical Characterization of AlMgB14 (2002S)
- Mat E 211 – Introduction to Materials Science and Engineering (2001F, 2002F, 2004F, 2005F, 2006F, 2007F, 2008F)
- Mat E 215 – Introduction to Materials Science and Engineering (2009F, 2010F, 2011F, 2012F, 2013F, 2014F)
- Mat E 215L – Introduction to Materials Science and Engineering Laboratory (2013F, 2017F)
- Mat E 216 – Introduction to Materials Science and Engineering (2010S, 2011S, 2012S, 2013S)
- Mat E 216L – Introduction to Materials Science and Engineering Laboratory (2017F)
- Mat E 271 – Introduction to Materials Science and Engineering (2000SS; 2001SS)
- Mat E 272 – Principles of Materials Science and Engineering (1999F; 2000S, SS, F; 2001S)
- Mat E 342 – Structure/Property Relations in Metals (2000S; 2001S; 2002S; 2003S; 2004S; 2005S, 2006S, 2007S, 2008S, 2009S, 2010S, 2011S, 2012S, 2013S, 2013F, 2014F)
- Mat E 442 – Structure/Property Relations in Metals (2015F; 2016F)
- Mat E 490 – Independent Research for Mat. Engr. (2002F; 2004F; 2005S, 2011F, 2014F)
- MSE 201M – Principles of Materials Science for MSE Majors (1995F)
- MSE 201 – Principles of Materials Science (1998S; 1997S,F; 1996F)
- MSE 202 – Processing and Fabrication of Materials (1996S)
- MSE 207 – Introductory Physical Metallurgy Laboratory (1997F)
- MSE 271 – Introduction to Materials Science and Engineering (1985S)
- MSE 590A – Special Graduate Projects, Metallic Materials (2000SS, F; 2002F)
- MSE 699 – Research (1997F; 1998S,SS,F; 1999S,SS,F; 2000S,SS,F; 2001S,SS,F; 2002S,SS,F; 2003S, SS, F; 2004S, SS, F; 2005S, SS, F; 2006S, SS, F; 2007S, SS, F; 2008S, SS, F; 2009S, SS, F; 2010S, SS, F; 2011S, SS, F; 2012S, SS, F; 2013, SS, F; 2014S, SS, F; 2015S, SS, F; 2016, SS, F)
- USt 290H – Independent Research for Honors College students (1992S; 1994S; 2002S)
Refereed Journal Articles (2007-2017)
- Gao, G.H., Oertel, C.G., Skrotzki, W., Russell, A.M., “The martensitic phase transformation in the ductile DyCu and YCu intermetallic compounds”, Acta Materialia, submitted January, 2017 (under review).
- Tian L., Russell, A., Riedemann, T., Mueller, S., Anderson, I., “A deformation-processed, Al-matrix, Ca-nanofilament-reinforced composite with low density, high strength, and high conductivity”, Materials Science and Engineering A, submitted December 2016 (under review).
- Lin, R.Q., Fu, C., Russell, A.M., and Cao G.H., “Microstructure and oxidation behavior of Al + Cr co-deposited coatings on nickel-based superalloys”, Surface Coatings and Technology, accepted December, 2016 (in press).
- Liu M., Wang C.H., Dai Y.C., Li X., Cao G.H., Russell A.M., Liu Y.H., Dong X.M., and Zhang Z.H., “Effect of quenching and tempering process on sulfide stress cracking susceptibility in API-5CT-C110 casing steel”, Materials Science and Engineering A, submitted November, 2016; accepted January, 2017 (in press).
- Tian, L., Anderson, I.E., Reidemann, T., and Russell, A.M., “Production of fine Ca powders by centrifugal atomization with rotating quench bath”, Powder Technology, Vol. 308, pp. 84-93 (2016). http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.powtec.2016.12.011 0032-5910
- Liu M., Cao, G.H., Russell, A.M., Liu, Y.H., Dong, X.M., Zhang, Z.H., “Effect of microstructure and crystallography on sulfide stress cracking in API-5CT-C110 casing steel”, Materials Science and Engineering A, Vol. 671, pp. 244-253 (2016). http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.msea.2016.06.034
- Gao, G.H., Russell, A.M., Oertel, C.G., Skrotzki, W., “Microstructure formation and mechanical behavior of titanium aluminides during high-pressure torsion”, Philosophical Magazine, Vol. 96, No. 22, pp. 2372-2384 (2016). http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/14786435.2016.1200757
- Russell, A.M., Becker, A.T., Chumbley, L.S., Enyart, D.A., Bowersox, B.L., Hanigan, T.W., Labbe, J.L., Moran, J.S., Spicher, E.L., Zhong, L., “A Survey of Flaws Near Welds Detected by Side Angle Ultrasound Examination of Anhydrous Ammonia Nurse Tanks”, Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, Volume 43, pp. 263-272 (2016) DOI:10.1016/j.jlp.2016.05.025.
- Shaw, A.H., Tian, L., and Russell, A.M., “Tensile properties of high-purity Ca metal”, British Journal of Applied Science and Technology, Volume 15, Issue 6, pp. 1-6; article number BJAST.26293 (2016) DOI : 9734/BJAST/2016/26293). ISSN: 2231-0843, NLM ID: 101664541.
