Journal Publications
Power Amplifiers
- Y. Li, Z. Zhang, and N. M. Neihart, "Switchless compact dual-band matching networks for class-E power amplifiers," to appear in Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing.
- K. K. Sessou and N. M. Neihart, "An integrated 700-1200 MHz class-F PA with tunable harmonic terminations in 0.13um CMOS," IEEE Trans. on Microwave Theory and Techniques, vol. 63, pp. 1315-1323, Apr. 2015.
- X. Yu. and N. M. Neihart, "Analysis and design of a reconfigurable multi-mode low-noise amplifier utilizing a multi-tap transformer," IEEE Trans. on Microwave Theory and Techniques special issue on 2012 RFIC Symposium, vol. 61, pp. 1326-12-46, Mar. 2013.
- N. M. Neihart, J. Brown, and X. Yu, "A dual-band 2.45/6 GHz CMOS LNA utilizing a dual-resonant transformer-based matching Network," IEEE Trans. on Circuits and Systems - I: Regular Papers, vol. 59, pp. 1743-1751, Aug. 2012.
- X.Yu, A. El-Gouhary, and N. M. Neihart, "A transformer-based dual-coupled triple-mode CMOS LC-VCO," IEEE Trans. on Microwave Theory and Techniques, vol. 62, pp. 2059-2070, Sep. 2014.
Power Amplifiers
- Y. Li, B. Montgomery, and N. M. Neihart, "Develpment of a concurrent dual-band switch-mode power amplifier based on current-switching class-D configuration," presented at IEEE Wireless and Microwave Technology Conference, 2016. Slides PDF
- Z. Zhang, Y. Li, and N. M. Neihart, "Architecture comparison for concurrent multi-band linear power amplifiers," invited to IEEE Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems Special session on Circuits for Enhancing Access to Radio Spectrum and Phased-Array Radar, Aug. 2015. Slides PDF
- Y.Li, Z. Zhang, and N. M. Neihart, "Switchless matching networks for dual-band class-E power amplifiers," IEEE Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems special session on Reconfigurable Smart RF-CAS for RADAR Apertures and Cognitive Radios/EARS, pp. 555-558, Aug. 2014. Slides PDF
- X. Yu and N. M. Neihart, "A 2-11 GHz reconfigurable multi-mode LNA in 0.13um CMOS," IEEE Radio Frequency Integrated Circuits Symposium, pp. 475-478, June 2012.
- X. Yu and N. M. Neihart, "Design and characterization of symmetric multi-tap transformers," IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, pp. 954-957, May 2012.
- X. Yu and N. M. Neihart, "Integrated multi-tap transformer for reconfigurable multimode matching networks," IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, pp. 1395-1398, May 2011.
- N. M. Neihart, A. El-Gouhary, Y. Li, K. Sessou, and X. Yu, "Multiband anteann interface circuits for cognitive radio," invited to IEEE Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems special session on Circuits and Systems for Enhanced Access to Radio Spectrum, pp. 876-879, Aug. 2013.
- Y. Li and N. M. Neihart, "Mathematical analysis of inter-band intermodulation for concurrent dual-band mixers," IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, pp. 829-832, May 2013.