Why Iowa State Engineering?
We support your success from initial recruitment to graduation. Our dedicated engineering student services team provides valuable resources such as in-depth new student orientation, academic advising and professional staff available to individually mentor students. Our programs and services are designed to ease your transition to college, help you and your family feel comfortable within our campus environment, and assist with developing the confidence you need to succeed with your educational goals. We also award millions of dollars in scholarships and grants each year to help you realize your dream of becoming an engineer.
Your path to an amazing career begins here. Our college offers a team of career services professionals that focus specifically on engineering students. We’ll help you polish your resume, hone your interview skills and land internships or co-ops that pay extremely well. Over 500 companies recruit our engineers every year—many of them participating in our career fairs that are among the largest in the nation. No wonder 95 percent of our graduates land jobs within six months of graduation with starting salaries averaging more than $61,000 per year!
Get a jump-start on your success and make a smooth transition by joining one of the College of Engineering’s top-rated learning communities. Every engineering major has one, and there is even one for undeclared students. You will study with others in your major and network with professionals in your field. Think of a learning community as a way of taking a large campus and making it small.
Want to see the world up close and personal? The College of Engineering offers more than 30 study abroad programs, as well as internships with multinational corporations and service learning projects in developing countries. There are study abroad programs for all majors, including options for study in English or a foreign language. Wherever you go, your focus will expand beyond the world you know today to include a world of possibilities tomorrow.