- Wang, C.H., Hu, P.F., Russell, A.M., and Cao, G.H., “Martensitic microstructures and mechanical properties of as-quenched metastable β-type Ti-Mo alloys”, Journal of Materials Science, Volume 51, Issue 14, pp. 6886-6896 (2016) DOI: 10.1007/s10853-016-9976-6.
- Becker, A., Chumbley, S., Russell, A., “Predicted growth of through-thickness stress corrosion cracks in anhydrous ammonia nurse tanks”, Advanced Materials Letters, Volume 6, Issue 9, pp. 783-789 (2015) DOI: 10.5185/amlett.2015.5838.
- Cao, G.H., Jian, G.Y., Liu, N., Russell, A.M., and Gerthsen, D., “Microstructure and mechanical properties of ultrafine Ti-Si-Nb alloys”, J. Materials Chemistry and Physics, Vol. 163, pp. 512-517 (2015).
- Cao, G.H., Russell, A.M., Oertel, C.G., Skrotski, W., “Microstructural evolution of TiAl-based alloys deformed by high-pressure torsion”, Acta Materialia, Vol. 98, pp. 103-112 (2015) DOE information: 10.1016/j.actamat.2015.07.012.
- Russell, A.M., Becker, A.T., Chumbley, L.S., Enyart, D.A., “Leg Weld Fatigue Cracks in Anhydrous Ammonia Nurse Tanks”, Case Studies in Engineering Failure Analysis, Vol. 3, pp. 73-79 (2015) DOI information: 10.1016/j.csefa.2015.03.002.
- Tian, L., Anderson, I., Reidemann, T., and Russell, A, “Modeling the electrical resistivity of deformation processed in metal-metal composites”, Acta Materialia, Vol. 77, pp. 151-161 (2014) DOI information: 10.1016/j.actamat.2014.06.013.
- Cao, G.H., Peng, Y.F., Liu, N., Li, X., Lei, Z.S., Ren, Z.M., Gerthsen, D., and Russell, A.M., “Formation of a bimodal structure in ultrafine Ti-Fe-Nb alloys with high-strength and enhanced ductility”, Materials Science and Engineering A, Vol. 609, pp. 60-64 (2014).
- Tian, L., and Russell, A., “Phase field study of interfacial diffusion-driven spheroidization in a composite comprised of two mutually insoluble phases”, The Journal of Chemical Physics, Vol. 140, 124706 (2014) doi: 10.1063/1.4869296.
- Provino, A., Manfrinetti, P., Gschneidner, Jr., K.A., Dhar, S.K., Schlagel, D.L., Lograsso, T.A., Miller, G., Thimmaiah, S., Wang, H., Russell, A.M., Becker, A.T., Mudryk, Ya., “Gd11Ni4In9: A self-assembled fibrous intermetallic compound”, Acta Materialia, Vol. 73, pp. 27-36 (2014).
- Cao, G.H., Zhou, Y.N., Liu, N., Russell, A.M., and Gerthsen, D., “High-strength bimodal ultrafine Ti-based alloys with enhanced ductility”, Crystal Research and Technology, Vol. 49(5), pp. 338-344 (2014)
- Williams, S., Brown, D., Russell, A., and Gschneidner, K., “Observations of a dynamical-to-kinematic diffraction transition in plastically deformed polycrystalline intermetallic YCu”, Acta Materialia, Vol. 70, pp. 307-315 (2014).
- Becker, A.T., Chumbley, L.S., Goettee, D., and Russell, A.M., “Neutron Diffraction Analysis of Residual Stresses near Unannealed Welds in Anhydrous Ammonia Nurse Tanks”, Journal of Agricultural Safety and Health, Vol. 20(1): pp. 3-13 (2014) doi: 10.13031/jash.20.9558.
- Tian, L., Anderson, I., Russell, A., “A dislocation-based, strain-gradient-plasticity strengthening model for deformation processed metal-metal composites”, Journal of Materials Science, Vol. 49(7), pp. 2787-2794 (2014). DOI: 10.1007/s10853-013-7982-5.
- Gaballa, O., Cook, B., and Russell, A., “Reduced-temperature processing and consolidation of ultra-refractory Ta4HfC5”, International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials, Vol. 105, pp. 293-299 (2013). DOI 10.1016/j.ijrmhm.2013.04.018
- Tian, L, Kim, H., Reidemann, T., Anderson, I., Russell, A., “Prospects for novel deformation processed Al/Ca composite conductors for overhead high voltage direct current (HVDC) power transmission composite structures”, Electric Power Systems Research, Vol. 105, pp. 105-114 (2013).
- Cao, G.H., Liu,N., Peng, J.C., Shen, C.J., Russell, A.M., “Transmission electron microscopy study of the microstructure of a Ti-Fe-Zr alloy”, Materials Characterization, Vol. 83, pp. 43-48 (2013).
- Gao, G.H., Yao, P.P., Fu, C., and Russell, A.M., “Microstructure and oxidation behavior of Al and Hf co-deposition coatings on nickel-based superalloys”, Surface and Coatings Technology, Vol. 224, pp. 57-61 (2013).
