Vikram Dalal
Email: vdalal@iastate.edu
Phone: 515-294-2664
Anson Marston Distinguished Professor
133 Asc11915 Scholl Dr
Ames, IA 500111046
2126 Coover # Ames, IA 50011-3060 # Phone: 515-294-1077
Ph.D., Electrical Engineering, Princeton University (1969)
M.P.A, Economics, Princeton University (1975)
B.E., Electrical Engineering, University of Bombay, India (1964)
Research Areas
Core Area(s): Microelectronics and photonics
Department’s Strategic Area(s): Materials, devices & circuits; energy infrastructure
- Arkadi Akopian, Purnendu Kartikay, Vikram Dalal, “Influence of interfaces on stability of perovskite solar cells” Published in Proc. of 50th. IEEE PVSC (2023)
- Laila Poly, Behrang Bagheri, Ranjith Kottokkaran, Vikram Dalal, “Defect densities in CdSe”, Accepted by IEEE J. f Photovoltaics (2023)
- Saba Sharikadze, Junhao Zhu, Ran, Arkadi Akopian and Vikram Dalal, “Inorganic perovskite solar cells with very high voltage and excellent stability against thermal and environmental degradation”, in Proc. of 49th. IEEE PVSC (2022)
- Harsh Gaonkar, Junhao Zhu, Ranjith Kottokkaran, Behrang Bagheri, Max Noack and Vikram Dalal, “Thermally stable, efficient, vapor deposited perovskite solar cells”, ACS Appl. Energy Materials, 3, 3497 (2020)
- Behrang Bagheri, Ranjith Kottokkaran, Laila-Parvin Poly, Saba Sharikadze, Ben Reichert, Max Noack and Vikram Dalal, “Efficient Heterojunction Thin Film CdSe Solar Cells Deposited Using Thermal Evaporation”, Proc. of 46th. IEEE PVSC (2019)
- Ranjith Kottokkaran, Harsh Gaonkar, Hisham Abbas, Max Noack and Vikram Dalal, “Performance and stability of co-evaporated vapor deposited perovskite solar cells”, J. Mater. Science, Materials in Electronics (2019)
- Bagheri, Behrang; Kottokkaran, Ranjith; Poly, Laila-Parvin; Noack, Max; Dalal, Vikram “Influence of post-deposition selenization and cadmium chloride assisted grain enhancement on electronic properties of cadmium selenide thin films”
- Ranjith Kottokkaran, Harsh Gaonkar, B. Bagheri and Vikram Dalal, “Efficient p-i-n inorganic CsPbI3 perovskite solar cell deposited using layer-by-layer vacuum deposition” JVST A, 36, 041201 (2018)
- Joshi, L. Zhang, I. Hossain, H. A. Abbas, R. Kottokkaran, S. P. Nehra, M. Dhaka, M. Noack and Vikram Dalal, “Physics of photo-degradation of perovskite solar cells” AIP Advances, 6, 115114 (2016)
- Hisham Abbas, Ranjith Kottokkaran, Mehran Samiee, Liang Zhang, Balaji Ganapathy, Andrew Kitahara, Max Noack and Vikram L. Dalal, “High Efficiency Sequentially Vapor Grown n-i-p CH3NH3PbI3 Perovskite Solar Cells with Undoped P3HT as p-type Heterojunction Layer”, APL Mat. 3 , 016105 (2015)