Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How much does it cost to study abroad?
In general, it depends where you go. However, there are two types of programs: Exchange and Flat-Fee. With exchange programs you pay your normal ISU tuition and fees, and the living expenses of your host country. For flat-fee programs you pay a fixed fee that covers tuition, fees, and sometimes; prices and coverage vary by program.
Scholarships/financial aid?
Contact the Student Financial Aid Office in 0210 Beardshear. Since everyone’s financial aid package is different, Financial Aid staff can give you individualized answers. Check the our scholarship page for more opportunities.
Where can I go?
The Engineering International website ( lists over 30 engineering-specific options as well as a link to ISUAbroad which lists even more general programs.
You can go nearly anywhere in the world!
I don’t speak a foreign language. Can I still study abroad?
Yes! There are many programs in which you can study in English. Besides the U.K. (Ireland, Scotland, England, & Wales) and Australia, there are others such as Singapore, Italy, Spain, Denmark, Holland, and more.
When is the best time to go?
Start choosing your adventure today! You can travel abroad as early as the summer after your freshman year! You choose the time that is best for you. Take a close look at the program, because semesters don’t always start and end at the same time as those at ISU. As a result, more students typically study abroad during the spring semester.
What classes can I take?
It depends on where you are going and what you need, but you can usually take courses similar to the ones you would take at ISU. Most students choose to take a lighter load. This allows time for traveling, experiencing culture, and having fun!
Will I get behind?
The College of Engineering develops exchange partnerships with international universities who have strong engineering programs. If you select a College of Engineering program, you should be able to take classes and receive transfer credit at ISU. You can see the EIP website to see how certain courses are pre-approved for substitution. Further, you can work with your advisor to pre-evaluate how courses will or will not transfer to ISU.
How can I learn more?
- Sign up for an Informational Meeting at:
- Contact the Program Coordinator listed on the website to learn more about a specific program.
- Stop by and see Engineering International in 1300 Marston Hall.