List of Journal Publications
1. Sang W. Kim, ``Simultaneous spectrum sensing and energy harvesting," IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, pp.769-779, Feb. 2019.
2. X. Liu, Y. Guan, and Sang W. Kim, ``Bayesian test for detecting false data injection in wireless relay networks," IEEE Communications Letters, pp.380-383, Feb. 2018.
3. H.Q. Ta and Sang W. Kim, ``Adapting rate and power for maximizing secrecy energy efficiency," IEEE Communications Letters, pp.2049-2052, Sep. 2017.
4. Sang W. Kim, ``Physical integrity check in cooperative relay communications," IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, pp.6401-6413, Nov. 2015.
5. Sang W. Kim, ``Cooperative communications with unreliable relays," IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, pp. 5932-5939, Nov. 2014.
6. Sang W. Kim and D.H.Yoon, ``Realizing multi-user massive MIMO receiver using single radio frequency chain per user," IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, pp. 293-296, Jun. 2014.
7. T.Khalaf, A. E. Abdel-Hakim, and Sang W. Kim, ``Tradeoff between reliability and security in multiple access relay networks under falsified data injection attack," IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics & Security, pp. 386-396, Mar. 2014.
8. Sang W. Kim and Y.J.Chun, ``Reliability-rate tradeoff in large scale multiple access relay networks with random network coding," IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, pp. 1414-1422, Aug. 2013.
9. Y.Chun, D.I.Kim, and Sang W. Kim, ``Optimization of network coded MIMO transmission in multiple-access relay network," IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, pp.2436-2444, May 2013.
10. S. Kim and Sang W. Kim, ``Recycling polluted packet at the physical layer in wireless network coding," IEEE Communications Letters, pp. 856-859, May 2013.
11. N.Malani and Sang W. Kim, ``Channel adaptive prioritized network coding," IEEE Communications Letters, pp.1256-1259, Aug. 2012.
12. Sang W. Kim, T.Khalaf, and S.M.Kim, "MAP detection of misbehaving relay in wireless multiple access relay networks," IEEE Communications Letters, pp.340-342, March 2011.
13. Sang W. Kim, "Cooperative concatenated coding in multi-hop multiple access relay networks," IEEE Transactions on Communications, pp.3305-3315, Nov. 2010.
14. Sang W. Kim, Y.J.Chun, and S.Kim, "Co-channel interference cancellation using single radio frequency and baseband chain, IEEE Transactions on Communications, pp. 2169-2175, July 2010.
15. Sang W. Kim, "Randomized parity forwarding in large-scale cooperative broadcast network," IEEE Transactions on Communications, pp.860-868, Mar. 2010.
16. Sang W. Kim, "Substream-based soft handoff in CDMA cellular networks," IEEE Transactions on Communications, pp. 2576-2579, Sep. 2009.
17. Y.J.Chun and Sang W. Kim, "Log-likelihood-ratio ordered Successive Interference Cancellation in Multi-User, Multi-Mode MIMO Systems," IEEE Communications Letters, pp.837-839, Nov. 2008.
18. Y.H.Lee and Sang W. Kim, "Generalized joint power and rate adaptation in DS/CDMA communications over fading channels," IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 57, pp.603-608, Jan. 2008.
19. D.H. Kim and Sang W. Kim, "Bit-level stopping of Turbo decoding," IEEE Communications Letters, pp.183-185, Mar. 2006.
20. Sang W. Kim and K.P.Kim, "Log-likelihood ratio based detection ordering in V- BLAST," IEEE Transactions on Communications, pp.302-307, Feb. 2006.
21. Y.G.Kim and Sang W. Kim, "Optimum selection combining for M-ary signals in frequency-nonselective fading channels," IEEE Transactions on Communications, pp.84-93, Jan. 2005.
22. J.D.Kim, Sang W. Kim, and Y.G.Kim, "Combined power control and error-control coding in multi-carrier DS/CDMA systems," IEEE Transactions on Communications, pp.1282-1287, Aug. 2004.
23. Sang W. Kim, Y. G. Kim, and M. K. Simon, "Generalized selection combining based on the log-likelihood ratio", IEEE Transactions on Communications, pp. 521-524, Apr. 2004.
