This page lists the classes that are currently being taught by Professor
Nathan M. Neihart.
Fall Courses:
EE 414/514 - Microwave Engineering
This class focuses on the principles, analysis, and instrumentation used
in designing circuits that operate in the microwave portion of the
electromagnetic spectrum. We discuss component modeling, S-parameters,
microwave amplifiers, oscillators, and filters including optimum noise
figure and maximum power designs.
View the Course Syllabus
EE 201 - Electronic Circuits
This class is an introduction to electrical engineering. It focuses on basic circuit and systems
concepts such as Kirchhoff's Laws, Ohm's Law, and basic circuit elements such as the resistor, inductor,
and capacitor. This class also covers circuit analysis techniques including DC, sinusoidal steady-state, and
transient analysis. Additionally, students learn AC power concepts, frequency response of basic circuits, and
how to use PSpice in circuit design. There is also an associated laboratory section.
View the Course Syllabus
Spring Courses:
EE 507 - VLSI Circuits for Wireless
The primary goal of this class is to analyze and design radio frequency
integrated circuits (RFICs) for wireless and wired communication. The
course begins with an overview of wireless technology and a discussion
of fundamental concepts in RF design, such as nonlinearity, sensitivity,
and dynamic range. The discussion will then move towards matching and
impedance transformation networks as well as noise in integrated
circuits. In addition to transceiver architectures, the remainder of the
course concentrates on the detailed analysis and design of common RF
building blocks including: low-noise amplifiers, mixers, oscillators,
and power amplifiers.
View the Course Syllabus
EE 506 - CMOS Phase Locked Loops
Phase-locked loops (PLLs) are an integral part of many systems from
television to high-speed wireless and wired communication systems. This
class incorporates both the analysis and design of PLLs and upon
completion of this course students will be able to identify and analyze
PLLs of different types and orders. Students will be able to understand
the design trade-offs between different performance metrics including
settling time, tuning range, and noise and using this information to
analyze and design the various PLL sub-components such as
phase/frequency detectors, charge pumps, loop-filters, and voltage
controlled oscillators. Finally, students will have a thorough
understanding of the various integration issues and their impacts upon
PLL performance.
View the Course Syllabus