Yamille X. Pérez (she/her)
Engineering Outreach and Talent Development Manager
Program Delivery Partner for Iowa FIRST LEGO League
State Director for Iowa Science Olympiad
1300 Marston Hall533 Morrill Road
Ames, IA 50011
Yamille earned her B.S. in Civil Engineering with a minor in Engineering Sales from Iowa State University. She went on to work as a Sales Engineer for Caterpillar, Inc. in various capacities throughout the USA. In 2019, Yamille returned to ISU to work in the Program for Women in Science and Engineering and transitioned to the College of Engineering in 2022. Her work as a staff member is centered on K-12 STEM outreach and talent development while supporting recruitment efforts.
Yamille is a Lifetime member of the Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers (SHPE), serving on the National Convention Planning Committee, most recently as the SHPEtinas Track Chair. She leads a team to plan all events within the SHPEtinas Track, collaborates with corporate sponsors, and executes the 12+ events on-site. In 2025, Yamille is transitioning from the SHPEtinas Track to serve as Co-Chair for the Convention Readiness team.