General College and Departmental Undergraduate Scholarships

Hundreds of scholarships are available to distribute among current qualified engineering students in amounts ranging from $250 to $22,000.

The College of Engineering scholarship application is housed in OneApp, a university-wide scholarship software system. This system allows access to all scholarship opportunities available to students through Financial Aid, the college, and their departments in one central online application. This system streamlines every aspect of the scholarship process from the application to selection notifications to thank you letters. Logging on to this system with your net-ID and password will take you to one location where you can track all your scholarship-related information, making the entire process simpler, more efficient, and completely personalized for you!


The College of Engineering current student scholarship application for 2025-2026 opens November 1, 2024 in OneApp. The General Application opens October 3, 2024. Both applications must be completed to be considered for engineering scholarships.

How to Apply

  • Apply in OneApp
    • Click on the gold ‘Sign In’ button at the top right corner of the page
    • Log in using net-ID and password
    • Must complete both the General Application and the Engineering Application to be considered for College of Engineering scholarships
    • Scholarship application is for students returning Fall 2025 – Spring 2026
  • Deadline to apply is March 3, 2025 by 11:59 PM CST
  • Follow Instructions for completing the engineering scholarship application to help you with the application process.
  • Email confirmations are automatically sent after completion of all required questions in either the General Application or the College of Engineering Application, even if applications have only been saved and not officially submitted.
    • After email confirmation is sent, students are still able to go back into the General application and edit at any time prior to the deadline.

Direct questions to

Notification of scholarship selections:

  • Scholarship selection notification emails will be sent in late May/early June 2024.
    • Notifications include a link to OneApp with award details
      • Students must verify acceptance of each scholarship received
      • Thank you letter requirements listed if applicable
      • FAFSA need verification requirements listed if applicable
  • If you receive a scholarship from Iowa State University, it will appear on the financial aid offer. The financial aid offer can be found in Workday under the Financial Aid section.
  • Students who are not selected to receive any scholarships will not receive a notification.

Follow the link below for best practices when writing your thank you letter.

Cyclone Success Assistance – Engineering Emergency/Completion Grant Funding

The College of Engineering has established funds to support students who have unexpected financial emergencies.

The funding is available on a first come, first serve basis with no guarantee of monetary award. University loan options may also be offered instead of grant/scholarship funding. Students who are 1-2 semesters away from graduating are given highest priority for funding. Freshmen, sophomores, and juniors will be considered on an exception basis. The amount will not exceed the amount of need stated by the student and is available only once per academic year with a maximum of two awards during students’ academic career at ISU.

  • An earned minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0, and be in good academic standing
  • Majoring in an Engineering discipline
  • Senior in major program (freshmen, sophomores, and juniors considered on exception basis)
  • Must be experiencing a current financial crisis
  • Must have exhausted all other aid options
  • Evidence of working with Accounts Receivable Office or Office of Student Financial Aid to attempt to pay outstanding debt

An emergency* is defined as an occurrence out of the student’s control during a semester which threatens their ability to remain in school, including but not limited to:

  • Natural disaster
  • Unplanned disaster to self or immediate family
  • Injury or death of a family member
  • Catastrophic event impacting financial status
  • Or other demonstrable hardships you may be encountering as a result of the financial crisis you are currently experiencing

*Any emergency situation that has resulted in a financial crisis will need to be documented/illustratable, and further documents may be requested if necessary.

Requests for Cyclone Success Assistance funding are made by completing the application in OneApp. Provide as much detail on how the current financial crisis is impacting your educational pursuits as possible as this will better inform those reviewing your application.

Graduate student eligibility criteria can be found at

  • Office of Student Financial Aid

    The Office of Student Financial Aid has a wealth of resources ready to help you finance your education, including university scholarships, grants, loans, net tuition calculators, and more.

  • International Programs

    Some scholarships are available specifically for study abroad experiences.

  • Honors Program

    Iowa State’s Honors Program offers several grants and scholarships to its members.

The majority of our annual scholarships are funded by hundreds of individual and corporate partners.  Without their generous support, our scholarship program would not be possible.  Given the number of donors that support our scholarship program, we do not list them all individually.  If you would like information regarding a specific award or donor, please contact Emma Haupert (, (515) 294-4921) with the College of Engineering Development Office.