Valery Levitas, Schafer Professor and faculty member of aerospace engineering and mechanical engineering, found a strict and simple solution to the classical problem in the interface and surface science formulated by J. W. Gibbs in the 19th century. Namely, he uncovered a way to define the position of a dividing surface. The Gibbsian view of … Continue reading Levitas uses basic statics principles to solve long-standing problem in interface science formulated by Gibbs
Author: ekressi2
Iowa State, Italy Researchers Collaborate on Structural Health Monitoring
Two cultures collaborate to develop novel structural detection methods. Researchers from Iowa State University and University of Perugia (Italy) compare U.S. patented soft elastomeric surface sensors with Italian cement-based embeddable sensors. Both of these technologies are being developed as novel nanocomposite solutions to dynamic structural monitoring. The goal is to provide cost-effective solutions for locally … Continue reading Iowa State, Italy Researchers Collaborate on Structural Health Monitoring
Iowa State’s Icing Wind Tunnel Blows Cold and Hard to Study Ice on Wings, Turbine Blades
From somewhere back behind the Iowa State University Icing Research Tunnel, Rye Waldman called out to see if Hui Hu was ready for a spray of cold water. The wind tunnel was down to 10 degrees Fahrenheit. A cylindrical model was in place inside the 10-inch-by-10-inch test section. The wind was blowing through the machine … Continue reading Iowa State’s Icing Wind Tunnel Blows Cold and Hard to Study Ice on Wings, Turbine Blades
Iowa State Engineers Upgrade Pilot Plant for Better Studies of Advanced Biofuels
Lysle Whitmer, giving a quick tour of the technical upgrades to an Iowa State University biofuels pilot plant, pointed to a long series of stainless steel pipes and cylinders. They’re called cyclones, condensers and precipitators, he said, and there’s an art to getting them to work together. The machinery is all about quickly heating biomass … Continue reading Iowa State Engineers Upgrade Pilot Plant for Better Studies of Advanced Biofuels
A Search Engine for Code
Writing software is kind of like solving a puzzle,” said Kathryn Stolee, the Harpole-Pentair Assistant Professor of Software Engineering. Any programmer who has suffered long hours in search of missing code can attest to this analogy. But now, thanks to Stolee’s research and development of Satsy, a new code-specific search engine, digging up those final … Continue reading A Search Engine for Code
Research on Nanowires Helps Scientists Communicate Across the Fence
A passion for the fundamental sciences and for things that grow motivate Ludovico Cademartiri, an assistant professor in materials science and engineering, as he develops methods for making new materials using polymers and crystals at Iowa State University. In a recent study, Cademartiri led a team of scientists that researched the formation and properties of … Continue reading Research on Nanowires Helps Scientists Communicate Across the Fence
Robotic Weeding Leads to Big Labor Savings
Lie Tang’s research in field robotics offers a glimpse into the future of organic agriculture. Tang, an associate professor in the Department of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering, develops robotics technologies for intra-row weed removal in vegetable crops. He hopes that by perfecting this technology, he can design an automated robot to lower the level of … Continue reading Robotic Weeding Leads to Big Labor Savings
Iowa State Researchers Setting Up “Dream Team” to Research, Develop Nanovaccines
Iowa State University researchers think developing nanovaccines using a “systems” approach can revolutionize the prevention and treatment of diseases. Just think, since 1980 the world has seen more new diseases than medical science knew before 1980, said Balaji Narasimhan, Iowa State’s Vlasta Klima Balloun Professor of Chemical and Biological Engineering and leader of a new project designed … Continue reading Iowa State Researchers Setting Up “Dream Team” to Research, Develop Nanovaccines

Creating Accountable Anonymity Online
Systems that allow users complete anonymity are being abused. ECpE’s Yong Guan wants to add some accountability. The World Wide Web is, in many ways, still the Wild West. Though a large portion of internet traffic is monitored and traceable, systems like the Tor Project allow users to post and share anything anonymously. Anonymous systems … Continue reading Creating Accountable Anonymity Online
Iowa State, Ames Lab Engineers Develop Real-Time 3-D Teleconferencing Technology
Nik Karpinsky quickly tapped out a few computer commands until Zeus, in all his bearded and statuesque glory, appeared in the middle of a holographic glass panel mounted to an office desk. The white statue stared back at Karpinsky. Then a hand appeared and turned the full-size head to the right and to the left. … Continue reading Iowa State, Ames Lab Engineers Develop Real-Time 3-D Teleconferencing Technology
In the News | ICNE Second-Year Update
In 2011, Iowa State University’s College of Engineering established the “Dean’s Research Initiatives” and awarded $500,000 to three interdisciplinary teams to help the groups pursue larger funding opportunities in important research areas. One of these teams is the the Initiative for a Carbon Negative Economy (ICNE). Over the last year, ICNE continued to look for large … Continue reading In the News | ICNE Second-Year Update
Iowa State engineers design, test taller, high-strength concrete towers for wind turbines
