Steve Zoz
Email: sczoz@iastate.edu
Phone: 515-294-9236
Associate Teaching Professor
Mechanical Engineering
2068 Black Engineering
2529 Union Dr.
Ames, IA 50011-2030
Dr. Zoz’s career includes significant time in industry. Dr. Zoz has vehicle and internal combustion engine design and consulting experience involving gasoline engines for automotive applications, natural gas engines for power generation, and heavy-duty diesel engines for construction and mining equipment. Dr. Zoz has worked on engines for Ford, GM, Cummins, John Deere, Navistar, and Chrysler, and he has been granted multiple patents in internal combustion engine design. Professional Experience
- Zoz Consulting, 2019 – present
- Senior Engineer at Caterpillar, Peoria, IL and Lafayette, IN, 2007 – 2019
- Part-Time Faculty in Mechanical Engineering Dept. at Bradley University, 2014 – 2016
- Consultant at Ricardo, Burr Ridge, IL and Belleville, MI, 1996 – 2007
- Remcor Products (now Cornelius), Glendale Heights, IL, 1994 – 1996
- Winnebago Industries, Forest City, IA, 1987 – 1989
- System for Determining Damage Based on Liner Polish. United States Patent Application 20180030891.
- Internal Combustion Engine Cylinder Flow Deflector. United States Patent Application 20160090938.
- Engine Piston. United States Patent Applications 20160138517, 20160138518, 20160138519, and 20160138520.
- Coolant Circuit for Engine with Bypass Line. United States Patent Application 20130019819.
- Ph.D., Mechanical Engineering, Iowa State University, 1994
- M.S., Mechanical Engineering, Iowa State University, 1991
- B.S., Mechanical Engineering, Iowa State University, 1989
Interest Areas
- Thermodynamics
- Energy Efficiency
- Heat Transfer
- Refrigeration
- Internal Combustion Engines
- Heavy Duty Diesel Engine Applications
- An Approach for Modeling an Automotive Vapor Cycle Refrigeration System and Passenger Cabin. Thelen and S. Zoz. 2003 Vehicle Thermal Management Systems (VTMS6). Paper number C599-046.
- Thermal Modeling of Exhaust Catalysts. T. Blohm, S. Zoz, R. Penning, and B. Trappe. 2003 Vehicle Thermal Management Systems (VTMS6). Paper number C599-047.
- Engine Lubrication System Model for Sump Oil Temperature Prediction. Zoz, S. Strepek, M. Wiseman, and C. Qian, 2001. SAE 2001-01-1073.
- Validation of Methods for Rapid Design and Performance Prediction of Waterpumps. Zoz, W. Thelen, T. Alcenius, and M. Wiseman, 2001. SAE 2001-01-1715.
- Critical Solution Temperatures for Ten Different Non-CFC Refrigerants with Fourteen Different Lubricants. S. Zoz and M. Pate, 1994. Proceedings of the 5th International Refrigeration Conference. July 17-18, 1994. West Lafayette, Indiana.
- Using Solubility Data For HFC-134a And Ester Lubricant Mixtures to Model an Evaporator or Condenser. J. Eckels, S. C. Zoz, and M. B. Pate, 1993. ASHRAE Transactions, Vol. 99, Part 2.
Primary Strategic Research Area
Engineering Education