- Gaballa, O., Ball, J., Peters, J.S, Cook, B., and Russell, A.M., “Properties of AlMgB14 hot pressed with additions of ZrB2 and HfB2”, Powder Technology, Vol. 235, pp. 968-974 (2013).
- Tian, L, Kim, H., Anderson, I., Russell, A., “The microstructure-strength relationship in a deformation-processed Al-Ca composite”, Materials Science and Engineering A, 570, pp. 106-113 (2013).
- Wu, Y., Kim, G.Y., Russell, A.M., “Effects of mechanical alloying on Al6061-CNT solid powder processing”, Materials Science and Engineering A, Vol. 538, pp. 164-172 (2012).
- Cao, G.H., Peipei, Y., Russell A., “TEM characterization of Pt+γ’-Ni3Al+γ-Ni/CMSX-4 coating microstructure” (Ref no: C20100376), accepted by Rare Metal Materials and Engineering, Vol. 41(5), pp. 847-850 (2012).
- Wu, Y., Kim, G.Y., and Russell, A.M., “Mechanical alloying of carbon nanotube and Al6061 powder for metal-CNT composite,” Materials Science and Engineering A, 532, pp. 558-566 (2012).
- Gaballa, O., Cook, B., and Russell, A., “Formation, densification, and selected mechanical properties of hot-pressured Al4SiC4, Al4SiC4 with 30 vol. % WC, and Al4SiC4 with 30 vol. % TiC,” Ceramics International, Vol. 37(8), pp. 3117-3121 (2011).
- G.H. Cao, Z. Yu, A.M. Russell, The deformation behavior of DyCu under compression”, Materials Science and Engineering A, 528, pp. 7173-7177 (2011).
- C. Higdon, B. Cook, J. Harringa, A. Russell, J. Goldsmith, J. Qu, and P. Blau, “Friction and Wear Mechanisms in AlMgB14-TiB2 Nanocoatings,” Wear, Vol. 271, pp. 2111– 2115 (2011).
- Cao, G., Russell, A., and Gschneidner, K., Transmission electron microscopy of study of the microstructure of YCu ductile intermetallic compound”, Scripta Materialia, Vol. 64(9), pp. 821-823 (2011).
- Cao, G.H., Russell A., TEM characterization of Pt+γ’-Ni3Al+γ-Ni/CMSX-4 coating microstructure” (Ref no: C20100376), submitted to Acta Metallurgica Sinica, July, 2010 (under review).
- Cook, B.A., Harringa J.L., Peters J. S., and Russell A.M., Enhanced wear resistance in AlMgB14 – TiB2 composites, Wear, Vol. 271(5-6), pp. 640-646 (2011).
- Cook, B. A., Harringa, J. L., Anderegg, J., Russell, A. M., Qu, J., Blau, P. J., Higdon, C., and Elmoursi, A. A., Analysis of Wear Mechanisms in Low Friction, Nanocomposite AlMgB14-TiB2 Coatings, Surface and Coatings Technology, submitted Dec., 2009; accepted Aug., 2010 (in press).
- Cao, G. H., Ou, T. P., Jiang, H., and Russell, A.M., Microstructure investigations of Pt modified γ²-Ni3Al + γ-Ni coatings on Ni-based superalloys” Journal of Materials Research, Vol. 25(6), pp. 1191-1195 (2010).
- Cao, G.H., Becker, A.T., Wu, D., Chumbley, L.S., Lograsso, T.A., Russell, A.M., and Gschneidner, K.A., Mechanical properties and determination of slip systems of the B2 YZn intermetallic compound”, Acta Materialia, Vol. 58, pp. 4298-4304 (2010).
- Cao, G. H., Ou, T. P., Jiang, H., and Russell, A.M., Microstructure investigations of Pt modified γ²-Ni3Al + γ-Ni coatings on Ni-based superalloys” Journal of Materials Research, Vol. 25, pp. 1191-1195 (2010).
- Peters J.S., Cook B.A., Harringa J.L., and Russell A.M., Microstructure and wear resistance of mechanically alloyed TiB2″, Wear, (accepted, IH-4734R1, in press).
- Mulay, R.P., Wollmershauser, J.A., Heisel, M.A., Bei, H., Russell, A.M., and Agnew, S.R., X-ray diffraction study of the phase purity, order, and texture of ductile B2 intermetallics”, Acta Materialia, Vol. 58(7), pp. 2788-2796 (2010).
- Gschneidner, K.A., Ji, M., Wang, C.Z., Ho, K.M., Russell, A.M., Becker, A.T., and Larson, J.L., Influence of the electronic structure on the ductile behavior of B2 CsCl-type AB intermetallics”, Acta Materialia, Vol. 57, pp. 5876-5881 (2009).
- Russell A., Cook B., Ford R., Wear resistant, low friction boride nanocomposite coatings, MRS Bulletin,Vol. 34, p. 792 (2009).
- Cook, B.A., Russell, A.M., Peters, J. S., and Harringa, J. L., “Estimation of surface energy and bonding between AlMgB14 and TiB2,” J. Physics and Chemistry of Solids, doi:10.1016/j.jpcs.2010.02.009 (2010).
