Behrouz Shafei
Email: shafei@iastate.edu
Phone: 515-294-4058
Associate Professor [CCE E]
Cerwick Faculty Fellow
Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering
Materials Science and Engineering (Courtesy)
424 Town Engr
813 Bissell Rd
Ames, IA 50011-1066
For more information on Dr. Shafei’s research, teaching and outreach activities, please visit his personal website.
Honors and Awards
- Charles Schafer Award for Excellence in Teaching, Research, and Service, CCEE Department, Iowa State University, 2020
- Postdoctoral Mentoring Award, Iowa State University, 2020
- NHERI Young Faculty Scholarship, National Science Foundation, 2018
- SEI Young Professional Scholarship, American Society of Civil Engineers, 2015
- Outstanding Teacher of the Year Award, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, 2014
- ASCE ExCEEd Fellowship, American Society of Civil Engineers, 2014
- Editor’s Choice Award, Journal of Structure and Infrastructure Engineering, 2014
- Hojjat Adeli Award for Innovation in Computing, Journal of Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, 2013
- ASCE New Face of Civil Engineering, American Society of Civil Engineers, 2012
- U.S. Frontiers of Engineering, National Academy of Engineering, 2012
- Ph.D. in Civil Engineering, University of California, Irvine, 2011
- M.Sc. in Structural Engineering, University of Tehran, 2006
- B.Sc. in Civil Engineering, University of Tehran, 2004
Interest Areas
- Vulnerability assessment of structures under mechanical and environmental stressors
- Development of novel materials and composite systems for civil infrastructure applications
- Hazard mitigation solutions for improving the safety and performance of structures
- Innovative strategies for the management of aging civil infrastructures in service and under extreme events
For a full list of Dr. Shafei’s publications, please visit his website.
Selected recent publications
- Saini*, D. and Shafei, B.(2020) Performance of structural insulated panels with metal skins subjected to windborne debris impact, Journal of Composites Part B: Engineering, 198, 108163, pp. 1-12. (link)
- Shi*, W., Najimi*, M., and Shafei, B.(2020) Reinforcement corrosion and transport of water and chloride ions in shrinkage-compensating cement concretes, Journal of Cement and Concrete Research, 135, 106121, pp. 1-9. (link)
- Oppong*, K., Saini*, D., and Shafei, B.(2020) Vulnerability assessment of bridge piers damaged in barge collision to subsequent hurricane events, ASCE Journal of Bridge Engineering, 25(8), 04020051, pp. 1-14. (link)
- Saini*, D. and Shafei, B.(2020) Damage assessment of wood frame shear walls subjected to lateral wind load and windborne debris impact, Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 198, 104091, pp. 1-13. (link)
- Karim*, R., Najimi*, M., and Shafei, B.(2019) Assessment of transport properties, volume stability, and frost resistance of non-proprietary ultra-high performance concrete, Journal of Construction and Building Materials, 227, 117031, pp. 1-10. (link)
- Hajilar, S. and Shafei, B.(2019) Thermal transport properties at interface of fatty acid esters enhanced with carbon-based nanoadditives, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 145, 118762, pp. 1-9. (link)
- Saini*, D. and Shafei, B.(2019) Prediction of extent of damage to metal roof panels under hail impact, Journal of Engineering Structures, 187, pp. 362-371. (link)
- Hajilar*, S. and Shafei, B.(2019) Strength anisotropy and tension-compression asymmetry in complex sulfate-bearing crystals, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 150, pp. 304-313. (link)
CCEE FacultyCivil Construction and Environmental EngineeringInstitute For TransportationMaterials Science and EngineeringMSE Adjunct, Affiliate, Courtesy Appointments
Evaluation of uncertainties involved in aging mechanismsMitigation of disasters in civil infrastructure componentsMulti-hazard condition assessment of deteriorating structural componentsNano-scale investigation of construction and building materialsPractical implementation of advanced statistical approachesReliability of structures under mechanical and environmental stressors