Service Request Summary
- Level 1
For projects with standard guidelines and forms, submit a Service Request (SR) to request support at least 5 business days (1 week) before OSPA’s initial review deadline. - Level 2
For projects with standard guidelines and forms, and proposals, including subcontracts, submit a Service Request (SR) to request support at least 10 business days (2 weeks) before the OSPA deadline for the initial review deadline. - Level 3
Non-Standard Guidelines and Forms and/or proposals, including Cost Share submit a Service Request (SR) to request support at least 15 business days (3 weeks) before the OSPA deadline for the initial review deadline.
Service Request (SR) submitted after these deadlines will be evaluated; ERI support may be limited.
Editorial Assistance from ERI
- Proposal review requests should be received a minimum of two weeks prior to the submission deadline. Manuscripts must be provided no later than 5 business days prior to the sponsor’s deadline. This service may be requested via the Service Request (SR). Please contact Lori Jarmon with questions.
ERI Pre-Award Levels of Service
Depending upon the complexity of your proposal, the ERI Pre-Award Team will be available to assist you in the following ways:
Level 1
Standard Guidelines and Forms – Submit a Service Request (SR) at least 5 business days before the deadline.
- Create budget and justification compliant with ISU and sponsor’s guidelines.
- Create and route
- Upload budget and justification into Streamlyne and other electronic systems as appropriate (i.e., gov, EERE eXCHAGE, and other systems as applicable).
- Serve as liaison with OSPA regarding
- Respond to Just-In-Time requests prior to award (i.e., revised budget, revised scope of work, compliance issues, etc.).
Level 2
Standard Guidelines, Forms, and Proposals, including Subcontracts – Submit a Service Request (SR) at least 10 business days before the deadline.
- Create budget and justification that are compliant with ISU and sponsor’s guidelines.
- Serve as liaison with subrecipients regarding budget
- Create and route
- Upload budget and justification into Streamlyne and other electronic systems as appropriate (i.e.,, EERE eXCHANGE, and other systems as appropriate).
- Serve as liaison with OSPA regarding
- Respond to Just-In-Time requests prior to award (i.e., revised budget, revised scope of work, compliance issues, etc.).
Level 3
Non-Standard Guidelines and Forms, and/or Proposals Including Cost Share – Submit a Service Request (SR) at least 15 business days before the deadline.
- Create budget and justification that are compliant with ISU and sponsor’s guidelines.
- Serve as liaison with subrecipients regarding budget
- Create and route
- Convert budget and justification into sponsored required
- If required, gather, and facilitate completion of non-standard Representations & Certifications with OSPA and/or SPA..
- Upload budget and justification into Streamlyne and other electronic systems as appropriate (i.e.,, EERE eXCHANGE, and other systems as appropriate).
- Serve as liaison with OSPA regarding
- Work with the PI, OSPA, and sponsor to respond to Just-In-Time requests prior to award (i.e., revised budget, revised scope of work, compliance issues).
ERI Service Matrix
Level 1
- ISU is Sub-awardee
- $0 quick proposal
- $0 pre-proposal
- Foundation proposals
- NSF Collaborative Proposal (non-lead)
- NSF (no subs)
- Internal Funding/Industry proposal (no Cost Share)
Level 2
Proposals with simple cost share, non-standard sponsors, and no subs
- DOE (no subs or Cost Share)
- USDA (no subs)
- NIH modular (no subs)
- NSF Collaborative Proposal-ISU lead and no subs
- Non-profit sponsor with simple Cost Share
- Internal proposal with Cost Share
- NASA-with simple Cost Share and no subs
- DOD (no subs)
- Industry with Federal flow-thru and Cost Share
Level 3
Proposals with subs and /or cost share, complex guideline/budget templates
- DOE with subs and/or Cost Share
- NIH with subs
- USDA with subs (MTDC vs TFFA
- Award Transfer
- NASA Proposal with Cost Share and subs
- NSF proposals with subs
- Very complex and unusual solicitation with multiple subs
- Large Cost Share commitment (1:1 match)
- DOD with subs and complex template
Contact for questions or assistance with a Service Request (SR)