- Ahmed A., Bahadur S., Russell A.M., Cook B.A., Diamond belt abrasion resistance and cutting tool wear studies on new ultra-hard boride materials.” Tribology International, Vol. 42, pp. 706-713 (2009).
- Peters, J.S., Cook, B.A., Harringa, J.L., and Russell, A.M., Erosion resistance of TiB2-ZrB2 composites”, Wear, Vol. 267(1), pp. 136-143 (2009).
- S. Xie, K.A. Gschneidner, Jr., and A.M. Russell, Microstructure and mechanical properties of the Dy50Cu(50-x)Nix intermetallic B2 CsCl-type compounds”, Scripta Materialia, Vol. 59(8), pp. 810-813 (2008).
- Stumphy B.D., Mudryk Y., Russell A.M., Herman D.M., and Gschneidner, K.A., Oxidation resistance of B2 rare earth-magnesium intermetallic compounds”, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Vol., 460, pp. 363-367 (2008).
- Xie S., Russell A. M., Becker A.T., and Gschneidner K.A., Dislocation core structures in a ductile B2-type intermetallic compound: YAg”, Scripta Materialia, Vol. 58, pp. 1066-69 (2008).
- Stumphy B.D., Mudryk Y., Russell A.M., Herman D.M., and Gschneidner, K.A., Oxidation resistance of B2 rare earth-magnesium intermetallic compounds”, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Vol., 460, pp. 363-367 (2008).
- Herman D.M., Cao G., Becker A.T., Russell A.M., and Constant A.P., “Microstructure and properties of a silver-erbium oxide alloy”, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Vol. 454, pp. 292-296 (2008).
- Wongpreedee K. and Russell A.M., “The stability of Pt nanofilaments in Au composites”, Gold Bulletin Vol. 40, No. 3, pp. 1-7 (2007).
- Cao G.H., Shechtman D., Wu D.M., Becker A.T., Chumbley L.S., Lograsso T.A., Russell A.M., and Gschneidner K.A., Determination of slip systems and their relation to the high ductility and fracture toughness of B2 DyCu”, Acta Materialia, Vol. 55, pp. 3765-3770 (2007).
Non-refereed Articles (2007-2017)
- C.F. Czahor, I.E. Anderson, T.M. Riedemann, A.M. Russell, “Deformation-processed Al/Ca nano-filamentary composite conductors for HVDC applications”, I.O.P. Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering (2017).
- C.F. Czahor, I.E. Anderson, A.M. Russell, and T.M. Riedemann, “Deformation Processed Al/Al2Ca Nano-filamentary Composite Conductors”, POWDERMET International Conference on Powder Metallurgy (2017).
- C.F. Czahor, I.E. Anderson, A.M. Russell, and T.M. Riedemann, “Deformation Processed Al/Ca Nano-filamentary Composite Conductors for HVDC Applications”, Proceedings of the 38th Riso International Symposium on Materials Science, Journal of Physics Conference Series, Roskilde, Denmark (2017).
- Czahor, C., Anderson, I., Russell, A., and Riedemann, T., “Deformation Processed Al/Al2Ca Nano-filamentary Composite Conductors”, Proceedings of the Metal Powder Industries Federation, POWDERMET 2017, Las Vegas, NV, June, 2017.
- Conover, E. (with Russell, A.M. and Pistorius, P.C.) “New Lightweight Steel is Cheap, Yet Strong”, Science/AAAS News, February, 2015. http://news.sciencemag.org/chemistry/2015/02/new-lightweight-steel-cheap-yet-strong
- “Lujan Center neutrons reveal dynamical-to-kinematic diffraction transition for the first time, leads to new method for in-situ deformation studies”, Los Alamos National Laboratory Connections newsletter, July, 2014.
- “Nanoscale Coating Reduces Friction, Boosts Industrial Energy Efficiency,” Federal Laboratory Consortium for Technology Transfer: Technology for Today, p. 42-43, June 2011.
- Canter, Neil (with Russell, A. and Cook, B.) “BAM: antiwear and friction-reducing coating”, Tribology and Lubrication Technology, pp. 14-15, March, 2009.
- Ashley, S. and Russell, A., “Boride Coatings Cut Wear and Friction, Save Energy”, Scientific American/Earth 3.0, March, 2009.
- Kleiner, K., “Material slicker than Teflon discovered by accident”, New Scientist On-line, www.newscientist.com/article/dn16102-material-slicker-than-teflon-discovered-by-accident.html, 21 November, 2008.
- Russell, A., “Ductile rare earth intermetallic compounds”, Proceedings of the 7th Scientific Research Symposium on Metallic and Nonmetallic Materials: Production, Properties, Application, University of Zenica and Fachhochschule Gelsenkirchen, Gelsenkirchen, Germany, 22-23 May 2008, p. 67.
- Russell, A., “Ductile rare earth intermetallic compounds”, Proceedings of the 7th Scientific Research Symposium on Metallic and Nonmetallic Materials, Zenica, Bosnia & Herzogovina, 15-16 May 2008 (in press).
