Category: Research Centers and Institutes
Power System Engineering Research Center
The electric power industry is evolving from its historical business structure. The vertically integrated utility of the past has been replaced by multiple players providing unbundled services using market-oriented decision-making. Challenges for success in this demanding business environment are being raised by new market structures and ways of doing business, new technologies, the demands of … Continue reading Power System Engineering Research Center
Analog and Mixed Signal VLSI Design Center
The Analog and Mixed-Signal VLSI Design Center at Iowa State University was formed in 1988. Faculty members in the center focus on analog and mixed-signal VLSI design for biomedical, RF, microwave, fiber-optics, data conversion, testing layout and other applications. The center’s faculty bring extensive academic experience, broad industrial experience, and continued professional interactions into a … Continue reading Analog and Mixed Signal VLSI Design Center
Asteroid Deflection Research Center
The ADRC was established at Iowa State University in the Spring of 2008 to coordinate and lead a research effort to address the complex engineering and science issues for mitigating the impact threats from hazardous asteroids or comets. Its specific mission goal is to develop the science, engineering, and technology needed to reliably deflect or … Continue reading Asteroid Deflection Research Center
Partnership to Enhance General Aviation Safety, Accessibility and Sustainability
The Partnership to Enhance General Aviation Safety, Accessibility and Sustainability (PEGASAS) is a Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Center of Excellence for General Aviation. The mission of PEGASAS is to enhance general aviation safety, accessibility, and sustainability by partnering the FAA with a national network of world-class researchers, educators and industry leaders. Iowa State University is … Continue reading Partnership to Enhance General Aviation Safety, Accessibility and Sustainability
Biopolymers & Biocomposites Research Team
The Biopolymers & Biocomposites Research Team (BBRT), established in 1995, promotes research in the development of biorenewable polymers from Midwest crops, encourages bioplastics in industry, and works towards new formulations and processing techniques. We work with plant-based oils, proteins, adhesives, and composites. Our team is focused on four major research areas: biobased polymers, protein-based plastics, … Continue reading Biopolymers & Biocomposites Research Team
Human Computer Interaction Initiative
The study of the relationship between humans and computers has quickly become one of the most dynamic and significant fields of technical investigation. Iowa State University’s graduate program in Human Computer Interaction (HCI) is an established leader in this rapidly changing field, making strategic investments to accelerate research, attract talented students and faculty, and expand … Continue reading Human Computer Interaction Initiative
Virtual Reality Applications Center
The Virtual Reality Application Center (VRAC) is an interdisciplinary research center focused on the rapidly expanding interface between humans and computers. The VRAC is administered by the Institute for Physical Research and Technology at Iowa State University. Our research centers around computer interfaces that integrate virtual environments, wireless networking, pervasive computing, and emerging user interface … Continue reading Virtual Reality Applications Center
Seed Science Center
A national center of excellence in seed research, education and technology transfer. It operates the largest public seed laboratory in the world and administrates the new National Seed Health System. The center also is a leader in international seed programs and has conducted programs in 70 countries in the last 12 years. Website URL:
Plant Sciences Institute
Ernst Rutherford is attributed with saying “Biology is akin to postage stamp collecting” (1903). This quote reflects the sentiment that Biology is a descriptive science without predictive models. With a few notable exceptions, e.g., Population Genetics, most biological sub-disciplines continue to be largely descriptive. In the last 20 years collaborations involving biologists, engineers and informaticists … Continue reading Plant Sciences Institute
National Animal Disease Center
It is the mission of NADC to conduct basic and applied research on selected diseases of economic importance to the U.S. livestock and poultry industries. The goals of the research mission are to produce knowledge and technology to reduce economic losses from infectious, genetic, and metabolic diseases to the livestock and poultry industries and the … Continue reading National Animal Disease Center
Microelectronics Research Center
The Microelectronics Research Center develops and characterizes advanced semiconductor materials, devices, and processing technology. The Center researches and develops new semiconducting materials and technology for the next generation of electronic and photonic devices, interacts with industry in the commercialization of these new technologies, and provides a state-of-the-art learning laboratory. The primary goal is to accomplish … Continue reading Microelectronics Research Center
Leopold Center for Sustainable Agriculture
The Leopold Center is a research and education center with statewide programs to develop sustainable agricultural practices that both are profitable and conserve natural resources. It was established under the Groundwater Protection Act of 1987 with a three-fold mission: (1) to conduct research into the negative impacts of agricultural practices; (2) to assist in developing … Continue reading Leopold Center for Sustainable Agriculture
Laurence H. Baker Center for Bioinformatics and Biological Statistics
