Peter James Sherman
Associate Professor
Associate Professor of Statistics
2339 Howe537 Bissell Rd.
Ames, IA 500111096
Courses Taught
STAT 333– Statistics for EEs. STAT 105– Statistics for Engineers STAT 330– Statistics for Computer Science STAT 305– Statistics for Engineers STAT 588- Statistical Theory for researchers STAT/MATH 517X– Application of Hilbert Space Techniques in Statistics. (developed with W. Kliemann, MATH) STAT 551- Time Series
AERE 355– Flight Dynamics, Stability & Control AERE 331– Feedback Control Systems. AERE 432– Feedback Control Systems II. AERE 466- Multidisciplinary Engineering Design AERE/DSGN 486/586 & 487/587x- Functionality & Aesthetics (developed with L. Brunner, DSGN) EM 444/544– Vibration Analysis AERE573– Random processes and Kalman Filtering.
Purdue University: Measurement Systems, Danamical Systems, Feedback Control, Signal Processing
U.W. Madison: Dynamical Systems, Communications Theory, Instrumentation, Pre-Calculus
1. Wen, L., Wang, C. and Sherman, P.J. “Using variability related to families of spectral estimators for mixed random processes”, ASME Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement and Control, 123(4), pp. 572-584, December 2001.
2. Lau, S., Sherman, P.J. and White, L.B. “Asymptotic statistical properties of autoregression in modeling processes with mixed spectrum”, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, IT-48(4), pp. 909-917, April 2002.
3. Sherman, P. J., “On the statistical nature of real sinusoids associated with rotating machinery”, Digital Signal Processing, 12, pp. 471-483, December 2002.
4. Wang, C., Sherman, P.J. and Chandra, A. “A Stochastic Model for the Effects of Pad Surface Topography Evolution on Material Removal Rate Decay in Chemical Mechanical Planarization (CMP)”, IEEE Transactions on semiconductor Mfg.,18,4.p.695-708, 2005.
5. Wang, C., Sherman, P.J. and Chandra, A., “ Pad surface roughness and slurry size distribution effects on material removal rate in CMP”, Annals of SERP , 54, p. 309-312, 2005.
6. Wen, L. and Sherman, P.J. “On the Influence of Sampling and Observation Times on Estimation of the Bandwidth Parameter of a Gauss-Markov Process”, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing. SP-54(1), pp. 127-137, January 2006.
7. Vardaxis, G., Sherman, P.J. and Wie, B. “Title: Impact Risk Assessment and Planetary Defense Mission Planning for Asteroid 2015 PDC”, Acta Astronautica, 122, pp.307-323, February 2016.
8. Sherman, J., Gupta, P., Levy, R. and Sherman, P.J. “An evaluation of MODIS-retrieved aerosol optical depth over a mountainous AERONET site in the southeastern US”, Aerosol and Air Quality Research, 16: 3243–3255, 2016.
9. Testroet, E.D., P. J. Sherman, C. Yoder, A. Testroet, C. Reynolds, M. O’Neil, S.M. Lei, D.C. Beitz, and T.J. Baas, “A novel and robust method for testing bimodality and characterizing porcine adipocytes of adipose tissue of 5 purebred lines of pigs”, Adipocyte 6, pp.102-111, 2017.
10. Sherman, P.J., “A Technical Comment about Analysis of Helicopter Handling Quality in Turbulence with Recursive von Kármán Model”, AIAA Journal of Aircraft, 58(2), pp.403-407, March 2021.
Primary Strategic Research Area
Engineering Education