- Russell A., Frerichs A., Gschneidner K., Biner S., Chumbley L., Xie S., Williams S., Chen Q., and Becker A., “Progress in Understanding the High Ductility of Rare Earth B2 (CsCl-type) Intermetallics”, Collected Proceedings: Recent Developments in Rare Earth Science and Technology, 2008 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition, New Orleans, LA, March, 2008.
- Russell A.M., “It’s Time for a Carbon Tax”, Innovate, Spring, 2007, p. 32.
Books & Chapters in Books (2007-2017)
- Russell, A.M., Chumbley, L.S., and Becker, A.T., Anhydrous Ammonia Nurse Tank Safety, Scholars’ Press, OmniScriptum GmbH & Co. KG, Saarbrücken, Germany, ISBN 978-3-639-71848-5, 276 pages (2014).
- Park, J.M., Liu, X., Leung, W., Constant, K.C., Russell, A.M., and Ho, K.M., “High-aspect-ratio metallic nanostructures for transparent electrodes,” Chapter 7 in Vistas in Nanofabrication, Pan Stanford Publications, Singapore, ISBN 978-981-4364-56-0 (Hardcover), 978-981-436457-7 (eBook), pp. 133-146 (2012).
- Frerichs, A.E., and Russell, A.M., “High Ductility Rare Earth B2 Intermetallics”, Chapter 7 in Rare Earths: Research and Applications, Delfrey, K.N., ed., Nova Science Publishers, Inc., ISBN: 978-1-60456-218-7, Hauppauge, New York, pp. 255-279 (2008).
- Russell, A.M., “Ductile, Stoichiometric B2 Intermetallics”, Chapter 5 in Intermetallic Research Progress, Berdovsky, Y.N., ed., Nova Science Publishers, Inc., Hauppauge, New York, ISBN-13: 978-1-60021-982-5, pp. 213-235 (2008).
- Russell, A.M., Solutions manual: structure-property relations in nonferrous metals, John Wiley and Sons, New York (2005).
- Russell, A.M., and Lee, K.L., Structure-property relations in nonferrous metals, John Wiley and Sons, New York, ISBN: 13 978-0-471-64952-6, 499 pages (2005).
Invited Presentations (2007-2017)
- “Alternatives for Effective HVDC Transmission”, C.F. Czahor, I, Anderson, A. Russell, EUCI Transmission Upgrades and Reconducting Technologies Conference, South Plainfield, New Jersey, October, 2017.
- “Deformation Processed Al/Ca Nano-filamentary Composite Conductors for HVDC Applications”, C.F. Czahor, T. Riedemann, I, Anderson, A. Russell, Symposium of North American Wind Energy Academy, Ames, IA, September, 2017.
- “Deformation Processed Al/Ca Nano-filamentary Composite Conductors for HVDC Applications”, C.F. Czahor, T. Riedemann, I, Anderson, A. Russell, 38th Riso International Symposium on Materials Science, Roskilde, Denmark, September, 2017.
- “Deformation Processed Al/Ca Nano-filamentary Composite Conductors”, C.F. Czahor, T. Riedemann, I, Anderson, A. Russell, Nano@IASTATE, Ames, IA, July, 2017.
- “Deformation Processed Al/Al2Ca Nano-filamentary Composite Conductors”, C.F. Czahor, T. Riedemann, A. Russell, I. Anderson, Symposium of North American Wind Energy Academy, Ames, IA, June, 2017.
- “A One-step, Low-cost Process to Produce Aluminum/ceramic Composites”, Russell, A.M. and Hong, P., BAM Technology Summit, Ames, IA, September, 2016.
- “Materials Research at Iowa State University”, Russell, A.M., Electric Power Research Institute Annual Conference, keynote address, Ames, IA, May, 2015.
- “We’re All in This Together: Techniques for Student Engagement”, Russell, A.M., Center for Excellence in Learning and Teaching, Iowa State University, October, 2014
- “High-conductivity, ultra-light, ultra-strong aluminum composite conductor” (Oral and poster), Tian, L., Russell, A., Riedemann, T., Anderson, I., ISU Electric Power Research Center (EPRC) meeting of corporate supporters, Ames, IA, June, 2014.
- “Princeps Altitudo”, Osher Lifelong Learning Institute, Ames, IA, October, 2013.
- “Findings of the Nurse Tank Safety Project: Phases 1 and 2”, Russell, A.M. and Becker, A.T., Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, Washington, D.C., August, 2013.
- “Ultra-light, High-strength, High-conductivity Composite for Power Transmission and Related Applications”, Russell, A.M. and Anderson, I.E., National Network for Manufacturing Innovation, Light Weight Modern Metals Manufacturing Institute Planning Workshop, Cedar Falls, IA, July, 2013.
- “Ultra-hard, Low-friction Ceramic Composite Boosts Energy Efficiency & Reduces Wear”, Russell, A.M., National Network for Manufacturing Innovation, Light Weight Modern Metals Manufacturing Institute Planning Workshop, Cedar Falls, IA, July, 2013.
- “Findings from the Nurse Tank Safety Project: 2008-2013”, Russell, A.M., Agribusiness Association of Iowa Transportation Committee Meeting, Des Moines, IA, June, 2013.
- “Nurse Tanks Safety Project Overview and Pinhole Leak Analysis”, Russell, A.M., Nurse Tank Safety Project Peer Review Group Annual Meeting, Ames, IA, May, 2013.