Faculty in the Center for Bioinformatics and Biological Statistics engage in research to develop computational, graphical, statistical, mathematical, or algorithmic methods to interpret or mine information from biological data; apply quantitative approaches in biology; and bridge separate experimental biology areas with creative computational approaches. Data can originate from molecular, cellular, anatomical, physiological, population, ecological, and … Continue reading Laurence H. Baker Center for Bioinformatics and Biological Statistics
Iowa Water Center
The Iowa Water Center coordinates and administers an interdisciplinary, statewide program in water resources research. It administers the research funds received from the U.S. Department of the Interior, as made available through the Water Resources Research Act of 1983, and from the State of Iowa. Funds received from private, state, and federal sources are allocated … Continue reading Iowa Water Center
Iowa Space Grant Consortium
The ISGC is part of the NASA National Space Grant College and Fellowship Program, authorized by Congress in 1987. The ISGC was formed in 1990 by the three Regents’ universities (Iowa State University, the University of Iowa, and the University of Northern Iowa) and now includes Drake University, as well as affiliates from government, industry … Continue reading Iowa Space Grant Consortium
Iowa Center for Advanced Neurotoxicology
The Iowa Center for Advanced Neurotoxicology at Iowa State University was established in 2007. From offices located in the College of Veterinary Medicine, ICAN supports an interdisciplinary membership with primary research efforts in neurotoxicology. As an emerging research specialty, neurotoxicology bridges not only the fields of toxicology and neuroscience, but also touches on a variety … Continue reading Iowa Center for Advanced Neurotoxicology
Institute for Transportation (InTrans)
This Institute is a focal point at ISU for efforts to promote transportation education, research and extension activities. It includes 8 centers and 4 programs that address various aspects of transportation infrastructure . Programs and activities at In Trans address policy, planning, design, construction, operations and maintenance aspects of transportation systems with a focus on … Continue reading Institute for Transportation (InTrans)
Geographic Information Systems
The Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Support and Research Facility supports GIS services in research and education at Iowa State University and outreach to the citizens of Iowa. The facility provides hardware, software, and technical services for research use in GIS-related projects. The facility also provides support and periodic training for GIS software products as well … Continue reading Geographic Information Systems
Center for Sustainable Environmental Technologies
Through its research, education and outreach programs, the Center for Sustainable Environment Technologies (CSET) seeks to promote, develop, and demonstrated sustainable energy and environmental technologies, particularly those that address environmentally driven problems in energy utilization. The center especially concentrates on thermochemical technologies that convert carbonaceous solid fuels into heat, power, and liquid fuels. CSET organizes … Continue reading Center for Sustainable Environmental Technologies
Center for Plant Transformation
The Center for Plant Transformation (CPT) was designed to promote research advancements and foster research and training collaborations among its members. The CPT strives to develop, adapt, and/or evaluate novel technologies for plant transformation and gene expression and to teach and train students, postdoctoral scientists, and technical staff in transformation and gene expression technologies. Goals … Continue reading Center for Plant Transformation
Center for Plant Genomics
The Center for Plant Genomics (CPG) conducts research and provides graduate education at the frontiers of structural and functional genomics. The CPG was designed to promote research advancements and foster collaborations among its members. The CPG provides technical support for research projects that require high-throughput data collection and analysis (e.g. large-scale EST sequencing, mRNA and … Continue reading Center for Plant Genomics
Center for Nondestructive Evaluation
The Center for Nondestructive Evaluation (CNDE) develops noninvasive methods and instruments for assessing the integrity of structures and materials. The Center’s mission is to pursue research that defines underlying principles of nondestructive evaluation technologies and to transfer those technologies to industry, promoting the integration of nondestructive evaluation with other disciplines so that a product’s lifetime … Continue reading Center for Nondestructive Evaluation
Center for Integrated Animal Genomics
The Center for Integrated Animal Genomics (CIAG) at Iowa State University (ISU) comprises an interdisciplinary group of faculty and students using integrated systems-wide genomics approaches to address current and future challenges and opportunities in animal agriculture and human health. Scientists at the Center work to identify, map and understand the function and control of genes … Continue reading Center for Integrated Animal Genomics
Center for Crops Utilization Research
The Center for Crops Utilization Research (CCUR) is responding to the urgent need to improve American agricultural competitiveness by developing new products, markets, and processing techniques, as well as by improving our understanding of the basic properties of agricultural products and their components. Its broad mission includes expanding the market for Midwestern products by developing … Continue reading Center for Crops Utilization Research
Center for Catalysis
The Center for Catalysis, or CCAT, is a research and education organization focusing on “green chemistry,” which refers to environmentally benign chemical processes. These often occur at room temperatures and ordinary pressures, and use water, preferably, as a solvent. They require less expenditure of energy, occur more rapidly, and produce significantly fewer unwanted byproducts than … Continue reading Center for Catalysis