24. Y. G. Kim and Sang W. Kim, "Optimal selection diversity for BPSK signals in Rayleigh fading channels", IEEE Transactions on Communications, Vol.49, No.10, pp.1715-1718, October 2001.
25. J. H. Kim and Sang W. Kim, "Partial successive interference cancellation in hybrid DS/FH spread spectrum multiple access systems", IEEE Transactions on Communications, Vol.49, No.10, pp.1710-1714, October 2001.
26. Sang W. Kim, "Adaptive orthogonal signaling with diversity in a frequency-nonselective Rayleigh fading channel", IEEE Transactions on Communications, Vol.48, No.11, pp.1865-1870, November 2000.
27. S. H. Kim and Sang W. Kim, "Frequency-hopped multiple-access communications with multicarrier on-off keying in Rayleigh fading channels", IEEE Transactions on Communications, Vol.48, No.10, pp.1692-1701, October 2000.
28. Sang W. Kim and A. Goldsmith, "Truncated power control in code division multiple access communications", IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, Vol. 49, No. 3, pp.965-972, May 2000.
29. Sang W. Kim and Y. H. Lee, "Combined rate and power adaptation in DS/CDMA communications over Nakagami fading channels", IEEE Transactions on Communications, Vol. 48, No. 1, pp. 162 - 168, January 2000.
30. Sang W. Kim, "Adaptive rate and power DS/CDMA communications in fading channels," IEEE Communications Letters, Vol.3, No.4, pp.85-87, April 1999.
31. J. D. Kim and Sang W. Kim, "Logical AND diversity combining in FH/SSMA packet radio networks," IEEE Communications Letters, Vol.3, No.1, pp.1-3, January 1999.
32. J. H. Han and Sang W. Kim, "Capacity of DS/CDMA communication systems with optimum spectral overlap," IEEE Communications Letters, Vol.2, No.11, pp.298-300, November 1998.
33. H. K. Choi and Sang W. Kim, "Frequency-hopped multiple-access communication with nonorthogonal BFSK in Rayleigh fading channels," IEEE Transactions on Communications, Vol.46, No.11, pp.1478-1483, November 1998.
34. Sang W. Kim and W. E. Stark, "Performance limits of Reed-Solomon coded CDMA with orthogonal signaling in a Rayleigh fading channel," IEEE Transactions on Communications, Vol.46, No.9, pp.1125-1134, September 1998.
35. Y. J. Bang and Sang W. Kim, "A new spreading scheme for convolutionally coded CDMA communication in a Rayleigh fading channel," IEEE Transactions on Communications, Vo.44, No.11, pp.1537-1542, November 1996.
36. S. H. Kim and Sang W. Kim, "An error control coding scheme for multi-speed play of digital VCR," IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, Vol.5, No.3, pp.243-247, June 1995.
37. Sang W. Kim, Y.H. Lee, and Sangmun Kim, ``Bandwidth tradeoffs among coding, processing gain and modulation in frequency-hopped multiple access communications," IEE Proceedings- Communications, Volume: 141 Issue: 2, Page(s): 63-69, April 1994.
38. J. G. Kim and Sang W. Kim, ``Adaptive retransmission control for slotted frequency-hopped spread spectrum multiple access systems," IEE Electronics Letters, vol. 30, no. 1, pp. 6-7, Jan. 1994.
39. Sang W. Kim, "Frequency-hopped spread-spectrum random access with retransmission cutoff and code rate adjustment," IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, pp.344-349, Vol.10, No.2, Feb. 1992.
40. Sang W. Kim, "Stabilization of slotted ALOHA spread-spectrum communication networks," IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, vol.8, pp.555-561, May 1990.
41. Sang W. Kim, "Frequency-hopping multiple-access communications with concatenated diversity/Reed-Solomon coding," IEE Proceedings - Communications, vol. 136, issue 1, pp. 81 -86, Feb. 1989.
42. Sang W. Kim and W. E. Stark, "Optimum rate Reed-Solomon codes for frequency-hopped spread-spectrum multiple access communication systems," IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol.37, pp.138-144, Feb.1989.