- “Residual Stress Analysis in Anhydrous Ammonia Nurse Tanks”, Becker, A.T., Chumbley, L.S., Russell, A.M., Brown, D., and Clausen, B., Lujan Center, Neutron Scattering Triennial Basic Energy Science Program Review, Los Alamos, NM, June, 2013.
- “Testing and Recommended Practices to Improve Nurse Tank Safety”, Becker, A.T., Chumbley, L.S., and Russell, A.M., Agribusiness Association of Iowa Showcase Applicator Training Program, Des Moines, IA, February, 2013.
- “Testing and recommended practices to improve nurse tank safety”, A. Russell and A. Becker, Quarterly Meeting of the Agronomy Committee of the Agribusiness Association of Iowa, Des Moines, IA, June, 2011.
- “Metal-metal composites for high-voltage power transmission conductors”, A. Russell and I. Anderson, EUCI (Electric Utility Consultants, Inc.) webinar, Denver, CO, December, 2010.
- “Testing and Recommended Practices to Improve Nurse Tank Safety”, S. Chumbley and A. Russell, Agribusiness Association of Iowa Nurse Tank Testing Workshop, Nevada, IA, Dec., 2010.
- “ULTRACOATINGS: The Next Generation of High-Performance Coatings”, Bruce Cook, Alan Russell, Scott Beckman, Joel Harringa, Justin Peters, Austin Shaw, Southfield, MI, September, 2010.
- “Ames Laboratory Progress Summary: DOE Nanocoatings Program Close-out Meeting”, Bruce Cook, Alan Russell, Scott Beckman, Joel Harringa, Justin Peters, Austin Shaw, Southfield, MI, September, 2010.
- “A New Family of Al-alkaline Metal Composite Conductors”, A.M. Russell and I.E. Anderson, EUCI (Electric Utility Consultants, Inc.) 2nd Annual High-voltage Transmission Conductor Conference, St. Louis, MO, September, 2010.
- “A New Family of Ultra-hard, Low-friction Boride Composites”, A.M. Russell, Honeywell Facility of the U.S.D.O.E., Kansas City, MO, August, 2010.
- “Stress Corrosion Cracking and its Implications for Nurse Tank Safety”, A.M. Russell, Agribusiness Association of Iowa Regulatory Day Workshop, Nevada, IA, June, 2009.
- “Testing and Recommended Practices to Improve Nurse Tank Safety”, A.M. Russell, Agribusiness Association of Iowa Nurse Tank Testing Workshop, Nevada, IA, Feb., 2009.
- “A New Paradigm: Ductile RM, CsCl-type Intermetallic Compounds”, K.A. Gschneidner, K., Russell A., Williams S., Becker A., Xie S., Frerichs A., and Mudryk, Y., 25th Rare Earth Research Conference, Tuscaloosa, AL, June, 2008.
- “Intermetallics are No Longer Brittle – Ductile Rare Earth B2 Intermetallic Compounds”, A.M. Russell, College of Engineering, Architecture, and Technology, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK, April, 2008.
- “Progress in Understanding the High Ductility of Rare Earth B2 (CsCl-type) Intermetallics”, Russell A., Gschneidner K., Biner B., Chumbley L., Xie S., Becker A., Chen Q., Frerichs A., and Williams S., Symposium on Recent Developments in Rare Earth Science and Technology, 2008 TMS Conference, New Orleans, LA, March, 2008.
- “Materials for Fourth Generation Reactors: Effects of Elevated Temperature Exposure to H and O in Ti-Al-Nb and Nb-Zr Alloys”, Buxbaum, R.E. and Russell, A.M., Nuclear Fuels and Materials Development Seminar, Idaho National Laboratory, U.S. Dept. of Energy, Idaho Falls, ID, December, 2007.
Contributed Presentations (2007-2017)
- Czahor, C., Anderson, I., Riedemann, T., Russell, A., “The processing-structure-property relationship in high strength, high electrical conductivity Al matrix calcium or carbon nanotube reinforced nanocomposites”, MRS (2018).
- Czahor, C., Anderson, I., Riedemann, T., Russell, A., “In situ gas-phase passivation of molten calcium surfaces to enable development of atomization method for generating calcium powder”, MPIF, TMR, (2018).
- C.F. Czahor, I.E. Anderson, T.M. Riedemann, A.M. Russell, “Deformation-processed Al/Ca nano-filamentary composite conductors for HVDC applications”, I.O.P. Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering (2017).
- “Deformation Processed Al/Ca Nano-filamentary Composite Conductors for HVDC Applications”, Czahor, C.F., Anderson, I.E., Russell, A.M., and Riedemann, T.M., 38th Riso International Symposium on Materials Science, Roskilde, Denmark, September, 2017.
- “Deformation Processed Al/Al2Ca Nano-filamentary Composite Conductors”, Czahor, C., Anderson, I., Russell, A., and Riedemann, T., Metal Powder Industries Federation, POWDERMET 2017, Las Vegas, NV, June, 2017.
