Dennis Vigil
Professor and Reginald R. Baxter Endowed Department Chair
3037 Sweeney
618 Bissell Rd.
Ames, IA 50011-1098
R. Dennis Vigil is a native of Los Alamos, New Mexico, where his father was a nuclear engineer at Los Alamos National Laboratory. He earned his B.S. in chemical engineering at the University of New Mexico in Albuquerque. He worked in the Exploratory Catalysis division at Amoco’s research center in Naperville, Illinois, before beginning his graduate studies in chemical engineering at the University of Michigan under the guidance of Professor Robert Ziff. His doctoral work was centered on studying the behavior of systems undergoing simultaneous coagulation and breakup using analytical, numerical, and experimental approaches. After receiving his Ph.D. in chemical engineering, Dennis was a lecturer (chemical engineering and physics) and research associate (physics) at the University of Texas in Austin until 1992, working with Professor Harry Swinney in the Center for Nonlinear Dynamics. While at the University of Texas, he was awarded a Ford Foundation postdoctoral fellowship to carry out studies in chemical pattern formation. He joined the Iowa State faculty as assistant professor in 1994. Dennis’ current research interests include multiphase flow, drop and bubble breakage and coagulation kinetics, bioreactor analysis and design, hydrodynamics of non-Newtonian emulsions, and multiphase flow through porous media.
R. Dennis Vigil on Google Scholar
Primary Strategic Research Area
Advanced Materials & Manufacturing