By Mike Krapfl, ISU News Service AMES, Iowa – Grant Schmitz, eyes inches from a 6.5-by-12-foot panel of ultra-high performance concrete, studied the smooth surface for tiny cracks. He and other research engineers carefully marked every one with black markers. Schmitz, an Iowa State graduate student of civil, construction and environmental engineering, and Sri Sritharan, … Continue reading Iowa State engineers design, test taller, high-strength concrete towers for wind turbines
ISU Researchers Explore the Effects of Biochar on Downstream Ecosystems
From the Iowa State Daily: ISU Researchers Explore the Effects of Biochar on Downstream Ecosystems Biochar may be a next-generation soil amendment utilized by farmers to increase agricultural productivity. While this biorenewable solution has potential for commercial use in the near future, there are aspects and variables that could be further explored to improve the … Continue reading ISU Researchers Explore the Effects of Biochar on Downstream Ecosystems
Design for Manufacturability of Blades
The Design for Manufacturability of Blades Workshop was held Nov. 13-14, 2012 at Iowa State University. Below are photos from the workshop. [pb_slideshow group=”3″]
ECPE Researcher Completes Lab on a Chip Device
Liang Dong recently completed research on a device that can help scientists find more effective ways to protect crops and combat Parkinson’s disease by studying, of all things, worms.Nematodes possess simple nervous systems, but still share important characteristics with the nervous systems of humans. By studying nematode nerves, researchers can learn more about the human nervous … Continue reading ECPE Researcher Completes Lab on a Chip Device
Professor Invents Sewer Pipe Made of Recycled Plastic, Fly Ash
David White, the Richard L. Handy Endowed Associate Professor in geotechnical/materials engineering, has invented a sewer pipe made of recycled plastic soda bottles, plastic fibers and fly ash.“America’s infrastructure currently has about 600,000 miles of sewer pipes, much of which is older than 30 years and in need of repair,” White says. “I feel that … Continue reading Professor Invents Sewer Pipe Made of Recycled Plastic, Fly Ash
Evolving Microbes Help Iowa State Engineers Turn Bio-Oil into Advanced Bio-Fuels
Microbes are working away in an Iowa State University laboratory to ferment biofuels from the sugar and acetate produced by rapidly heating biomass such as corn stalks and sawdust. But it’s not an easy job for E. coli and C. reinhardtii. The bacteria and microalgae, respectively, don’t like something in the bio-oil produced by fast … Continue reading Evolving Microbes Help Iowa State Engineers Turn Bio-Oil into Advanced Bio-Fuels
Quantifying Cascading Power Failure
Around 2 p.m. on August 14, 2003, an overhead transmission line carrying 345 kilovolts of electricity near Walton Hills, Ohio sagged too close to a nearby tree and shorted out. By 4 p.m., more than 50 million people were affected by one of the largest blackouts in history.In September 2011, an Arizona Public Works employee, … Continue reading Quantifying Cascading Power Failure
Iowa State Engineer Discovers Spider Silk Conducts Heat as well as Metals
Xinwei Wang had a hunch that spider webs were worth a much closer look. So he ordered eight spiders – Nephila clavipes, golden silk orbweavers – and put them to work eating crickets and spinning webs in the cages he set up in an Iowa State University greenhouse. Wang, an associate professor of mechanical engineering at Iowa State, studies … Continue reading Iowa State Engineer Discovers Spider Silk Conducts Heat as well as Metals
ISU Professor takes on Threat of Espionage via Hacked Smartphones
It’s not exactly dinner-table conversation, but cyber insecurity is bearing down on everyone from company CEOs to generals at U.S. military bases overseas.Recent incidents, particularly the hacking of government websites by the group Anonymous and the theft of confidential data from online retailers like Zappos, have raised questions about Internet safety. Congress’ recent introduction of … Continue reading ISU Professor takes on Threat of Espionage via Hacked Smartphones
Wind Energy Degree Approved by Faculty Senate
A multidisciplinary doctorate in wind energy, science, engineering and policy was approved at the Faculty Senate’s first meeting of the academic year on September 11, 2012. ISU’s New Wind Energy Degree in the News: Iowa State Daily, September 25, 2012: Iowa State to offer wind energy Ph.D. North American Windpower, September 25, 2012: Iowa State … Continue reading Wind Energy Degree Approved by Faculty Senate
Iowa Alliance for Wind Innovation and Novel Development Provides Grant to ISU
Iowa Alliance for Wind Innovation and Novel Development Provides $256,689 Research Grant to Iowa State University
Iowa State Engineering’s Wind Energy Initiative builds research, education programs
Wind Energy Manufacturing Laboratory heads out to sea
Iowa State engineers establish national panel to advance a carbon negative economy
AMES, Iowa – A national panel led by Iowa State University engineers is launching an effort to research and develop technologies that capture, use and sequester carbon while enhancing food production, ecosystems, economic development and national security. read more
Wind energy powers up alumnus’ career
Tiny turbines help Iowa researchers test wind
ISU receives grant to develop new PhD program in Wind Energy Science, Engineering, & Policy
New wind energy research opportunity for undergraduates