- “An unusually high-strength, high-conductivity and lightweight deformation processed Al/Ca composite for next-generation high voltage power transmission conductors”, Tian, L., Iver Anderson, Riedemann, T., and Russell, A., MRS fall meeting, Boston, MA, December, 2014.
- “High strength, high conductivity, lightweight Al/Ca (9vol.%) deformation processed metal/metal composite with potential for overhead electrical conductor cables”, Tian, L., Anderson, I., and Russell, A., Materials Science and Technology conference, Pittsburgh, PA, October, 2014.
- “A novel deformation processed lightweight Al/Ca composite conductor for overhead high voltage direct current (HVDC) power transmission”, Tian, L., Russell, A., Riedemann, T., Anderson, I., Materials Science and Technology conference, Pittsburgh, PA, October, 2014.
- “Phase field simulation of interfacial diffusion-driven spheroidization in a two-phase composite,” Tian, L., and Russell, A., Materials Science and Technology conference, Pittsburgh, PA, October, 2014.
- “High conductivity, ultra-light, ultra-strong Al/Ca composite conductor”, Liang Tian, Alan Russell, Trevor Riedemann, Iver Anderson, Electric Power Research Center poster session, Ames, IA, June, 2014.
- “Al-Ca Metal-metal Composite for High Voltage DC Power Transmission”, A. Frerichs, B. Rattle, H. Kim, I. Anderson, and A. Russell, MRS poster session, Ames, IA, April 7, 2011.
- “Peak Intensity Changes during In-situ Neutron Diffraction Experiments on Ductile Rare Earth Intermetallics YCu”, Scott Williams, D. Brown, B. Clausen, A. Russell, K. Gschneidner, Denver X-ray Conference, Colorado Springs, CO, USA, July 29-Aug 2, 2007.
- “Dynamical Diffraction Effects During In-Situ Neutron Experiments on Ductile Rare Earth Intermetallic YCu”. Williams, S., Brown D., Gschneidner, K., and Russell, A. MECASENS IV Conference on Stress Evaluation, Vienna, Austria, September 24-26, 2007 (Abstract ID: 328).
- “In-situ Neutron Diffraction Studies of Ductile Rare Earth B2 Intermetallics”, Williams S., Brown D., Clausen B., Russell A., and Gschneidner K., Session on Plasticity from the Atomic Scale to Constitutive Laws, TMS Annual Meeting and Exposition, Orlando, FL, February, 2007.
- U.S. Patent 8,647,536, “Aluminum/Alkaline Earth Metal Composites And Method For Producing Same”, issued 11 February, 2014, Russell A.M., Anderson, I.E., Kim, H.J., and Frerichs, A.E.
- International patent application WO 2004/040030 A1; Patent Cooperation Treaty, PCT/US03/31607, “Ductile binder phase for use with AlMgB14 and other hard materials”; Cook B.A., Russell A.M., and Harringa J.L., (ISURF #2949, submitted October, 2003).
- U.S. Patent 7,517,375, “Wear-resistant boride composites with high percentage of reinforcement phase”; issued 14 April, 2009, Cook B.A., Harringa J.L., Russell A.M., Peters J.S., and Ahmed A.
- U.S. Patent 7,238,429, “An Ultra-hard, Low Friction Coating Based on AlMgB14 for Reduced Wear of MEMS and Other Tribological Components and Systems”; issued 3 July, 2007, Cook B.A., Tian Y., Constant A.P., Harringa J.L., Russell A.M., and Molian P.
- U.S patent 7,172,641, “Ultra-hard boride-based matrix reinforcement”; issued 6 Feb, 2007, Cook B.A., Russell A.M., Harringa J.L., Biner S.B., and Anderson I.
- U.S patent 6,921,422, “Ductile binder phase for use with AlMgB14 and other hard ceramic materials”; issued July, 2005, Cook B.A., Russell A.M., and Harringa J.L.
- U.S. Patent 6,432,855, “Superabrasive Boride and a Method of Preparing the Same by Mechanical Alloying and Hot Pressing “; (divisional patent of 6,099,605) issued August 13, 2002, Cook B.A., Harringa J. L., and Russell A.M.
- U.S. Patent 6,099,605, “Superabrasive Boride and a Method of Preparing the Same by Mechanical Alloying and Hot Pressing”; issued August 8, 2000, Cook B.A., Harringa J. L., and Russell A.M.
- U.S. Patent 5,200,004, “In-situ Strengthening Mechanism Applied to a Titanium-Yttrium Alloy”; issued April, 1993, Verhoeven J.D., Ellis T.W., Russell A.M., and Jones L.L.
