This section provides useful tools and information, i.e., downloadable research and administrative forms, research policies, and links to the Engineering Research Institute and university resources, to assist interested researchers, companies, and students, in preparing and submitting their proposals.
Forms, Information and Templates for PIs
Engineering Research Institute
- ERI Pre-Award Services
- Proposal Submission Guidelines (PDF)
- Service Request (SR)
- Agency formatting overview (PDF)
- Proposal Budget Templates
- ISU Office of Sponsored Programs Administration Policies
- Proposal Forms, including Transmittal Letter
- Cost Share Policy
Broader Impact Resources
- Advancing Research Impact in Society (ARIS)
- ARIS Broader Impacts Toolkit
- BI Wizard – Key steps to building partnerships and effective projects
- Broader Impacts Plan Rubric – Evaluate a BI project plan
NSF (National Science Foundation)
- NSF Biographic Sketch
- NSF Data Management Plan
- NSF Postdoctoral Mentoring Plan
- NSF Proposal Preparation Instructions
NIH (National Institute of Health)
Additional Resources
- Research Policies
- University Library’s Guide to Data Management
- Industry Contract Guide for PIs (PDF)
- Investigator Handbook (PDF)