Timothy (Tim) Shepherd
Teaching Professor
Graduate Lecturer
4358 Elings605 Bissell Rd.
Ames, IA 500111098
Areas of Expertice
- Engineering and technology curriculum for livestock and poultry production and precision livestock farming
- Precision livestock farming technology development: research and on-farm applications
- Thermal environment and in-barn air quality management of livestock housing
- Gaseous pollutants emission monitoring and mitigation of livestock housing and manure storage
- Animal behavior and welfare assessment systems and tools
- On-farm manure management and wastewater treatment technologies
1. Haughery, J.R., Ramirez, B.C., Shepherd, T.A., Murphy, P.T., Lewis, B.S. 2022. Characterizing Manure Practices in Iowa Commercial Egg Production Systems. Journal of Applied Poultry Science.
2. Ramirez, B.C., Xin, H., Halbur, P.G., Beermann, D.H., Hansen, S.L., Peschel, J.M., Rademacher, C.J., Reecy, J.M., Ross, J.W., Shepherd, T.A., Koltes, J.E. 2019. At the Intersection of Industry, Academia and Government: How do we Facilitate Productive Precision Livestock Farming in Practice? Animals. 9(9), 635. doi:10.3390/ani9090635.
3. Liu, K., Xin, H., Shepherd, T.A., Zhao, Y. 2018. Perch-Shape Preference and Perching Behaviors of Young Laying Hens. Applied Animal Behavior Science. doi: 10.1016/j.applanim.2018.02.009
4. Shepherd, T.A., Xin, H., Stinn, J.P., Hayes, M.D. Zhao, Y., Li, H. 2017. Ammonia and Carbon Dioxide Emissions of Three Laying-hen Housing Systems as Affected by Manure Accumulation Time. Transactions of ASABE. 60(1).
5. Ma, H., Xin, H., Zhao, Y., Li, B., Shepherd, T.A., Alvarez, I. 2016. Assessment of Lighting needs by W-36 laying hens via preference test. Animals. 10:4: 671-680.
6. Shepherd, T.A., Zhao, Y., Li, H. Stinn, J.P., Hayes, M.D., Xin, H. 2015. Environmental Assessment of Three Egg Production Systems – Part II: Ammonia, Greenhouse Gas, and Particulate Matter Emissions. Poultry Science. 94(3): 534-543