Honors and Awards
- Howard I. Sanderow Outstanding Technical Paper Award, Metal Powder Industries Federation, 2017
- Louis Thompson Distinguished Undergraduate Teacher Award, Iowa State University, 2013
- Excellence in Technology Transfer Award, Mid-Continent Region of the Federal Laboratory Consortium, 2010
- James Huntington Ellis Award for Excellence in Teaching, ISU, 2006
- Outstanding Faculty Award, ISU Interfraternity Council, 2006
- Engineer’s Week Professor of the Semester Award, ISU College of Engineering, 2002
- MSE Teaching Effectiveness Award, ISU Matls. Sci. & Engr. Dept., 2002
- Superior Engineering Teacher Award, ISU College of Engineering, 2000
- Voted Outstanding Professor in MSE, ISU Engineering Student Council, 2000
- Voted Outstanding Professor in MSE, ISU Engineering Student Council, 1999
- Voted Outstanding Professor in EFMD, ISU Engineering Student Council, 1996
- Voted Outstanding Professor in EFMD, ISU Engineering Student Council, 1993
Graduate Students
Master’s Degree
- Charles Czahor, Materials Science and Engineering, M.S., Dec, 2017; “Aluminum/calcium deformation processed metal-metal composites after conversion to Al2Ca intermetallic reinforcement”
- Austin Shaw, Materials Science and Engineering, M.S., May, 2011; “Wear-resistance, lubricity, and adhesion of femtosecond pulsed laser deposited AlMgB14-based thin films”
- Rick Lopez, Materials Science & Engineering M.S., Dec, 2010; “Comparison of Radiation Sources and Filtering Safety Glasses for Fluorescent NDT”
- Jason Britson, Materials Science & Engineering, M.S., Dec, 2008; “Nanoscale Microstructure Processing of TiB2-AlMgB14 Intermetallic Composites”
- Brad Stumphy, Materials Science & Engineering, M.S., Dec, 2006; “Mechanical and Oxidation Properties of Some B2 Rare Earth-magnesium Intermetallic Compounds (RMg: R = Y, Ce)”
- Paul Wheelock, Materials Science & Engineering, M.S., Aug, 2001; “Investigation of Phase Changes Induced in Boron Nitride by Mechanical Milling”
- Theron Lewis, Materials Science & Engineering, M.S., May, 2001; “A Study of Selected Properties and Applications of AlMgB14 and Related Composites: Ultra-hard Materials”
- Vladimir Gantovnik, Materials Science & Engineering, M.S., Dec, 1999; “Microstructural Relationships of Heavily Deformed Gold-Silver and Gold-Platinum Composites”
- Kai Xu, Materials Science & Engineering, M.S., Dec, 1998; “Microstructure-strength Relationship of a Deformation-Processed Aluminum-Magnesium Composite”
- Ping Huang, Materials Science & Engineering, M.S., Dec, 1998, “Processing of CerLOMed Si3N4 Components”
- Joel Harringa, Materials Science & Engineering, M.S., Dec, 1997; “Mechanical Alloying and Thermoelectric Properties of Heavily Doped n-type Si-Ge Alloys”
Doctorate Degree
- Charles Czahor, Materials Science & Engineering and WESEP, Ph.D., May, 2020; “Passivation and Mechanical Properties of Al/Ca nanocomposite”
- Darrel Enyart, Materials Science & Engineering, Ph.D., Aug, 2017; “Side-angle Ultrasound Characterization of Flaws in Anhydrous Ammonia Nurse Tank Welds”
- Liang Tian, Materials Science & Engineering, Ph. D., Aug, 2015, “Structure-property Relationships in an Al-Ca Nanofilamentary Composite Conductor.”
- Austin Shaw, Materials Science & Engineering, Ph.D., May, 2015; “Characterization of Hardness, Wear Resistance, and Corrosion Resistance of Transition Metal Carbides”
- Osama Bahig Gaballa, Materials Science & Engineering, Ph.D., May, 2012; “Processing-microstructure relationships in Ta4HfC5 and related compounds”
- Hyong June Kim, Materials Science & Engineering, Ph.D., Aug, 2011; “Al-Ca Metal-metal Composite Strength, Conductivity, and Microstructure Relationships”
- Andrew Frerichs, Materials Science & Engineering, Ph.D., May, 2011; “Transition Metal-metal Composite Mechanical Properties”
- Andrew Becker, Materials Science & Engineering, Ph.D., Dec, 2010; “Strain Rate and Temperature Effects on Tensile Strength of Rare Earth B2 Intermetallic Compounds”
- Scott Williams, Materials Science & Engineering, Ph.D., Aug, 2009; “Diffraction Extinction Effects in B2 Rare Earth Intermetallics”
- Justin Peters, Materials Science & Engineering, Ph.D., Aug, 2007; “Improving Hardness and Toughness of Boride Composites Based on AlMgB14”
- Yun Tian, Materials Science & Engineering, Ph.D., May, 2004; “Production and Characterization of AlMgB14 Thin Film Coatings Produced by Pulsed Laser Deposition”
- Kate Wongpreedee, Materials Science & Engineering, Ph.D., Dec, 2003; “Kinetics of Transformation of Deformation Processed Gold-matrix Composites”
- Kai Xu, Materials Science & Engineering, Ph.D., Aug, 2003; “Microstructure and Strength of a Deformation Processed Al-Sn Metal-Metal Composite”
- Bruce Cook, Materials Science & Engineering, Ph.D., Dec, 1999; “A Comparison of Thermoelectric Phenomena in Diverse Alloy Systems”
HARDIntermetallic CompoundsLubricious boride coatingsLubricious Boride CompoundsMechanical properties of intermetallic compoundsMechanical Properties of MaterialsMetal matrix compositesMetal-Metal CompositesStress Corrosion CrackingStress corrosion cracking in steelTransition Metal AlloysWear-resistant